
Age of Empires 2 - The Age of Kings Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Age of Empires 2 - The Age of Kings 
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 Age of Empires 2 - The Age of Kings Cheats

Age of Empires 2 - The Age of Kings

Cheat Codes: 
Update by: Suchanshu Vats  Email: 
Update by: Islam Alaa ElDin
Update by: amrith
Update by: Luis Mareco Roberto
Update by: jaideep karale
Update by: Grim Reaper  29.o4.2ooo
Press "ENTER" while you are playing, it will open the chat window, then type 
one of the following codes: 

Code                        Result
ROCK ON                   - 1000 Stone
LUMBERJACK                - 1000 Wood 
ROBIN HOOD                - 1000 Gold 
CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S      - 1000 Food 
MARCO                     - Reveal Map 
POLO                      - Remove Shadow 
AEGIS                     - Fast Build 
NATURAL WONDERS           - Control Nature 
RESIGN                    - You Lose 
WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY           - Destroy Yourself
HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON   - Gives a Cobra car 
TORPEDO#                  - Kill Opponent # 
TO SMITHEREENS            - Gives a Saboteur 
BLACK DEATH               - Destroy All Enemies 
I R WINNER                - You Win 
helloknight               - palladin health increases to 192 (only in franks)

Cheat Tip:
If you type in the words "BIGDADDY" when clicked on your town centre it will
give you a ferrari with one hell of a canon.
-Submitted by mick Hill

Command Line Cheats:
Use one of the following command line parameters to start the game.

Code               Effect
800              - Change screen res to 800x600 
1024             - Change screen res to 1024x768 
1280             - Change screen res to 1280x1024 
autompsave       - Enable Auto save 
Mfill            - Cure display problems with some video cards 
Msync            - Cure SoundBlaster AWE freezes 
NoMusic          - Turn Off music.  
NormalMouse      - Standard mouse pointer 
NoSound          - Disable all sounds except during FMV sequences  
NoStartup        - No pre-game FMV sequences 
NoTerrainSound   - Turn Off all terrain sounds 

Hot Keys: 
To activate one of these cheats, enter its corresponding hotkey below. 

Cheat                       Hotkey
Build immutable structure - [Ctrl] + P
New resource menu         - [Ctrl] + T
Speed construction        - [Ctrl] + Q
View ending               - [Ctrl] + C

Fast resources:
Use the following trick to rapidly enter the cheat codes and get resources quickly.
For wood, press [Enter], type "lumberjack", highlight the word, then press [Ctrl] + C
to copy it. Press [Enter] to activate the cheat. Press [Enter] again, then press 
[Ctrl] + V to paste the word on the screen for activation. Repeat to get resources 
quickly. This may be used with the rock on, robin hood, and cheese stack jimmy's 

Random map:
When you do a random map, use a team islands setting and have seven players. Make 
three of them your allies, and four enemies. Start the game and go to the third 
button from the top right corner. Put check marks next to all your allies and click
on "Food Please", "Wood Please", "Stone Please" or "Gold Please" in the box below. 
The only resource your allies will not give you is gold.

Hint: More bases advantage:
To have a better chance of winning, you might want to build more than one base. 
Enlarge the base you start out with, making it completely fortified with at least
two castles. Then, send a scout cavalry, or some other fast moving unit, to the 
opposite side of the map from your base. After you have checked the area and 
confirmed that it is safe, send a villager to build a castle at that location and
fortify that base. This is very helpful if your enemy knows where one of your 
bases are located, especially during online play.

Free ally:
When you build a market, there is a chance that a rival tribe will ask you to send
them a certain amount of wood, stone, gold, and food. When they do, click on 
"Diplomacy" or press [Alt] + D and click "Ally" on the name of that tribe. They 
will become an ally free of charge. However, when you do this you will no longer 
be able to align yourself with any other tribes. This is helpful if there are four
tribes in the game.

Save resources:
When you are allies with others, do not build a market to avoid giving them resources.

Game Tip:
Press "qwerty" on the keyboard at the same time and you can edit the colours of the
buildings and people.

Submitted by Richard

Submitted by: Rene Trujillo Rojas

Hide Behind The Tower:
Here is a Tip for a great idea! Build any type of TOWER you know. Put some of your
military units behind the TOWER so the other players you are playing with cannot see.
So then when they attack the tower your units come out and kill your oppents!

