All-Star Baseball 2004 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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All-Star Baseball 2004 | |
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All-Star Baseball 2004
Easy points:
Start a two player game, with only one actual player. Throw a perfect
game, striking out every batter. Save the game in the bottom of the
ninth inning with two strikes and two outs. Finish the game, collect
your points, and save the options. Reload the game and repeat to
collect the points again.
Change to the team that you are facing and make them play poorly,
allowing your original team to score a lot of runs. In the last inning,
switch back to your team and claim your team's cheaply made points.
Free balls:
If you are down in the count or need a quick ball, pretend to lay down
a bunt. Pull back while the pitcher is in his motion. This should result
in a ball being thrown. Note: This only works up to two times in an at
Throw hard 4 seam fastball correctly:
If you have a pitcher or created player that throws a hard 4 seam fastball,
always place the pitching cursor below where you want the pitch to go. The
pitch will automatically rise after the pitcher releases it. However, with
other pitches (curveball, slider, changeup, etc.) the ball will end up
where you put the pitching cursor.
View player's energy in franchise mode:
When at the main menu in franchise mode, go to "GM Office", then "Roster
Management", then "Disabled List". Look through your players to see which
ones are tired (except pitchers). If a starting player is tired, you
should bench and rest him for one game.
Restore pitcher's energy:
Wait until your pitcher has low energy then pause game play. If your
pitcher is still on the mound, go to "Save Game and Quit", then save the
game. Restart the system, and when you go to the main menu, load the game.
When you finish loading, it should automatically take you back to the game,
and it should show your pitcher on the mound with the full green energy bar.
Sign All-star players to long-term contracts for less:
Create as many players as desired for the positions you want by using the
"Create-A-Player" option. Collect the players you have made from the free
agent pool and sign them to your team. Once you have all of your created
players that you want, go to "Roster Management", then to "Long-Term
Contracts". Offer each player you created a long-term contract at the
same, or even for a lower price than they want. Since the players are not
proven in the major leagues, they will sign for basically nothing (just
for the chance to play). You can now edit their stats in "Player Editor".
Make each player the best that they can be (everything A+), and you will
have the best team for the lowest price. Use this in franchise or expansion
Demote player without other teams claiming him off waivers:
Go to the player editor and make all his stats to D- so that no teams would
want to claim him off waivers. When you want to promote a player back to
the Major Leagues, change his ratings back to his default settings.
Better players:
Select the "Extras" option at the main menu, then choose "Player Management".
On that screen is a category called "Player Editor". It allows you to improve
players. In season mode, go to "GM", then choose "Player Management", then
"Player Editor". Note: Making a player all A+ may result in the game freezing
in later innings.
Created pitcher:
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 203
+ 4 Seam Fastball
+ Curveball
+ Slider
+ Changeup
Stance and deliver are 3/4 low kick
Have all stats up
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