Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key | |
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Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Tip to Disable Depth of Field:
* You can turn the depth of field setting of in the "Graphic Settings".
* Its labeled "DOF" there's no slider for it, its only on or off.
* Turning it of removes the blur effect from the game you are talking about.
Where to Find Dragons for Dragon Eyes:
It’s the same way as Ryza 1. Like almost exactly.
Big Wyverns, a field boss dragon, drops them.
You can even find one extremely close to his original location in Ryza 1
in the Old Highway Ruins.
Otherwise he’s also all over the Kark Island zones.
Where to Find Adamant:
NPC in the Underworld asked an Adamant, and you need it for the keys?
-=Adamant Location List=-
* Great Tree of Urdis.
* Old Dragon Shrine.
* A Row of Giant Statues.
* Altar of Reflecting Sun.
These are all in Windle region I think.
Guide to Early Easy Gems and SP:
Written by Schneitizel S. Sekai
How to run on the game with (almost) unlimited gems and lots of SP!
* To have built the Atelier in Sardonica.
* Having unlocked Romy.
* Federica joined your team; it is possible to do the method without her,
but I was at that point.
* Have the skills “Duplication” and “Link Morph” in the Skill Tree.
- Medicinal Powder > Max Quality 300 > Duplication.
- Medicinal Powder > Max Quality 300 > Max Quality 500 > Link Morph.
* Not mandatory but recommended:
- The DLC that gives gems at the beginning of the game, starting capital.
- The two “Extra Ingredient +2” skills (Above Link Morph), if you don’t
have them, you will have SP with this method to buy them.
-=Step One: Ingrediens and Synth=-
* You will need at least four Eternal Crystals, which you can buy in sets
of three from Romy for 5 Gold Coin.
* Go back to the Atelier, then synthesise a Traverler’s Water Orb.
* Use ONLY two Core Ingredients (The Zettel and a Stone).
* Use Link Morhp on the Zettel, and use a Eternal Crystal, which will
replace the effect with “Synth Quantity +1”; use other crystals to raise
it to +3 and unlock the loop at the top.
* Use any item for the “Quality” loop at the top.
* Use again crystals on the last loop, to get “Synth Quantity +4”.
* Do not increase Traverler’s Water Orb’s quality! Synthesise now, you get
one (Or maybe multiple, I don’t remeber) Traverler’s Water Orb with
“Quantity Synth +4”.
-=Step Two: The Infinite Loop=-
* Duplicate your Traveler’s Water Orb never use your last copy, otherwise
you will have to repeat step 1.
* Synthesise a Super Pure Water.
* Use a “Gases” item for the green loop (any item), and then use a maximum of
Traveler’s Water Orb with Synth Quantity +4.
* Depending on the number of orbs you have, you will have more or less Super
Pure Water.
* Use “Gem Reduction” and use all your Super Pure Water, without exception.
* If you still have orbs left, which is the case if you have duplicated a lot,
continue to synthesise.
* If you only have one orb left, start again from step two, starting from the
duplication of the orb.
Now you can enjoy lots of gems for the Item Rebuild, and you get SP for every
Super Pute Water created!
To earn even more SP, buy the skills in the Skill Tree, but most importantly,
use Item Rebuild and level up your items a lot!
* Buy “Extra Ingredient +2” first! In addition to speeding up the process,
using more orbs will increase the quality of Super Pure Water, giving you
more gems!
* Never increase the quality of orbs, as these will cost you more to duplicate,
but will not increase the quality of Super Pure Water enough to “pay you back”.
* If you lack “Gases” items, you can easily get them from the mushrooms and
plants near the Workshop in Sardonica.
-=Last Words=-
This method may not be the most practical and quickest, but it has the advantage
of being able to be used at the beginning of the game! After buying the Item
Rebuild and its upgrades, it is possible to create absolutely super-powerful
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