Airport Tycoon 3 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Airport Tycoon 3 | |
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Airport Tycoon 3
Cheat Codes:
Enter the following codes for the desired effect.
Code Effect
DoEarthquake - Invoke Earthquake.
MassDrop Get - Huge Airport.
INeedCash Get - 100.000.000 extra money.
DoTornado - Invoke Tornado.
SetBudget xxx - Get xxx extra money.
SetCash xxx - get xxx extra money.
HideGame - Hide Game.
ShowGame - Unhide Game.
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Wrishi
In a passenger terminal, place a lot of toilet stalls . now save the game.
Demolish all the toilets , your cash goes up .Now save the game And then
reload. Your money will remain, and whoa la ; the toilets reappear. you
can repeat any no of times , an build fascinating airports.
You can send me any queries at this id: shiladitya_91@yahoo.co.in
All airlines:
Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "airlines"
file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.
Set the value for the "QUALITY" line to "1". All airlines will now be unlocked.
All planes:
Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "planes"
file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.
Change the date value of each airplane to "1/1970".
All buildings:
Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "buildings"
file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.
Change the date value after the "destroy" line of each building to "1/1970".
Free items:
Have the game patched to the latest version. Use a text editor to edit the "buildings"
file in the "\program files\global star software\airport tycoon 3\data\db" directory.
Change the value before the word "BUILD" in each line to "0".
Also, change the value after the word "MONTHLYCOST" to "0".
Easy money:
Place a lot of bathroom stalls in a passenger terminal, then save the game. Demolish
all the toilets . Your money will increase. Save the game again. Load the saved game.
The toilet stalls will re-appear, and you will still have your previous amount of
money. Repeat this as many times as desired.
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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