
Arsenal of Democracy Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Arsenal of Democracy 
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 Arsenal of Democracy Cheats

Arsenal of Democracy

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Press [F12] and enter the following codes for the desired effect:

Code          Effect
neville     - AI folds to all demands / suggestions 
norevolts   - Toggles Rebels on/off 
nowar       - Toggles War on/off 
difrules    - Toggles God mode on/off 
manpower    - More manpower 
oil         - Gives plenty of oil 
money       - Gives plenty of money 
rubber      - Gives plenty of rubber (pre v12 patch) 
metal       - Gives plenty of metal 
energy      - Gives plenty of energy 
nuke        - Gives a nuclear bomb 
robespierre - You can now do any reform you like (pre v12 patch) 
escorts     - Gives plenty of escorts 
transports  - Gives plenty of transports 
supplies    - Gives plenty of supplies 
dissent     - Gives plenty of dissent 
nolimit     - Troop limits on/off 
nofog       - Toggles Fog on/off 
handsoff    - Toggles Hands on/off 
showxy      - Toggles Coordinates on/off 
showid      - Toggles Province ID's on/off 
fullcontrol - Toggles AI on/off 
freedom     - You can now do any reform you like 
rare        - Gives plenty of rubber 
acceptall   - the AI (computer) accepts anything you propose 
event 1000  - Sabotage Research 
event 1001  - Random leader loyalty down 4 
event 1002  - 200 more supply resources 
event 1003  - plus 100 Manpower 
event 1006  - IC plus 6 
event 1007  - plus 30 Manpower 
event 1008  - Dissent plus 3 Supply -350 
event 1009  - Dissent -3 
event 1010  - IC -1 
event 1014  - Choose Dissent plus 1 or -1 
event 2024  - ruce with Russia(discontent agree= -50% disagree= +15%) 
event 2011  - you get Czechoslovakia (before Germany have take it) 
event 1110  - increase war support by 5 
event 4100  - Dissent -30 
event 1011  - Steal Blueprints 
event 1012  - Get Blueprints of current Reaserch 
event 1013  - Increase Industrial Efficiency 1% 
event 8009  - Ballistic Missle Researchable 
event 1040  - Steal Tech from Enemy 
event 1003  - Military Volunteers (more manpower) 
event 1005  - Military Parade (lose dissent and supplies) 
event 8018  - SAM Researchable 
event 4102  - +1000 supplies, +500 rubber 
event 1016  - +1 Political Left OR +1 Political Right 
event 8011  - nuke-waste bomb available 
event 1     - Coup in Japan 
event 3     - Yuguslavia breaks the Pact of Steel 
event 4     - Option for war against Yugoslavia 
event 5     - Option of war against Yugoslavia 
event 6     - Coup in Yugoslavia +option for Yugoslavia to join Axis or not 
event 7     - Iraq switches sides to Allies 
event 8     - Iraq switches sides to Allies 
event 11    - Agreement with USSR on Tannu Tuva 
event 12    - As USSR: Annex Tannu Tuva 
event 13    - London in Axis hands: UK surrenders to Axis 
event 14    - Washington in Axis hands: USA surrenders to Axis 
event 15    - Washington in Japanese hands: USA surrenders to Japan 
event 17    - As Japan: Option to attack Pearl Harbor or not 
event 18    - As Japan: Option to attack Pearl Harbor or not 
event 20    - Marco Polo incident: Japan in war with Nat China 
event 22    - Japan in war with USSR 
event 30    - USA transfers 50 destroyers to UK + USA gets Carribean Islands 
event 36    - As Italy: Option to surrender to Allies or keep on fighting untill the end
event 37    - Italy surrenders to USA + Italy becomes puppet of USA 
event 38    - Germany surrenders to USSR 
event 74    - Tripartite Pact 
event 42    - Germany surrenders to USA + creation of bufferstates 
event 43    - As Japan: Surrender to Allies or keep fighting untill the end 
event 45    - Japan surrenders to USA 
event 46    - Independant Korea or not 
event 47    - Devide Korea into 2 parts 
event 50    - As Germany: End of the Vichy Regime 
event 65    - As UK: Churchill as prime minister or not 
event 69    - World War 3: War against USSR 
event 70    - World War 3: War against USA 
event 71    - Anti-Comintern Pact 
event 72    - Tripartite Pact 
event 77    - Warshaw uprising 
event 78    - Warshaw uprising: Aid Poland or not 
alienattack # - Aliens will invade the province (# is ID number) you entered.

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