Ash Echoes Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Ash Echoes
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Quick Guide to Sephonis:
Written by Mrekk
* Museum (No Nexus stats bonus)
* Normal
* Humanoid Unit
* Weakness (Semi): Physic
* HP: 9.57B
* DMG Reduction after switching HP Bar: 50%
* Corrosion Blast DMG Reduction after switching HP Bar: 50%
* Effective DMG Requirement for 2 HP Bars in one team: 9.57B
* Time limit: 6 minutes, 2min/team
* Overall Time limit: 60 minutes/ticket, 3 tickets/day
-=Noticable Mechanics=-
When puppet is not taken down, apply extra 50% DMG Reduction
to Sephonis.
In the beginning of the battle, additionally apply extra 6 stacks
of DMG Reduction, every provides 10% DMG Reduction & Corrosion Blast
Reduction. Whenever 1 clone is taken down, remove 1 stack.
After taking down 1 HP Bar, set DMG Reduction stacks to 6 again.
Every time Sephonis hits an echomancer, increase 10% upcoming DMG to
this echomancer, and reduce 10% DMG dealt by this Echomancer, up to
8 stacks.
-=Tips and Tricks=-
* In CN Mainland, super aggressive speedrunning routes
(0s dealing 3.8b dmg) are impossible. But it is relatively easier
to pass.
* Every team that could clear clones quickly can easily get rid of
the second mechanic.
* In general, if you are not a speedrunner, you can wait for 30
seconds until your team cleared 1 round of clones.
Quick Guide to S30 in Nexus:
* Make sure you try Mirage, not Phenomena.
* The traces you choose should be 2+2+2 (for example: 2 ATK + 2 MST + 2
DEF, could be any other combination). This combination of traces helps
you increase your probability of getting S30.
* Someone in General Chat mentioned that Dusk Radiance is designed to get
the highest scores. I’m not sure if that is true or not, but I encourage
you to try it!
Last but not least, getting a higher score doesn’t mean your team gets
better. Scores will go up eventually as the cap goes up. Don’t be overwhelmed
if you can’t break into S30!
Skill route > Stat Route is finding me and my clubs efforts to break S30 and
even S35 easier. Sadly, all or most SSR traces for the 2 2 2 method is highly
recommended if you want to break S30 or get into leaderboards if you care
about that. All in all just go for whatever you want and build a build that
works best for you!
It definitely does require you to learn and put in effort to get there, but
it pays off when you actually do and it’s really fun to try and keep going
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