
Angry Birds Star Wars Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Angry Birds Star Wars Cheats

Angry Birds Star Wars

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

* Stuck on a tricky level? Bring in Han Solo's Millennium (Mighty) Falcon. 
  Just tap the icon on the top left, providing you have Falcons to spare, then
  launch the targeting droid via slingshot towards the intended location. The 
  Mighty Falcon will then fly and destroy objects/enemies within the area with
  several laser blasts.

* Hidden throughout the game are Golden Droids. Once you see one try and get 
  it. Doing this will unlock one bonus stage featuring C-3PO and R2-D2.

* Sometimes you'll need to deflect from turrets shoot laser beams (using either
  a lightsaber spin or Force Push) the blasts to solve a tricky puzzle.

* Mostly played like regular Angty Birds but some levels are set in outer space 
  and in the cold expanse of the universe, gravity has no effect and birds will 
  float in a straight line forever. But if you get stuck in a gravity well - 
  these magnetic bubbles will attract birds, pigs, and materials towards their 

* Each bird is a different beast, and has its own powers based on the Star Wars 
  character it is portraying.

* Laser beams will rip through most materials, but bounce off metal. Use this 
  to redirect deadly laser fire around corners.

* You can cause some destruction with the birds before calling in the Mighty
  Falcon (a.k.a. the Millenium Falcon) to finish the job. As long as you have 
  one bird left, you can still use it.

* Some birds get upgraded over time. If you're having trouble three-starring 
  an early level, for example, wait until Obi-Wan gets his improved force push.

Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points. 

Jedi Initiate (10 points)  - 50 blocks smashed with saber.
Jedi Knight (10 points)    - 500 blocks smashed with saber.
Jedi Master (10 points)    - 2000 blocks smashed with saber.
Force Learner (10 points)  - 2000 blocks threw with force.
Skilled Pilot (10 points)  - 500 blocks smashed with Pilot.
Prominent Jedi (10 points) - Three lasers deflected with saber.
Target Shooter (10 points) - Three pigs shot with a single blaster shot.
Star Bird Fan (10 points)  - Angry Birds Star Wars played for 5 hours. 
Fly Bird Fly (10 points)   - 5000 birds launched.
Walking Carpet (10 points) - Same turret shot Chewbacca 6 times.
Lack of Faith (10 points)  - Level restarted 100 times.

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