For Larger Enemies:
Hit enter in the Imperial Age and type in "bigger baddies" exactly the way I did and
you're enemies should get huge. They won't be harder though. This is a cool cheat, 
but has no effect. Submitted by Hank Grungey 

If You Are Playing A Map With Plenty Of Water:
Stay(walk) near shore or on the shallow, use heavy demo ship to bomb them! One heavy
demo ship can take out at least 20 infantry, monks, archers or light cavalry with it,
or sevaral scorpions and onagers. Two can take out Knights, camels and trebuchets. 
Three can take out rams. Do not use them to bomb elephant, it is to costly unless 
you have too many resources.

Submitted by: Joshy

Get 1 milita, 1 archer and 1 spearman. press enter and write in GUN. Then select all
the men and call them GUN1. Press enter and put in the code Gun1. now your men all 
have machine guns and take away 99 and have 99 health. Press enter and write in 
furious the monkey boy. you get a ape which takes away 99 has 99 health his armour
is 99 and his range is 99.

Submitted by: Damian
In Battle (game) always put swordsman on flat ground and archers on hilley grounds
and then you have a better chance of wining. 

Submitted by: Damian
At first of a regicide you get 10 villages at start, so all you have too do is to
put 3 on wood, 3 on food, 2 on gold 1 on stone, then leaves you 1 villager then 
with your last villager put it to work for buildig your millitary base. then just
slowly add villagers from your town centre and put them on resources.

Submitted by: BigBozoBoozeDude

Type in the number that corresponds to the number that appears next to the taunt to
access it easily. I like "Long time, no siege" and "Don't point that thing at me".

Submitted by:BigBozoBoozeDude

Note: You must hit enter to access the cheat mode. 

Type In "wimpywimpywimpy" to defeat all of your allies. Type in "Resign" to make all
of your enemies immediately resign!

Submitted by: kim truong/north-cote high

I reckon all the cheat i read of it for on line is useless. This is how you attack 
If you playing one on one explore blackforest map then in dark age use one vileges
to build house to rise your population"i think every one know this" the other chop
wood then use your scout to find sheep when you think you find all the sheep then 
use all the vilages you have to gather food then use one vilages to build palase 
wall to boclk his or her exist then upgrade right away, when you are in fedual age
build stone wall at your palase wall build like 5 layer or more, many as you like.
Now you know they cannot rush you without you knowing.then upgared to caste age 
then fishned them off.

Submitted by: Valentin Popescu

If you build a long wall with many gates and your peasants are opening the gates for
your enemies you can block the gates: --just click on the gate and then clic on the 
icon that appears in the left corner so it will be closed untill you will open'it 
again. If you close all gates not even your allies can get resources from your land.

Submitted by: aunonamys

Click on a unit or building and press delete. The thing you clicked on will kill 
itself! You can do the same thing with a group,but you must click delete alot for
it to kill everyone. (only works on your own stuff)

Submitted by: Richard Smith

When putting cheat codes into the chat box, hightlight the cheat with the mouse and 
press Ctrl+C to copy it, press Return twice to bring the cheat box again. This time 
instead of typing the cheat again, just press Ctrl+V and paste the cheat back in.

submitted by:Paul Van Zweel

Press enter for the cheat menu and type in the following cheat code:

BIGBROTHER - This will give you a chair with a rocket launcher.

Corey , Submitted the following Information:

Keepping a live; if you are being attacked by an enemy and they are headed for you 
towncenter (Or something you can garison people in.) click your staple and set the
gather point to that building and make some units and when your building ungarisons
your men they will kill the enemy that is attacking you!

Submitted by: harsha

Its like this in a three player game when you become an ally with one player construct
15 batterring rams and take them to the ally's kingdom and place them near the important
buildings like town center etc. then take a mangonel and select attack ground and right 
click the allys building he will become mad at you and he will become an enemy then use
all your battering rams to destroy the ally.

Villager suprisse attack:
Submitted by: bad_maverick

This tip will make an attack without 'attack'. This is the condition - If you play 
against computer, you have a neutral tribe, you have an ally that currently on a war
with that neutral tribe. If ye want to help your ally do this. Create a group of five
villager, upgrade the Loon tech., create university, advance the Fortified Wall, and
gather stones as much as possible. Send the Villagers to the ally base and create 
Fortified wall nearby the Neutral's building, create 5 or 3 is recommended! If your
'just made' wall is attacked it's the main purpose! The next door building will be 
affect as well. While they're attacking their own building, create some more 
Fortified Wall beside the another building, eg. Monastery, or even Town Center!

