Assassin's Creed 3 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Assassin's Creed 3
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Cheat mode:
Collect the hidden Pivots throughout the game to unlock the following cheats under the
options menu:
Infinite Ammunition - Infinite pistol ammo and arrows.
Killing Spree - Allowed to assassinate enemies while not in stealth mode.
Made Of Steel - Invincibility.
Ninja - Enemy AI disabled; enemies will not see or hear you.
Recruit - Infinite recruit tokens.
Season Changer - Toggle seasons between summer and winter.
Semi-Automatic - Ranged weapons have no reload time between shots.
Sun And Moon - Toggle between day and night.
Thunder Kill - Thunder and lightning after each kill.
Weather Man - Set current weather conditions.
Shard Of Eden:
Successfully complete all five Captain Kidd missions to get the Shard Of Eden ring,
which decreases the chance of being hit by bullets. When the Shard Of Eden deflects
a bullet, a yellow animation will appear.
Easy money:
Keep spawning and looting convoys to get a lot of good loot quickly. A convoy is a
horse-drawn carriage that is guarded by some soldiers and a drummer. They can only
be found in the Frontier area. There are certain areas they spawn, but they also
will randomly appear during any daytime and weather condition. One of the convoys
has approximately a 50% chance to spawn in front of the Templar Fort that is located
in the south-western corner of the map. There is a harbor nearby that can be used as
a fast travel station. If the convoy does not spawn, you can travel to another map
and return. Defeat all the enemies guarding the convoy, then interact with the back
of the carriage to get some good loot. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Item crafting recipes:
There is only one way to craft an item, but all items can be crafted without a
recipe. Thus, it is important to know exactly which materials to use to craft an
item because you will lose the ingredients if you do not combine the correct
materials to create an item. Most crafted items are only good for selling, but
there are some specialty items that can be crafted that will create unique weapons
and upgrades. Most specialty recipes can be found in treasure chests in outdoor
areas. The specialty items can be crafted at any time as long as you have the
required material(s) and artisan level(s). Some artisans will only gain levels at
certain points in the game; thus, you may have to wait until later in the game
before certain specialty items can be crafted. Additionally, specialty items
sometimes require special materials to construct.
Unlockable Outfits:
Complete the following requirements to earn new outfits for use in-game. Unless otherwise
noted, outfits are unlocked in the Manor.
Unlockable How to unlock
Achilles' Originial Outfit - Complete Achilles' Painting mission.
Altair's Outfit - Complete all main missions and optional objectives.
Baltimore Outfit - Beginning of Sequence 09 (General Store unlock).
Boston Outfit - Beginning of Sequence 06 (General Store unlock).
Captain Kidd's Outfit - Complete Oak Island Naval Location.
Charleston Outfit - Beginning of Sequence 06 (General Store unlock).
Ezio Outfit - Uplay exclusive.
Jamestown Outfit - Beginning of Sequence 06 (General Store unlock).
Kanienkeha:ka Outfit - Collect all Feathers.
New York Outfit - Beginning of Sequence 09 (General Store unlock).
Philidelphia Outfit - Beginning of Sequence 09 (General Store unlock).
Changing equipment:
To change equipment (for example, to use a new sword), enter the "Equipment" screen at a shop.
You can now switch items. Note: Some items, such as certain outfits, can be switched in the
basement of the homestead manor.
Becoming incognito:
Use the following trick to go from notorious (wanted) to incognito (not wanted) without paying
a bribe to the crier or the printer, and without tearing down any posters. Once you are anonymous
(unseen by the enemy) you can use "fast travel" and when you do so, you will become incognito.
Saving time with Nathem:
During the first two or three sequences where you play as Natham, do not spend any time acquiring
any amount of money or weapons. You will lose them all after you switch over to Conner.
Distorted screen:
During the mission where you attempt save the man who is trapped in the rapids and held by a log,
try to save him just as he is about to go over the waterfall, and as close to the death zone of
the falls as possible. When you dive, aim directly for him. If done correctly, the screen will be
distorted (even during the intermission sequences). It will look much in the same manner of when
Charles Lee's friend hits Conner over the head and he just wakes up. The screen will remain like
this until you are able to pause the game.
Finding "Special Iron Ingots" for crafting weapons:
You can find the "Special Iron Ingots" needed for crafting the weapons that are in the "Special"
list of the crafting menu, such as the "Broken Sword" Knife and Washington's Battle Sword
(Replica), by doing Homestead missions and by looting chests throughout the game. However there
are not enough to craft all of the weapons even after getting all the chests and doing all the
missions. You can find more ingots behind the manor at the Davenport Homestead. When looking at
the front door of the house, go around the right side. Keep going straight back all the way to
the cliff. Go directly behind the horse stable to the edge of the cliff (there are two stables;
select the one closer to the house that sits near the cliff). Drop down to hang from the edge
of the cliff and look down. There should be a small ledge. Drop onto that ledge to find a crate.
Open it to get three "Special Iron Ingots". The crate will only spawn if you do not have any
Special Ingots remaining. When you use those up, fast travel to any location and the crate will
respawn. If you have gotten all the chests, you will still need to go to the crate twice to have
enough to make all the weapons.
Double animal skins:
When hunting, if you know an animal is about to make an action on a spot (such as mark a tree
or eat a flower) allow it to do so, then kill it. Examine the clue, which should generate after
the animal does this, and another animal will spawn somewhere nearby. Use this to increase the
number of hunting items acquired. Note: This method is not always successful.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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