A Summer's End Hong Kong 1986 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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A Summer's End Hong Kong 1986 | |
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A Summer's End Hong Kong 1986
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Dialog Choices Guide:
Written by ghostfisting
The game operates on a straightforward point system that unlocks additional scenes
if you accrue a certain amount of points with the love interest. For anyone who
needs help unlocking that content, here’s a list of all the dialog choices you
have to pick.
Anything that isn’t mentioned doesn’t shift the meter one way or the other, and
adds flavor text instead (check the bottom section for exceptions). Oh yeah, and
it goes without saying that you should probably play the game on your own at
least once without a guide first. You know, for funsies.
-=Positive choices=-
Listed in order of appearance:
“That’s fine but…” or “If you’re paying.”
“A cat.” or “A dog.”
“I’ll visit your store.”
“I wanted to take a look at your shop.”
“I prefer reading a book.”
“I can’t say.”
“Tequila Sunrise.”
“Can you tell me more? I don’t know much about it.”
“Your smile never changed.”
“Sam… Yes.”
“Feed the cat.”
“It’s not disrespectful.” or “I don’t know.”
“I thought you would be this age.”
Each of these choices counts as a +1 Sam point basically. If you have the adult
patch enabled (here’s the official guide on how to do so) and you pick all the
dialog options listed above, you’ll unlock all the additional NSFW scenes/gallery
images one by one after this point.
-=Negative choices=-
Listed in order of appearance:
“I like watching documentaries.”
“I’ll take them both.” nets you a -2 so pick this one if you really want to screw
yourself over
If you have less than 7 points by the time you reach the dinner scene with Joey,
you’ll unlock a different ending, otherwise the game continues as usual from then on.
If you want to see that ending and its corresponding gallery image, pick all the
neutral options + negative options or just keep your point total below the threshold.
-=One last thing=-
Some choices don’t directly affect your relationship with Sam and aren’t reliant
on you having the adult patch installed to play out. Picking them unlocks two little
scenes right before the ending. They’re pretty self explanatory, but just in case
they aren’t, here are those dialog choices in order of appearance:
-=Scene 1=-
“A cat.”
“Feed the cat.”
-=Scene 2=-
“I suppose so.” or “We can always make more memories.”
And with that you should have the gallery filled out!
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