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  Hints and Tips for: A Little to the Left 
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 A Little to the Left Cheats

A Little to the Left

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips to Obtain Rainbow to the Moon Achievement:
* Important! The starting containers they give you each time you 
  complete a row don’t matter.
* Only the containers you physically select yourself count.
* So just make sure to stick to the pattern of blue, red, yellow 
  that you see when the game’s first loading that level and the 
  kitty’s jumping up into its starting position.
* I.e. select only blue containers when you first start out in the 
  puzzle until you create a point for the cat to jump up to, then 
  only red, then only yellow, so on and so forth.
* That should get you the achievement once you reach the top.

Written by Leafpool10120

* Placement can be very specific for a level to register as completed. 
* Listen for a ding to verify that things are placed right. 
* If the level doesn't feature dings, keep slightly moving the object 
  around until you get it.
* If you're presented with a bunch of items, several having duplicates, 
  you're probably looking at a symmetry level. 
* Place the ones with no duplicates somewhere along the center line, 
  and try to work from there.

Tips to Daily Tidy:
The ‘starting symbol’ for it is a crab claw – so if you get a Daily 
that has a crab claw symbol on the starting page just before the Daily 
Puzzle itself opens – then you know that it’s a puzzle of this kind.

The solving principles for those are quite simple: All double (mirrored) 
items placed anywhere you want but in mirrored positions to each other 
on each side of an imagined vertical centre line. Any ‘single’ items you 
place ON that imagined centre line. No items must touch.

* The clock is something many people also find a bit hard (search term 
  ‘clock’ will give you that, and it’s the same solving principle as in 
  the main game).
* The calendar/stickers – has specific help in the Guides section (and 
  I’ll blatantly recommend my own postings on it as well).
* For the constellations (patterns with stars – all cat poses) – use the 
  PRO tip with Q and E to identify any stray interactable stars you may 
  have missed, that’s usually the reason people get stuck on that one.
* For the sorting puzzle type with 5 sets of items and colours – if you’re 
  stuck it’s usually because of 2 sets of items very close in detail or in 
  colour. Rocks of sliiightly different sizes, for example, or, say, very 
  close shades of slightly darker blue and slightly lighter blue. That kind 
  of thing. Mostly the items are very easy to tell apart in this puzzle type,
  so when once in a while one of the brain frying ones turn up, people can 
  get confused.
* For the symmetrical leaves one – sometimes leaves overlap so closely they 
  can be hard to tell apart – a practical tip is to look for the leaf stems 
  where they attach to the branches, rather than for the leaf shapes 
  themselves. This one also can have very, very small details to look out for.

And in general: if you’re completely stuck – then posting a screenshot is 
usually your best bet for someone to be able to help you out (doesn’t work 
for the Clock one, obviously, but for nearly all types).

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