Submitted by: Sushav Dixit

While playing the game, press enter. You will see a dialogue box. Type "aegis" in it
for one touch construction of buildings.

Have gold without Cheating:
Submitted by: Arpit Singh

Destroy your weakest opponent. Finish everything exept its market. Make sure that
the path between your market and opponents market is secure. route many(eg.20-30) 
trade carts to trade. happy gold.

Submitted by: Amit Sing Rathore

When ever you start the game just type marco in chat box and all enemy's will be 
visible to you. Now the next big thing which you have to do in the early part of 
the game is that With the help of you villager , make a wall on the enemy gate's,
make it strong. With the help of this you will have enough time to make ur 
civilization advanced and strong. 

To win eassily:
Submitted by: CheaterMaster

Press enter, type in aegis to construct and create more fast, is more speedy and
you can win eassily. But you need, lumber, rock, food and gold. There's no problem,
if you need food, only type cheese steak jimmy's. If rock is the needed resourse, 
any problem again type rock on. You need gold, type robin hood and if do you need 
lumber type lumberjack do it as the same time what you need.
Note: The resourses cheats only give you 1000 units but you can get more typping
again the cheat.

Easy winning:
Submitted by: Secret Cheater

Is more easy to win if you protect your base. And destroy all the enemies before
attack. If you get a problem in the game and you cannot win, only press Enter type
in tosmithereens and now in your Town Center is create an Saboteur, you can do what
you want, and the population no are problem. If you cant create more soldiers, 
thats no it problem and to get a Cobra Car. Press Enter and type in how do you 
turn this on and the car is are not very powerfull but his resistance is high 
create as you want.
Note: Theres you need two Town Centers to create these units

Submitted by: Syed Anwar CCC

Always try to build gates instead of walls around your city.They cost the same but
the difference is between their attack chances.If a wall is attacked 1 time, it is
attacked 0.001 times.They will just come and roam near your city outside but cannot
attack your city.Always try to make your city wide open because they cannot attack 
the gates but will ataack the incities buildings like houses,barracks and all 
buildings by means of archers.mangonels and trebuchets and also do not make towers
and castles for defense near your gates because the gates will not be attacked 
and you can progress without defense until you can attack.So your first priority 
should be surrounding your city with gates. and capture huge areas and resources.

Submitted by: Chandramouli

type "furious the monkey boy"in the chatbox by pressing enter key. You will 
receive a little monkey at your town can kill infantry units with a
single shot. towers and castles don't fire at it. it can destroy buildings with

Submitted by: sekyere joseph

if you want to gain more resources you need to create more villages. If the
population is 75 you will need not less than 25 villagers so that the will 
provide more resources so that you can create more soldiers for attack. Before
starting a multiplayer game you will have to take a tribe which has more 
reserches so that your men and building will be stronger enough to stand any
kind of attacks.

Submitted by: steven

take ur time and go till imperial age and reaserch the bombtower now choose 
1 or 2 villagers and take them near a enemy buulding and just make the tower 
near tha building and take the villager away after some time the tower will 
be attacking the building but u must also take some archer with u and keep 
near the tower so that the tower won't be distroyedor just make a keep near 
it and put some archer inside  or when u r attacking your enemy and if u r 
inside the enemy town you can take some villagers and take them near a enemy
buulding and just make the tower near the buildings one by one it will save 
ur time and u will win easily (u must have enough stones)good luck on your 

More bases advantage:
To have a better chance of winning, you might want to build more than one base. 
Enlarge the base you start out with, making it completely fortified with at least 
two castles. Then, send a scout cavalry, or some other fast moving unit, to the 
opposite side of the map from your base. After you have checked the area and 
confirmed that it is safe, send a villager to build a castle at that location and 
fortify that base. This is very helpful if your enemy knows where one of your bases
are located, especially during online play.

Free ally:
When you build a market, there is a chance that a rival tribe will ask you to send 
them a certain amount of wood, stone, gold, and food. When they do, click on 
"Diplomacy" or press [Alt] + D and click "Ally" on the name of that tribe. 
They will become an ally free of charge. However, when you do this you will no 
longer be able to align yourself with any other tribes. This is helpful if there 
are four tribes in the game.

