
Antimatter Dimensions Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Antimatter Dimensions 
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 Antimatter Dimensions Cheats

Antimatter Dimensions

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Challenge 9 Tickspeep Upgrade Guide:
Written by robbie.price

For Antimatter Dimensions players, Challenge 9 requires manual buying of 
dimensions in a non-intuitive order. I wrote a python script to map out a 
list of which dimensions to buy, and how many of them to buy, in what order.
This guide is that output and instructions on how to read it.

-=How to read the buy list=-
This guide is built for use in scientific display mode:

Each line is a series of purchases at the end of which you should check the 
lowest remaining price for any of the 8 dimensions and but tickspeed upgrades 
up to one number lower than that new lowest.

This list is not perfect, it will still cause some prices to jump, some because 
it seams unavoidable, some because I wasn't careful enough. but this list is 
"good enough".

The first line reads "[[5, 17], [3, 9], [1, 4]]" translated to:
* 'buy dimension 5, until you have 9 dimension 5's costing 1e17 
  (don't buy the 10th which would increase the price).
* Then 'buy dimension 3, until you have 9 dimension 3's costing 1e9 
  (don't buy the 10th which would increase the price).
* Then 'buy dimension 1, until you have 9 dimension 1's costing 1e4 
  (don't buy the 10th which would increase the price).
* Finally 'buy ticker upgrades until doing so would force a dimension price 
  conflict' (not for line 1 this is 'do nothing' because the smallest ticker 
  upgrade is e3, which is one below e4 which is currently showing for dimension 1.)

This would be impossible since dimension 5 is locked until you have purchased 
dimensions 1,2,3,and 4. So Implicit in the instructions is 'buy up to 9 of each 
dimension when you have the funds.

Also note line 4 and 5 which read
[[6, 23], [1, 13], [2, 10]]
[[3, 19], [2, 14], [1, 10]]

Where on line 4 you buy dimension 1 until you have 9 of price 1e13, but then on 
line 5 you have buy dimension 1 until you have price 1e10…. Ya… I was too lazy 
remove all redundant calls (I did remove redundant calls to buy for single purchase 
lines, there were a lot of them). Just ignore the instruction

Note at the end of instruction set 3" [1, 7]" is when you will first buy ticker 
upgrades to e4. The ticker upgrade will show e5 to buy, but you can't but that 
one yet, as it would then show e6, and be in conflict with dimension 2 which 
still has a price of e6.

