Angry Birds Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Angry Birds
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Arju
Email : Arjua269@gmail.com
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus Golden Egg level.
All Achievements:
Angry Birds Addict - Play Angry Birds for 30 hours.
Angry Birds Fan - Play Angry Birds for 5 hours.
Bird Slinger - Shoot 5,000 birds.
Block Smasher - Smash 50,000 blocks.
Defeat The King - Finish World 3.
Egg Cracker - Get 10 golden egg stars.
Egg Hunter - Find 10 golden eggs.
Episode 1-Score Addict Episode 1 - Get 4,000,000 points.
Episode 1-Total Destruction Episode 1 - Get three stars in all levels.
Episode 2-Score Addict Episode 2 - Get 3,300,000 points.
Episode 2-Total Destruction Episode 2 - Get three stars in all levels.
Episode 3-Score Addict Episode 3 - Get 4,800,000 points.
Episode 3-Total Destruction Episode 3 - Get three stars in all levels.
Episode 4-Score Addict Episode 4 - Get 3,900,000 points.
Episode 4-Total Destruction Episode 4 - Get three stars in all levels.
Green Baron - Finish World 8.
Hardhat Hidalgo - Finish World 9.
Herr Helmet - Finish World 1.
Hovering Helmet - Finish World 6.
Icepicker - Smash 5,000 ice blocks.
Mason Moustache - Finish World 10.
Mounting Moustache - Finish World 7.
Mr. Moustache - FInish World 2.
Pig Popper - Smash 1,000 pigs.
Royal Ringleader - Finish World 11.
Smash Maniac - Smash 500,000 blocks.
Star Collector - Get 750 Stars.
Star Gatherer - Get 1500 Stars.
Stonecutter - Smash 5,000 stone blocks.
The Imposter - Finish World 4.
The Mysterious - Escape Finish World 5.
True Angry Birds Fan - Play Angry Birds for 15 hours.
Woodpecker - Smash 5,000 wooden blocks.
Locations Of All Golden Eggs:
Submitted by: Arju
Email : Arjua269@gmail.com
To unlock and so making all the Golden Eggs available, you will have to complete
each Golden Egg level. You can do it by selecting the Angry Birds Golden Eggs
menu, choose a golden egg level and finish it.
Golden Egg #1 Can be found in the Credits menu. Tab the settings icon, and
then select the i help icon. Scroll down until you find the Golden Egg at the
end of the credits. Tap it.
Golden Egg #2 Can be found by tapping the Sun picture, located at the levels
Golden Egg #3 Select any level and press Pause (II buton), then tap on the
question mark (?), and just click through the tutorial until you see a Golden
Egg, being dropped by a white bird. Tap the Golden Egg to recover it.
Golden Egg #4 Achieve the maximum stars level (3 stars) that is available for
the 1, 2 and 3 Themes. Another thing that you can try, is to beat all the previous
high scores that you have achieved for all themes.
Golden Egg #5 Achieve the maximum star level for the Themes 4 and 5.
Another way is to beat your previous high scores in those levels.
Golden Egg #6 Go to level 1-8 and tap the treasure chest.
Golden Egg #7 Go to level 2-2 and smash the Beachball.
Golden Egg #8 Go to level 4-7 and zoom out the map. In the top right hand corner
of the map, you will notice a small yellow bird standing on the cliff. Hit that
bird, and that will give you the Golden Egg.
Golden Egg #9 Go to level 5-19 and zoom out the map. The golden egg is located
outside of the screen, above the rocket. You should use a yellow or a white bird
to grab the golden egg.
Golden Egg #10 Go to level 6-14 and try to hit the yellow ballon, which is
located under the tree-house. You will have to use the Green ?Boomerang? Bird to
hit it. This will give you the golden egg.
Golden Egg #11 Go to theme 8 and slide it to the left, you will see the egg on
the right. Tap it.--And now u found all 11 golden eggs.
Unlock everything:
Submitted by: Noor-A-Alam
If u beat the whole game you get extras and unlock everything! i havn't found out
everything yet but i'll keep u posted.
Unlockable: How
all birds - beat game.
new courses - i am just contributing.
extras - beat game.
All Hidden Levels:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email : MMazid07@gmail.com
Complete the conditions to unlock the hidden Golden Egg levels.
Sound Board - Get 3 stars in every level worlds 1-3
Golden Egg Level 1 - Get 3 stars in every level worlds 4-5
Golden Egg Level 2 - In the level select screen, tap the sun
Golden Egg Level 3 - Watch the credits, tap the Golden Egg at the very end
Golden Egg Level 4 - Within any level, go to the help screen. Tap the egg at the end
Golden Egg Level 5 - In Level 1-8, tap the unreachable chest
Golden Egg Level 6 - In Level 2-2, break the beach ball
Golden Egg Level 7 - In Level 4-7,tap the egg at the very top right of the map
(zoom out)
Golden Egg Level 8 - In Level 5-19, it's hiding on the top right of the left tower
Golden Egg Level 9 - In Level 6-14, pop the yellow balloon
Golden Egg 10 - In level 6-14 bust the yellow balloon in the lower right corner
Golden Egg 11 - In theme 8's level page, brush the screen right to left to reveal
a golden egg.
Golden Egg 12 - Get 3 stars for every level in Danger Above
Golden Egg 13 - In level 8-15 break the boxes in the far left corner
Golden Egg 14 - In level 9-14 fire the boomerang bird at the hat on the far right
side of the screen on the small cliff.
Golden Egg 15 - Bust the rubber duck in the bottom left side In 10-3
Golden Egg 16 - Get three stars on all levels in the Big Setup
Unlockable: Locked Worlds:
Submitted by: Mazid
Email: MMazid07@gmail.com
Perform the followings steps to unlock all worlds without playing through the game.
1.Load up Angry Birds and go to the world select screen.
2.Center a locked world on the screen.
3.Push back button all the way out of Angry Birds.
4.Load Angry Birds back up and when the "Play" button appears tap it rapidly.
5.You should be inside the locked worlds stage select screen.
6.Now, pass the first level of each world to unlock it.
Unlock everything:
If You beat the whole game you'll get the extras and unlock everything.
For mor E-mail me.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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