Angels That Kill Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Angels That Kill
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy "Absolution" achievement:
Select "Epilogue" at the "Chapters Selection" menu, then go to
the hotel and your room.
Easy "Calling The Soccer Moms Pt.1" achievement:
At the start of Chapter 1 there is a revolver in the room. Use it three
times (Left Mouse Button, Right Mouse Button, then Right Mouse Button).
Easy "Calling The Soccer Moms Pt.2" achievement:
Press X in Chapters 2 or 4.
Easy "Completionist" achievement:
View all eight ending sequences.
Easy "Ending 1" achievement:
Collect the knife in Chapter 2 and get to the hotel roof at the end of the
Easy "Ending 2" achievement:
Do not collect any items that triggers an ending by the time you reach the
hotel roof at the end.
Easy "Ending 3" achievement:
Take the pills at starting room and the knife in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3,
talk to the mysterious man behind the well at the northeast part of the map.
Easy "Ending 4" achievement:
Take the pills at the starting room and the knife in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3,
talk to the mysterious man behind the well at the northeast part of the map
then reach the hotel roof at the end.
Easy "Ending 5" achievement:
Take the pills at the starting room and the knife in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3,
talk to the mysterious man at the south part of the map near the museum and
construction site. There is a house nearby with four large gates. After
speaking with him, reach the hotel roof at the end.
Easy "Ending 6" achievement:
Take the revolver during Chapter 4. It is found at the hotel.
Then end the game on the hotel roof.
Easy "Ending 7" achievement:
Take the knife in Chapter 2. At the end, instead of running to the hotel,
run further to the right of Mindy's Cafe, then to the left. Be careful not
to do this quickly because there is a well hidden police car on one of the
streets. Come out behind that police car, then continue further until you
reach the end of the city where the construction site is located. It is on
an open street with pipes close to the museum, which is near to the police
Easy "Ending 8" achievement:
Do not take any object that triggers an ending. At the end, instead of
running to the hotel, run further to the right of Mindy's Cafe, then to the
left. Be careful not to do this quickly because there is a well hidden police
car on one of the streets. Come out behind that police car, then continue
further until you reach the end of the city where the construction site is
located. It is on an open street with pipes close to the museum, which is
near to the police station.
Easy "Hold Up" achievement:
When you need to run to the hotel at the end of the game, do not go up the
stairs. Instead, wait five minutes in the lobby.
Easy "Killer" achievement:
Enter the "Chapters Selection" menu, then choose the "Left Mode" option.
Go to the knife. Be careful, you need to [Ctrl] to crouch to the left of
the police. When you are out, run to the subway.
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