
Aliens: Dark Descent Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Aliens: Dark Descent Cheats

Aliens: Dark Descent

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Defeating The Cultists:
Nades, Shotgun, Mines, Sentry Gun, APC and Snipe.

* Basicly try to use your abilities and kit to save on ammo. 
* Otherwise you gotta huddle behind cover and do Brooklyn Crouch 
  Shuffle of popping out and down again for a few shots.
* They are indeed annoying to deal with. And it gets even worse 
  when they start fielding guns… and then there is the Guardians.

How to Defeat Queen in Dead Hills:
I can say this for easy ways to deal with the queen. Note these 
testings where done on easy and normal.

* Drop a turret a the door, one facing the door and one facing away.
  these will be your life line do not leave their firing area as that
  one facing the door will save you from face huggers.
* The moment she starts charging launch a grenade in her path, hitting 
  her with it stops the charge and stuns her.
* Flamethrowers are really good at just melting everything but their 
  deploy time means you have to enter in slow mo the moment the fight 
  starts and spam them.
* A single tech with a turret on offensive mode and fully supplied can 
  save you from the face huggers as long as you have spammed down the 
  queen with grenades.
* If you have a gunner put them on suppressing fire ASAP aimed at the 
  queen, note one of hte face huggers comes from the left lower area so
  watch for that but he/she can easily wipe the queen on easy and normal.
* Ultimate cheese, start the fight retreat to the tunnel, have placed 
  enough landmines to kill god in that tunnel watch as the queen blows 
  herself the face huggers, and her guards up. mines OP if used smar.
* Sniper rifle, seriously that ability is really useful.
* Flare then grenades, that crit up makes things easier, also makes it 
  easier to see the face huggers
* So far in my testing, As long as you have prepped before hand, or have  
  full command points going in, you should be fine.

A recommendation is level your troops up don’t give them any abilities 
until you know what they are, the moment you get a tech fully upgrade 
that drone ASAP. having that 5th gun is always nice, especially as it is 
an SMG and really good against smaller threats. also in none story areas 
you can swap to manual control of it and move it in first to scout or 
clean up.

Seriously that drone is really useful especially for things like egg 
hunting later on. don’t risk your men just a single drone.. just make 
sure to always have tools on you if you go this path.

Tips for New Players:
Written by Artimise Flare

-=Am I supposed to avoid the aliens?=-
Yes, the game heavily discourages you from going guns blazing because all 
resources you find on the map are finite. Once you pick them up, they’re 
gone. (Extra ammo that you pick up during the mission that your marines do 
not have the capacity to carry upon initial deployment will be lost upon 
extraction. Ex. If your marines can carry only 4 magazines and you extract
 with 5, that 5th magazine goes into the void.) The exception to this rule 
is that any medical kits, tools, or sentry guns that you carry will be 
placed into storage upon your return to the Otago.

-=Can I craft ammo?=-
No, you cannot. As you progress through the game, you will be given the 
option to give your marines additional passive upgrades, such as pouches to 
carry an extra tool or medical kit or bandoliers that allow them to deploy 
with an extra magazine (Each marine by default carries one magazine loaded 
into their weapon and one spare) Additionally, there is an attribute 
(Resourceful) that you can potentially get when leveling up your marines 
that will grant a single magazine to your squad each time they rest in a 
safe room (this attribute stacks, so if 2 marines have this attribute, you 
will receive 2 magazines per rest period). Only take what you need if at 
all possible.

-=How am I supposed to play this game?=-
The tunnels can be tricky, especially if you have not unlocked special 
classes on your marines (such as the recon, which gives you the option to 
silently eliminate enemies via a precision shot + the suppressor upgrade 
the class can get). However it is doable.

Tip 1: Strategically place motion detectors around the map. Abuse this, 
because it can make a massive difference; not just because it gives you 
awareness of where enemies are, but because you can use them to draw 
enemies away from you by over charging them via the overview map (even 
while you’re being hunted). They cost nothing other than a command point, 
and those passively regenerate over time.

Tip 2: Sentry guns do NOT trigger hunts when they kill an enemy (nor do 
landmines), you can use this to your advantage by luring an enemy down 
a long hallway or tunnel that has the turret pre-setup.

Tip 3: Use your secondary weapons; they do not require ammunition to use, 
they only require command points. Eventually you will unlock the flame 
thrower, this is an incredibly useful tool. The AI for the is fairly 
intelligent and will completely divert their pathing to avoid going through 
the fire whenever possible. So if you have two door ways (and no tools left) 
you can spray napalm in front of that door and force the enemies to either 
run through the fire (taking damage as they do so) or funnel them through 
a kill box of your choosing. Flamethrowers also do NOT trigger a hunt when 
used to hard boil face hugger eggs (Just be sure to position yourself in 
such a way that you can hose them down before they passively detect your 

Tip 4: Do not be afraid to “sprint” to get away from enemies. Pay attention 
to both your map and the radar, if they do not have LoS on you, and there 
isn’t a xeno lurking in a vent, you likely will be able to sprint away to 
get behind cover, run down an ajacent hallway to avoid detection.

Tip 5: Do not be afraid to extract and head back to the Otago if you’ve 
angered the hive too much to reset their aggression. Resting in a safe room 
does NOT lower hive aggression, extract, regroup, come back with a fresh 
set of marines and with a fresh set of consumables when necessary.

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