Save resources:
When you are allies with others, do not build a market to avoid giving them 

Saving your villagers:
Use the following trick to keep your villagers alive while hunting boars. If you are 
in the Castle Age, create some monks and place them near the villagers as the kill 
the boar. The monk will continue to replenish the villagers' health as they kill the 

Easy win:
For easy victory over the CPU under any difficulty setting, place eight to twelve 
villagers into three control groups. Then, have two control groups working on gold 
and one working on stone until all of the stone piles and gold piles are gone. Next, 
build at least two of every building and upgrade everything as fast as possible. If 
done quick enough you should be able to either swarm your enemy or surround him with 

Explore enemy territory without being attacked:
Advance to the Feudal age, build a Market, then create a Trade Cart. Use the Trade 
Cart to safely explore your opponent's territory. If your opponent is neutral, they 
will not harm the Trade Cart. Another trick is to create several Trade Carts and 
place them evenly across your opponent's area to see everything they are doing, 
without having to spend several thousand gold to research Spies/Treason.

Machine Gunners:
For this cheat your must have CREATED a map with at least one SHAH on it. (to create
a shah, go to heroes and press "S". Then, play the map and select your sha, bring it 
over to an enemy unit / building (preferably a house) and right click on that object. 
The shah will begin attacking it! The only drawback is that the shah has very little 

More Bases Advantage:
To have a better chance of winning, you might want to build more than one base. Enlarge 
the base you start out with, making it completely fortified with at least two castles. 
Then, send a scout cavalry, or some other fast moving unit, to the opposite side of the
map from your base. After you have checked the area and confirmed that it is safe, send 
a villager to build a castle at that location and fortify that base. This is very helpful 
if your enemy knows where one of your bases is located, especially during online play. 

Submitted by: Arindam Jana,Avik Barman,Bishruta Sen,Sanchaan Santra.

To Play With Allies:
Play Single Player -
Random Map ,With Difficulty - Easiest, With At Least 
Other Players - 3, With Reveal Map - Normal, Starting Age - Standard,
Victory - Standard & Tick the Team Together, the All Techs & Don't tick 
Lock Teams.

At the starting of the game messages will appear like that -
"X Changed diplomatic stance with you to neutral." (x= Other players)
Then Open the Diplomacy(ALT-D) Screen,Change other player stance to neutral.
Thus in next age when you have a market,messages will apper for 
make ally by giving some 100 resources of food,wood,gold or stone.
paiding so you will be able to make ally with other players.

Submitted by: kevin

Dont build walls build watch towers infront of this "watch tower wall" build a castle.

Walk on water:
Create a scenario and make all allies and enemies as desired, but have at least two enemies. 
Make the map have water and build an enemy bridge or go to a campaign with a bridge (for 
example, Attila the Hun). Enable the torpedo code, followed by the number of whatever player 
it is with a bridge. The bridge will disappear. Then, click a unit and walk on the "bridge".

Submitted by: The Joker

Press/Type "qwerty" (no space) on the keyboard at the same time and you can edit the colours 
of the buildings and people.

Submitted by: Woogey

Type "furious the monkey boy" gives you an awesome little dude, able to raze everything 
in his way, a lot more efficient than cars.

Confuse enemys:
When you start the game the game in a hard level, the enemy might attack pretty quickly
and destroy your village before you have a chance to build your resources. Just enter 
all the food,wood,stone and gold cheats and advance to the imperial age. Then send a 
couple of your villagers (and units to guard the villagers) to a blank corner of the 
map and build a wall around one of the villagers. If your village gets destroyed just 
destroy the stone wall and get the villager in there to build a new and secret base. 
This will confuse your enemys in to tyhinking you are destroyed.

Easy win:
First, make as many allies as possible. Advance through as many ages as you can to 
upgrade all your units. Make sure you can build Towers and Castles. Next, go directly
next to your ally's main city and surround it with towers. Build a castle every so often
on your way from your city to theirs, so they cannot counterattack. Next, build up an 
army of siege weapons (for the buildings) and cavalry (for everyone else), and position
them inside your ally's city. Finally, switch them to "Enemy", sit back, and watch the 
city crumble.

Tip when fighting the AI:
You can take advantage of the AI in AoK by building a wall around your entire base except
for a small and heavily fortified opening, the AI will only enter through the opening you
left and will get slaughtered if you have archers. You can go further by making a maze-
like entrance which will increase the time the enemy spends getting fired upon.

Your own history:
You can change what the history section says in the Aok title Screen says by right 
clicking on the Aok icon and click on find target and when the windows opens click on
history and edit the any notepad file the check out the history section on the Aok title
screen and it should say what you typed into the notepad file.Unfortunately you cannot 
change the name of the topic for example if you edited the Britons it will still say 

ES Logo in Mission:
This is just something I found out. In mission one of the William Wallace campaign, 
if you type in the reveal map cheat code (Marco) you will see the ES logo on the west
side of the map.

