Aladdin - Nasira's Revenge Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Aladdin - Nasira's Revenge | |
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Aladdin - Nasira's Revenge
Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB
At the genie bonus stage press and hold down the space bar from star till end. You will
got a bonus life every time 100%!
Get unlimited lives:
Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB
Yes you're right, edit the file "slot.crd" by a hex editor then in first line address
00000018 type 99 for first slot.
Electronic Puzzle solution:
Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB
At the pyramid stage, on level 3 Push the button which will bring the cat statue up then
go on the paddle to the cat statue. And push the cat statue towards the left and place it
on the other pillar which has a cat picture, Then go forward you'll see two pillars come
out from the floor and you can make your way out of here. At the pyramid stage, on level
2 drag the box by pushing it on the hole in the floor it will fit on it. Now climb the
ladder and head toward the box which has a picture of foots and jump on it. The box will
move and set up on the pillar and now you are free to get out of here. There is one more
damn puzzle which i tried to reveal here but i think that can't be write in text.
Yes you're right that puzzle is the box puzzle but if you need help on that puzzle mail
me to get the pictures of that puzzle.
Access all levels:
Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB
E-mail: hero810@hotmail.com
Edit the file slots.crd by your favorite hex editor and then go to address 00000019 and
type (28 01 01) for first slot.
or 00000919 for second slot.
00001219 for last slot. As you wish .......
This is the best cheat than ever cu'z you don't need any continue, Coins, Genie token or
any diamond. Because the game saves automatically on every level.
Email: s_ruchit@hotmail.com
Submitted by: Ruchit Surati
At the Pyramids stage, you can go directly to level 4 by completing level 2 twice, since
level 2 is much easier than level 3 especially when you have to surf the water. After
completing level 2 a second time, just quit and go to the load game area and you will
see that the level 4 square is activated and u can play it.
Submitted by: Zeneil Ambekar
E-mail: Ambekar@hotmail.co.in
Cheat Code
infinite lives - f1
infinite energy - f2
infinite continues - f3
add 1 life - f4
add 10 coins - f5
add 1 gem - f6
add 1 genie token - f7
Submitted by: Vegito
* In the Palace there is a floor in which the brooms are walking.
* On that floor it is difficult to walk
* If you want to cross the floor easily. Run Aladdin on it and press
* the 1st person view button.Aladdin will slip on that floor and cross it easily.
Submitted by: damodar shenoy
Alternate ending sequence:
Collect all twenty blue gems to view a congratulations screen after the ending FMV sequence.
Hint: Defeating spiders and snakes:
To kill spiders and snakes quicker, use the downward jab.
Hint: Defeating mummies:
To kill the mummies in the pyramids, throw four flaming swords at them.
Hint: Defeating minatour guards:
To kill the minatour guards found in the pyramids, throw four flaming swords at them, then
hit them with your sword.
Hint: Defeatin minatour warriors:
To kill the minatour warriors found in the pyramids, attack them when they start walking around
Hint: Defeating Bow Warriors:
To kill the Bow Warriors found in Agrabah, hit them when they start spinning their bow.
Hint: Defeating Spinners:
To kill the Spinners found in Oasis, hit them when they put their swords by their sides.
Hint: Blue gems:
To get blue gems, Find the three red gems in any level. Then, win the bonus game at the end
of the level and the Genie will reward you with a blue gem.
Until it is safe to attack, block the enemies attacks. Always keep some apples/rocks/flaming
swords/etc. on you. You never know when you might need them. Try to get all the Genie Tokens
in order to get lives/continues/full health, etc. at the end of the level
Getting past the lasers:
When you reach the part in pyramid level 3 where you have to move the blocks to deflect the
lasers, don't bother. The door in the corner doesn't work too well. perform a ground slam
attack against the door and you will have glitched your way through to the third Boss.
To easy kill enemies:
Submitted by: prabhash
While fighting a enemy use the block button when the enemy will attack you.he will now stand
idealy for some time. While he is standing attack him.
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