Asterix and Obelix XXL Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Asterix and Obelix XXL | |
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Asterix and Obelix XXL
Alternate costume:
Submitted by: conner54
Successfully complete the game to unlock a new costume for Asterix.
Unlock Obelix's Roman costume:
Collect all the Gold Laurels in Rome to unlock Obelix's Roman costume.
Unlock Obelix's Redbeard the Pirate costume:
Collect all the Gold Laurels in Helvetia to unlock Obelix's Redbeard the
Pirate costume.
Unlock Obelix's Bathing suit:
Collect all the Gold Laurels in Normandy to unlock Obelix's Bathing suit.
Unlock Asterix's Roman costume:
Collect all the Gold Laurels in Gaul to unlock Asterix's Roman costume.
Unlock Asterix's Pirate costume:
Collect all the Gold Laurels in Greece to unlock Asterix's Pirate costume.
Unlock Asterix's Bathing suit:
Collect all the Gold Laurels in Egypt to unlock Asterix's Bathing suit.
Gameplay Tips:
Written by Mr.LightSite
* Hitting a wild boar will spawn a gigot, restoring one point of shield out of
five – you can do this infinitely on any of them.
* Combo attacks are done by getting a full COMBO gauge – each attack consumes
between 1 and 3 bars, depending on its efficiency.
* Sometimes, you’ll hear your partner whistle as they are ready to toss a Roman
at you. Jump and hit the poor enemy mid-air, and you will get a X3 multiplier.
* Multipliers are cumulative, so try getting some free ones as frequent as
* It can’t be said enough times: Twister combo is an absolute must as it will
make the end game fights a breeze (no pun intended) – thus, try to save at
least 30,000 by the time you reach Helvetia, when it becomes purchasable.
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