
AI War - Fleet Command Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: AI War - Fleet Command 
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 AI War - Fleet Command Cheats

AI War - Fleet Command

Cheat Codes:
While in-game enter into chat box (not case sensitive). when the words (CHEATS)
appear right after it, it is correct, otherwise you may have entered wrong. 
some are for later versions.

Code                    Effect
Activate the Omega    - +1 Omega Drive (added in 2.001) 
Advanced Fat          - +1 Advanced Factory (added in 2.001) 
Armor Em              - +5 Armored Missiles (added in 2.001) 
Be Peaceful           - -100 AI Progress 
Bomb The Stars        - +1 Mark IV Bomber Starship 
Bombs Away            - +50 Mark IV Bombers 
cleanup aisle three   - Wipes the current planet
Core Cruisin          - +50 Core Battle Cruisers 
Core of the Star      - +1 Core Starship (added in 2.001) 
Crystal Goblet        - +100,000 Crystal 
Energize              - +10 Mark II Energy Reactors 
Engies                - +10 Mark II Engineers 
Fight Or Flight       - +50 Mark IV Fighters 
Fog This!             - Change Fog of War To Completly Visible
Better Than Trelawney - Reveal Random AI Types
Get Angry             - +100 AI Progress 
Give Me K             - +10,000 Knowledge 
I Can See My House    - All Planets Are Scouted 
I Love Leeches        - +50 Core Leeches 
Just Cruisin          -  +50 Cruisers 
Metal Head            - +100,0000 Metal 
More More More        - Remove Ship Cap From All Units (added in 1.014) 
Nuke Em               - +5 Nuclear Missiles 
Pull The Lever        - Spawns a MASSIVE Cross Planet Attack / 1 Second Left 
                        On The Timer; use with caution, esp. on difficulty 8+,
                        will kill framerate (added in 3.101) 
Send In The Clowns    - Spawns a Normal Cross Planet Attack / 1 Second Left 
                        On The Timer (added in 3.101) 
Spawn Angry Colonists - Trigger Human Colony Rebellion On Current Planet, 
                        Enabling Rebellions If Previously Off (added in 2.001)
Spawn The Conners     - Trigger Human Resistance On Current Planet, Enabling 
                        Resistance If Previously Off (added in 2.001) 
Spawn Vagabonds       - Trigger Human Marauder Incursion On Current Planet, 
                        Enabling Marauders If Previously Off (added in 2.001)
Warp In The Clowns    - Spawns a Normal Wave / 1 Second Left On The Timer.

Unlockables - Steam achievements:
Complete each requirement to receive the achievements.

