Ale & Tale Tavern Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Ale & Tale Tavern | |
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Ale & Tale Tavern
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Gameplay Tips:
* Look through the game settings, you might find some useful options there.
* Start the full game from the beginning, not from the prologue save. The
full game has a different tutorial. You can move save files manually,
but it’s not recommended.
* If your computer gets too hot, try limiting the game’s FPS in settings.
Make sure your computer’s cooling is working properly.
* Play with a good internet connection, especially the host player.
Playing on the same Wi-Fi network might cause small issues.
* If you have connection problems, check your firewall settings.
Make sure Steam is allowed through your firewall.
* You can play offline. Choose this option when starting the game.
* There’s a “simple dishwashing” option in settings. Use it to adjust
* You can put dirty dishes on the dishwasher and wash them later.
* You can buy an automatic dishwasher later in the game.
* Buy a jukebox for music in your tavern. There are as many songs as
story quests.
* You don’t need to select a dish to serve it. Just having it in your
inventory is enough.
* Hold the action button near serving tables to place all dishes at once.
* All players share money.
* All players share quests.
* You can stop other players from removing furniture. You can kick problem
players from the game. Items they bought will be sold automatically after
a while.
* Try different ingredients in the cauldron to make new potions.
* Eat food to regain health. Some items have special effects when eaten.
* Press ENTER for text chat.
* Use the locator (T key) to see other players and the tavern on the map.
* You can catch things other than fish.
* The forest is more dangerous at night.
* There are many ways to make money, so don’t worry about going broke.
* Change menu dishes if they stop giving much experience. Dishes recover
experience over time if not served.
* The game adjusts difficulty based on the number of players. You can play
alone or with friends.
* You can change how many dishes are cooked at once in the cooking window.
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