Fortress, Which Can Never Be Taken:
To make a fort which will never, ever be taken by the enemy, you need to set up a game
in 'the black forest' as the name sugests, you start in...a very large forest, with a 
small village depending on what settings you have chosen(i personably would chose death
match, as you get lots of resources.) any way, you need to make sure you have a onager,
or something whcih can destroy lots of trees very quikely. you then start tunneling 
into the trees, making walls and gates along the way. put towers with archers behing
each gate, and make large areas where you can put castles, barracs, churchs ect and 
town centres. no matter how hard your enemy tries, they can never get through the walls.
This tactic will take about 1 hour.

Easy taunts:
Type in the number that appears next to the taunt to access it easily (for example, 
"Long time, no siege" and "Don't point that thing at me").

Ultimate Wall defense:
Submitted by: Legomaster241

(The hint ahead requires a large amount of stone and wood so use the above cheats to 
help you is you need to) OK! When you get to the Feudal Age, make sure to build walls all
around you, even on the water's edge (in a straight line if possible)! This will make sure
that the enemy doesn't land his troops and gives you time to attack him. When the wall is 
still in construction, go ahead and build 2 or 3 gates, spaced apart preferably. Then build
3 gates directly behind the ones you just built to add more of a defense. Then build 3 towers
to the left and right of each gate then put 1 Bombard tower at the end of each. repeat this 
until it covers the entire wall, even by the water to take out those pesky little galleons. 
Now basically do the reverse which is to say that instead of towers, they'll be Bombard's and
vice-versa. When that's done, finish it off with a wall as the inner coating to seal those 
towers in. The purpose of this is that if the enemy is lucky enough not only to break through
the first wall and the tower but also the B-towers as well, you have some insurance to hold 
them off a little longer. Normally, you would not need to constantly repair the towers unless
the wall broke allowing the enemy to attack them, but sometimes they may use a trebuchet to 
get at you, and a ram and even a catapult.

How to have instant resource,construction and spawning:
Submitted by: Ethan

To build ultra fast (works with enemy) press (Enter) during gameplay, type in aegis cheat code 
and you can have instant resources and construction.NOTE:This also works with ally/enemy teams 
as well. And it dosen't work on the demo version.

Kill the enemy:
Submitted by: topcat102

ok when you want to kill your enemy and it stronger than youjust take a few villgers and take 
them near your enemys base and biuld two of each building and load all the units buildings up 
whith each type of unit and then cut the wood down whith you villgers and ambush your enemy and 
so on trick: press enter and type this[aegis] and that cheat makes you units fast.

Cobra car destructor:
Submitted by: Guz

You enter tha chat board by pressing enter, then you type the cheat "HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON" 
after that you will have a cobra car in your town center.

See the enemy:
Submitted by: delo

To see what the enemy are doing to gain an advantage you go to settings and select reveal map
then you can see the whole map enemies and all.

Submitted by: shkade

when you make your civilization ,you should always make it secure by constring walls so 
that the enemy cannot come inside your civililation.try building keeps,castles and murder 
holes near your walls so that if enemy comes near your society he gets killed by the attacks 
of should not usually keep on attacking the men and buldings inside the enemy's 
civilization as they can produce no. of buildings and men again and again as the have 
unlimited resources. so send your vilager inside your enemy's civilizattion and construct 
walls as enemies don't kill your villagers. you can therefore kill the buildings and men 
inside the wall. In this way you can win territories and also destroy enemy.

Samurai nuke:
Submitted by: Chris

The Japanese samurai unit is very powerful once fully upgraded, if you get 10 capped rams 
and put 4 samurai in each any town will fall. To do this you can accompany the capped rams 
with cavalry and target your enemies town centre and castles, once they are destroyed let 
loose your samurai and watch as they destroy everything.

How to create tough protection:
Submitted by: Pranav Suneel Gangathade.

You should built walls for protection.But for strong security you should built towers behind 
the walls leaving no space towers wall. And you should place many military units in-front of 
the gates. Then no any enemy units can come in your area.
If any problem send me email on - 

Elite Cannon Galleons:
Submitted by: K.C.M.

If your map has a lot of water on it, create a bunch of Elite Cannon Galleons and then you 
can bombard your enemies shores from a safe distance before you land troops. If your enemy 
has ships and docks destroy those first using faster more powerful ships.

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