-=The buy list, goodluck=-
[[5, 17], [3, 9], [1, 4]]
[[4, 12], [2, 6]]
[1, 7]
[[6, 23], [1, 13], [2, 10]]
[[3, 19], [2, 14], [1, 10]]
[[7, 30], [8, 39], [4, 24], [2, 18], [3, 14]]
[[6, 43], [5, 33], [1, 25], [2, 22], [4, 18]]
[[7, 42], [2, 34], [4, 30], [3, 24], [1, 19]]
[[1, 28], [5, 25]]
[[2, 26], [1, 22]]
[[5, 41], [6, 33]]
[3, 29]
[[4, 36], [2, 30]]
[1, 31]
[[2, 38], [1, 37], [3, 34]]
[[7, 66], [4, 60], [2, 58], [8, 54], [3, 39], [1, 34]]
[[8, 69], [3, 59], [7, 54], [5, 57], [8, 69], [3, 54], [1, 49], [2, 46], [4, 42]]
[[4, 48], [2, 42]]
[[6, 53], [1, 43]]
[[1, 52], [5, 49]]
[[2, 50], [1, 46]]
[1, 55]
[6, 63]
[[2, 62], [1, 58]]
[5, 65]
[1, 61]
[[1, 67], [3, 64]]
[[7, 78], [6, 83], [5, 81], [1, 73], [2, 70], [4, 66]]
[[7, 102], [2, 94], [4, 90], [8, 84], [3, 69], [1, 64]]
[[4, 72], [2, 66]]
[[1, 76], [6, 73]]
[[3, 79], [2, 74], [1, 70]]
[[7, 90], [8, 99], [4, 84], [2, 78], [3, 74]]
[[1, 85], [2, 82], [4, 78]]
[[3, 84], [1, 79]]
[[2, 86], [1, 82]]
[[2, 98], [1, 97], [3, 94], [5, 89]]
[6, 93]
[[1, 100], [5, 97], [3, 89]]
[[4, 96], [2, 90]]
[[7, 126], [4, 120], [2, 118], [8, 114], [3, 99], [1, 94]]
[[2, 110], [1, 106], [6, 103]]
[[5, 137], [8, 129], [3, 119], [7, 114], [5, 137], [8, 129], [3, 114], [1, 109], [2, 106], [4, 102]]
[[4, 108], [2, 102]]
[[5, 121], [6, 113], [1, 103]]
[[1, 112], [3, 109]]
[[6, 123], [5, 113]]
[1, 115]
[[2, 122], [1, 118]]
[[7, 162], [2, 154], [4, 150], [8, 144], [7, 150], [4, 144], [2, 138], [3, 134], [5, 129], [1, 121]]
[[1, 127], [3, 124]]
[[7, 138], [6, 143], [1, 133], [2, 130], [4, 126]]
[[3, 129], [1, 124]]
[[4, 132], [2, 126]]
[[1, 136], [6, 133]]
[[3, 139], [2, 134], [1, 130]]
[[6, 163], [5, 153], [1, 145], [2, 142], [4, 138]]
[[8, 159], [3, 144], [1, 139]]
[[1, 148], [5, 145]]
[[2, 146], [1, 142]]
[[5, 161], [6, 153]]
[3, 149]
[[4, 156], [2, 150]]
[1, 151]
[[2, 158], [1, 157], [3, 154]]
[[7, 186], [4, 180], [2, 178], [8, 174], [3, 159], [1, 154]]
[[8, 189], [3, 179], [7, 174], [5, 177], [8, 189], [3, 174], [1, 169], [2, 166], [4, 162]]
[[4, 168], [2, 162]]
[[6, 173], [1, 163]]
[[1, 172], [5, 169]]
[[2, 170], [1, 166]]
[1, 175]
[6, 183]
[[2, 182], [1, 178]]
[5, 185]
[1, 181]
[[1, 187], [3, 184]]
[[7, 198], [6, 203], [5, 201], [1, 193], [2, 190], [4, 186]]
[[7, 222], [2, 214], [4, 210], [8, 204], [3, 189], [1, 184]]
[[4, 192], [2, 186]]
[[1, 196], [6, 193]]
[[3, 199], [2, 194], [1, 190]]
[[7, 210], [8, 219], [4, 204], [2, 198], [3, 194]]
[[1, 205], [2, 202], [4, 198]]
[[3, 204], [1, 199]]
[[2, 206], [1, 202]]
[[2, 218], [1, 217], [3, 214], [5, 209]]
[6, 213]
[[1, 220], [5, 217], [3, 209]]
[[4, 216], [2, 210]]
[[7, 246], [4, 240], [2, 238], [8, 234], [3, 219], [1, 214]]
[[2, 230], [1, 226], [6, 223]]
[[5, 257], [8, 249], [3, 239], [7, 234], [5, 257], [8, 249], [3, 234], [1, 229], [2, 226], [4, 222]]
[[4, 228], [2, 222]]
[[5, 241], [6, 233], [1, 223]]
[[1, 232], [3, 229]]
[[6, 243], [5, 233]]
[1, 235]
[[2, 242], [1, 238]]
[[7, 282], [2, 274], [4, 270], [8, 264], [7, 270], [4, 264], [2, 258], [3, 254], [5, 249], [1, 241]]
[[1, 247], [3, 244]]
[[7, 258], [6, 263], [1, 253], [2, 250], [4, 246]]
[[3, 249], [1, 244]]
[[4, 252], [2, 246]]
[[1, 256], [6, 253]]
[[3, 259], [2, 254], [1, 250]]
[[6, 283], [5, 273], [1, 265], [2, 262], [4, 258]]
[[8, 279], [3, 264], [1, 259]]
[[1, 268], [5, 265]]
[[2, 266], [1, 262]]
[[5, 281], [6, 273]]
[3, 269]
[[4, 276], [2, 270]]
[1, 271]
[[2, 278], [1, 277], [3, 274]]
[[7, 306], [4, 300], [2, 298], [8, 294], [3, 279], [1, 274]]
[[8, 309], [3, 299], [7, 294], [5, 297], [8, 309], [3, 294], [1, 289], [2, 286], [4, 282]]
[[4, 288], [2, 282]]
[[6, 293], [1, 283]]
[[1, 292], [5, 289]]
[[2, 290], [1, 286]]
[1, 295]
[6, 303]
[[2, 302], [1, 298]]
[5, 305]
[1, 301]
[[1, 307], [3, 304]]
[[7, 318], [2, 310], [4, 306]]
[[3, 309], [1, 304]]
[[4, 312], [2, 306]]
[6, 313]
[5, 313]
[1, 310]

