Angry Birds Trilogy Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Angry Birds Trilogy | |
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Angry Birds Trilogy
Submitted by: David K.
Achievements: Fowl Tempered Pack DLC
20 - Boo! - Smash 1000 Ghost Blocks
30 - Bubble Popper - Spawn 500 bubbles with Pink Bird
30 - Completed Back to School - Complete Seasons Episode 13 (without the Mighty Eagle)
15 - Completed Bad Piggies - Complete Classic Episode 8 (without the Mighty Eagle)
15 - Completed Haunted Hogs - Complete Seasons Episode 14 (without the Mighty Eagle)
15 - Completed Surf and Turf - Complete Classic Episode 9 (without the Mighty Eagle)
15 - Completed Winter Wonderham - Complete Seasons Episode 15 (without the Mighty Eagle)
15 - Eagle-Amplifier - Get 100% Eagle score in every single level of Fowl Tempered
50 - Handyman - Collect all Golden Wrenches in Classic Episode 8
15 - Star-Amplifier - Get 3 stars in every single level of Fowl Tempered
Achievements: Anger Management DLC
Completed Birdday Party (15) - Complete Classic Episode 7 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Cherry Blossom (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 11 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Ham'O'Ween (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 8 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Piglantis (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 12 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Wreck the Halls (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 9 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Year of the Dragon (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 10 (without the Mighty Dragon)
Eagle-Expander (50) - Get 100% Eagle score in every single level of Anger Management
Mighty Dragon (30) - Get 100% Dragon score in all levels of Seasons Episode 10
Star-Expander (50) - Get 3 stars in every single level of Anger Management
Waterbird (30) - Make 500 birds swim
Main Game
Bacon (20) - Smash 1000 pigs
Block Annihilator (30) - Smash 100,000 blocks
Block Breaker (10) - Smash 5000 blocks
Blockpocalypse (20) - Smash 50 blocks with the first bird (before launching another bird)
Completed Airfield Chase (15) - Complete Rio Episode 5 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Beach Volley (15) - Complete Rio Episode 3 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Carnival Upheaval (15) - Complete Rio Episode 4 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Danger Above (15) - Complete Classic Episode 3 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Easter Eggs (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 5 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Go Green, Get Lucky (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 4 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Ham'Em High (15) - Complete Classic Episode 5 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Hogs and Kisses (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 3 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Jungle Escape (15) - Complete Rio Episode 2 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Mighty Hoax (15) - Complete Classic Episode 2 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Mine and Dine (15) - Complete Classic Episode 6 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Mooncake Festival (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 7 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Poached Eggs (15) - Complete Classic Episode 1 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Season's Greedings (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 2 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Smugglers' Den (15) - Complete Rio Episode 1 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Smugglers' Plane (15) - Complete Rio Episode 6 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Summer Pignic (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 6 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed The Big Setup (15) - Complete Classic Episode 4 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Completed Trick or Treat (15) - Complete Seasons Episode 1 (without the Mighty Eagle)
Egg Collector (30) - Unlock all Golden Egg levels
Egg Guru (10) - Complete 10 Golden Egg levels
Egg Hunter (10) - Unlock 5 Golden Egg levels
Egg Master (30) - Complete all Golden Egg levels
Gravel Factory (20) - Smash 5000 Stone Blocks
Hyperefficient (20) - Finish a level with a single bird
Icebreaker (20) - Smash 5000 Ice Blocks
Mighty Eagle (50) - Get 100% Eagle score in every single level
Pig-friendly (10) - Fail a level 10 consecutive times
Pointastic (30) - Get 10,000,000 total points
River of Flavor (30) - Collect all Rio fruits
Scramble (20) - Have 5 different birds in play at one time
Sniper (15) - Smash a distant pig with a direct hit
Spirit of St. Louis (20) - Send birds flying 100 km
Splash of Flavor (10) - Collect 10 Rio fruits
Squawkward (10) - Launch 10 birds backwards
Squeak (10) - Smash a pig
Stardust (30) - Collect 500 stars
Supper-Effective (50) - Clear out a level completely (without the Mighty Eagle)
Tiny Eagle (15) - Get 100% Eagle score in 5 levels
Voyager (30) - Launch 5000 birds
Woodpecker (20) - Smash 5000 Wooden Blocks
Worldwide Angry Bird (50) - Complete all Episodes (without the Mighty Eagle)
Wright Flyer (10) - Make a bird fly 200 meters
You are a Star (10) - Get 3 stars in any level
You are a Superstar (25) - Get 3 stars in all levels in an episode
You are Elvis (50) - Get 3 stars in every single level
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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