Among Trees Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Among Trees
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Beginner tips:
* Your first task is to restore the cabin using boards and logs scattered
throughout the woodland floor. It’s your house, and you may enhance it
with various in-game materials to add more rooms.
* When you pause the game, you also receive the ‘I’m stuck’ option, which
respawns you to a spot 20 seconds ago.
* In the lower right corner of your screen, you can see your hunger, health,
vitality, and temperature. So, if you don’t want to die of famine,
exhaustion, freezing, poisoning, or being mauled by a bear, keep an
eye on those.
* You can’t make goods for yourself. You’ll need to return to your cabin
and use the Workbench if you wish to build something.
* There is no autosave feature in the game. You may, however, preserve your
progress by using the diary in your cabin.
* Food items offer multiple benefits like the Golden Chanterelle that can
subside hunger and raise your temperature. Cooked foods give better
returns, so build the cooking room as soon as possible.
* If you become trapped on a rock or other terrain feature, utilize the
momentum of your swinging axe to extricate yourself.
Gathering and hunting tips:
* Driftwood clings to the ground along the river. So, if you’re looking
for them, look carefully.
* Watchtowers are excellent for locating precious resources such as bolts,
cables, ropes, and so on. This area is also frequented by bears, so take
* Dogbane stems are hard to find. There is a place behind your cabin where
you can find some. Approach the watchtower behind the cabin. Keep looking
right while you’re going towards the tower and you’ll find a path between
two rocks.
* You’ll notice a larger rock further down the path. The dogbane is usually
located past that large boulder.
* To routinely catch fish, head to the pier or keep an eye out for splashes
in the water. When you see one, choose a location and cast your line away
from the splash. The splash and the fishing wire should be in the same
line. When you pass over the splash location, keep reeling and you’ll
get a bite.
Note: Even if you’re a few inches off, don’t cancel and keep reeling since
you can catch a fish even though the bite meter isn’t flashing.
Sticks can be hard to find. The easiest way to farm sticks is to build the
Woodman’s axe and whack down trees.
Note: There is no item durability (yet), thus once you build an item, you
can use it eternally until the developers address the issue.
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