Max All (M Button) Always on Toggle Glitch / Exploit:
Written by Digital

This glitch allows you to always have the Max All always on so you don’t have to manually 
hold the M button. I found this trick by accident randomly clicking around, there might be
other ways of accomplishing using this method that I have yet to find.

Note: you need to have one of the following automatic buyers unlocked.

* Automatic Big Crunch.
* Automatic Galaxies.
* Automatic Dimension Boosts.

-=How to Activate=-
* Go to the Automation section.
* Hold the M key down.
* Toggle any of the check boxes. 
  (ex, Limit Dimension Boots to, Dynamic amount or Limit antimatter galaxies to).
* Release the M key.

At this point you should see that the game still thinks the M key is pressed down. There 
could be other ways of doing this I just have yet to find them.

-=How to Deactivate=-
* Press the M key again.
* Lose focus of the actual game window (switching to another app on your computer).

The M Key Trick:
Written by somepersondontask

Easy trick to keep any combination of keys held down without manual effort.

1.Hold down desired keys (Usually M, sometimes C, E, and/or R).
2.While holding desired keys down, click on another tab to unfocus Antimatter Dimensions.
3.Let go of desired keys.
4.Click back on Antimatter Dimensions to bring it back in focus.

The only con is that this breaks when you tab out of AD.
Exception being R, which continues to work until R is pressed again.

How to Farm Eternities:
Turn off Galaxy, Sacrifice, Dimension Autobuyers, Crunch (as needed to approach .08s 
or lower avg times).

* Change 8th dim autobuyer to singles from 10s (seems to be associated with starting 
  AM and 8th dim cost).
* Play with game update speed. 37-38ms may be ideal at some points. 33ms at the end.
* Tweak just about anything else you can find to tweak and see if it helps.
* Also farm eternities with game closed for the milestone to take effect.

Its 5 hours grind or you get lucky with a glyph thats boots it. In retrospective, the
grind is worth it, cause the upgrade is really helpfull to reduce other grind in future.

How to Unlock All Secret Themes:
Written by BruhMomentium

How to unlock all the secret themes in the game.

-=All Secret Themes=-
There are a variety of secret themes that were added to the game in the Steam 
release, as well as old ones from past versions of the game.

All secret themes are unlocked by entering the phrases below into the “Import Save” 
option in the settings and pressing enter.

-=Phrase – Christmas
* Gives the game a Christmas-y theme.

-=Phrase – Finnish
* Colors everything white and blue.

-=Phrase – Confused
* Makes the game window sometimes become blurry, tilted, or have inverted colors.

-=Phrase – Design
* Makes the game look like a 1990’s website.

-=Phrase – Nicolas
* Gives the game a brown tint and changes the background to a picture of Nicolas Cage.

-=Phrase – Blob
* Blob emojis fall from above and the game’s windows has a yellow tint.

-=Phrase – Blind
* Removes all text.

-=Phrase – Galactic/Stellar
* Adds animated stars in the background and gives it a blue tint.

-=Phrase – Work
* Removes most of the game’s flair, making the background and the buttons white, 
  and changes the font to Arial.

-=Phrase – Bliss
* Changes the background into the Windows XP background.


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