Unlockable                 How to Unlock	
1. 1,000,000 Points      - Reach a score of one million points in a single game.
1. 10,000,000 Points     - Reach a score of ten million points in a single game.
1. 5,000,000 Points      - Reach a score of five million points in a single game.
1. 500,000 Points        - Reach a score of five hundred thousand points in a single game.
1. Control 15            - Your team must control fifteen non-home planets in a single game.
1. Control 2             - Your team must control two non-home planets in a single game.
1. Control 25            - Your team must control twenty-five non-home planets in a single game.
1. Control 35            - Your team must control thirty-five non-home planets in a single game.
1. Control 5             - Your team must control five non-home planets in a single game.
1. First Loss            - Lose to the AI on any difficulty level.
1. First Victory         - Win against the AI on any difficulty level.
1. Kills: Merciless      - Kill at least 75,000 ships in a single game.
1. Kills: Warrior        - Kill at least 30,000 ships in a single game.	
1. Kills: Xenocidal      - Kill at least 200,000 ships in a single game.	
1. Win on 100-Planet Map - Win a game on a one hundred planet map.	
1. Win on 120-Planet Map - Win a game on a one hundred and twenty planet map.	
1. Win on 40-Planet Map  - Win a game on a forty planet map.
1. Win on 80-Planet Map  - Win a game on an eighty planet map.
2. Broken Sledge         - Win against Sledge Hammer on any difficulty.
2. Broken Sledge         - Win against Sledge Hammer on difficulty 7 or up.
2. Broken Sledge         - Win against Sledge Hammer on difficulty 9 or up.
2. Detrencher            - Win against Entrenched Homeworlder on difficulty 7 or up.
2. Detrencher            - Win against Entrenched Homeworlder on difficulty 9 or up.
2. Detrencher            - Win against Entrenched Homeworlder on any difficulty.
2. Fort Buster           - Win against Fortress Baron on difficulty 7 or up.
2. Fort Buster           - Win against Fortress Baron on any difficulty.
2. Fort Buster           - Win against Fortress Baron on difficulty 9 or up.
2. Tank Buster           - Win against The Tank on difficulty 7 or up.
2. Tank Buster           - Win against The Tank on difficulty 9 or up.
2. Tank Buster           - Win against The Tank on any difficulty.
2. Train Wreck           - Win against Train Master on any difficulty.
2. Train Wreck           - Win against Train Master on difficulty 7 or up.
2. Train Wreck           - Win against Train Master on difficulty 9 or up.
2. Turtle Soup           - Win against Turtle on any difficulty.
2. Turtle Soup           - Win against Turtle on difficulty 9 or up.
2. Turtle Soup           - Win against Turtle on difficulty 7 or up.
2. What A Dud            - Win against Mine Enthusiast on difficulty 7 or up.
2. What A Dud            - Win against Mine Enthusiast on difficulty 9 or up.
2. What A Dud            - Win against Mine Enthusiast on any difficulty.
3. Broken Legs           - Win against Assassin on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Broken Legs           - Win against Assassin on any difficulty.
3. Broken Legs           - Win against Assassin on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Caught In The Act     - Win against Backdoor Hacker on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Caught In The Act     - Win against Backdoor Hacker on any difficulty.
3. Caught In The Act     - Win against Backdoor Hacker on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Counter This          - Win against Counter Spy on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Counter This          - Win against Counter Spy on any difficulty.
3. Counter This          - Win against Counter Spy on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Electric Turtle Soup  - Win against Teleporter Turtle on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Electric Turtle Soup  - Win against Teleporter Turtle on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Electric Turtle Soup  - Win against Teleporter Turtle on any difficulty.
3. I Saw That            - Win against Stealth Master on difficulty 7 or up.
3. I Saw That            - Win against Stealth Master on difficulty 9 or up.
3. I Saw That            - Win against Stealth Master on any difficulty.
3. Not Hungry            - Win against Feeding Parasite on any difficulty.
3. Not Hungry            - Win against Feeding Parasite on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Not Hungry            - Win against Feeding Parasite on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Pick On Someone Else  - Win against Bully on any difficulty.
3. Pick On Someone Else  - Win against Bully on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Pick On Someone Else  - Win against Bully on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Raid Fail             - Win against Vicious Raider on any difficulty.
3. Raid Fail             - Win against Vicious Raider on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Raid Fail             - Win against Vicious Raider on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Truly Mad             - Win against Mad Bomber on difficulty 9 or up.
3. Truly Mad             - Win against Mad Bomber on difficulty 7 or up.
3. Truly Mad             - Win against Mad Bomber on any difficulty.
4. Fancy Hammer          - Win against Technologist Sledge on difficulty 9 or up.
4. Fancy Hammer          - Win against Technologist Sledge on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Fancy Hammer          - Win against Technologist Sledge on any difficulty.
4. I'm Badly Burned      - Win against Scorched Earth on difficulty 7 or up.
4. I'm Badly Burned      - Win against Scorched Earth on difficulty 9 or up.
4. I'm Badly Burned      - Win against Scorched Earth on any difficulty.
4. Ivory Tower           - Win against Technologist Turtle on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Ivory Tower           - Win against Technologist Turtle on any difficulty.
4. Ivory Tower           - Win against Technologist Turtle on difficulty 9 or up.
4. Man Down!             - Win against Special Forces Captain on difficulty 9 or up.
4. Man Down!             - Win against Special Forces Captain on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Man Down!             - Win against Special Forces Captain on any difficulty.
4. Peeled And Roasted    - Win against The Core on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Peeled And Roasted    - Win against The Core on any difficulty.
4. Peeled And Roasted    - Win against The Core on difficulty 9 or up.
4. Techno Dancer         - Win against Technologist Raider on difficulty 9 or up.
4. Techno Dancer         - Win against Technologist Raider on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Techno Dancer         - Win against Technologist Raider on any difficulty.
4. Techno House          - Win against Technologist Homeworlder on any difficulty.
4. Techno House          - Win against Technologist Homeworlder on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Techno House          - Win against Technologist Homeworlder on difficulty 9 or up.
4. The Glow Slowly Dies  - Win against Attritioner on any difficulty.
4. The Glow Slowly Dies  - Win against Attritioner on difficulty 9 or up.
4. The Glow Slowly Dies  - Win against Attritioner on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Turn On The Lights    - Win against Shadow Master on difficulty 9 or up.
4. Turn On The Lights    - Win against Shadow Master on difficulty 7 or up.
4. Turn On The Lights    - Win against Shadow Master on any difficulty.
5. Control 110           - Your team must control one hundred and ten non-home planets in a 
                           single game.	
5. Control 50            - Your team must control fifty non-home planets in a single game.
5. Control 80            - Your team must control eighty non-home planets in a single game.
5. Double Godlike        - Win against 2 AIs on difficulty level 10 or up, with no positive 
                           human or negative AI handicaps.	
5. Double Paragon        - Win against 2 AIs on difficulty level 10 or up.
5. Godlike               - Win against the AI on difficulty level 10 or up, 
                           with no positive human or negative AI handicaps.
5. Maxed Out Resources   - Accumulate 600,000 each stored metal and crystal in a single game.	
5. Paragon               - Win against the AI on difficulty level 10 or up.

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