Avish - Searching for the exit Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Avish - Searching for the exit | |
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Avish - Searching for the exit
Cheat Codes:
Dot, Submitted the following Information:
Email: happpytodday@aol.com
On the main menu, choose Resume Game and type in the six digit password
of your choice to be instantly taken to that level. Please note that all
characters are letters.
LEVEL 01 - YGNCBC: Do Arrows lie?
LEVEL 02 - ELWWEL: Look under the door!
LEVEL 03 - VQILJF: Boom the bugs
LEVEL 04 - LTZQRA: Use that yellow thing
LEVEL 05 - IHEZYY: Point the key at the lock
LEVEL 06 - TUXGIL: Mary Poppins
LEVEL 07 - DPAINA: Burn all the bridges
LEVEL 08 - LSTBQV: I\'m singing in the rain
LEVEL 09 - OCXAFU: It\'s not so hard...
LEVEL 10 - HTTCSS: Stairs to heaven
LEVEL 11 - KHRLHF: 4th of July
LEVEL 12 - GQVXVV: Muhamad Ali in action
LEVEL 13 - UMRQHY: Let a smile be your guide
LEVEL 14 - IMHJKH: Look into your heart
LEVEL 15 - ALHCNM: Up & up we go
LEVEL 16 - BJRQBV: It is perishing out here
LEVEL 17 - SYOVDW: Tears of glass
LEVEL 18 - YZMKUF: Walking on broken glass
LEVEL 19 - IXNHHK: Fly over the monsters
LEVEL 20 - HXKHXX: Miles to jump before...
LEVEL 21 - USKSIO: Feed me!!!
LEVEL 22 - TOCRSY: Oh! It\'s all gone!
LEVEL 23 - RUEZRR: Slide and jump
LEVEL 24 - YMSBIB: Wind can be helpful...
LEVEL 25 - EQSXBX: How can a bomb help?
LEVEL 26 - YGDRHL: Set all the umbrellas free
LEVEL 27 - DBOBGP: Cold wind from the East
LEVEL 28 - ALQASJ: It\'s getting harder...
LEVEL 29 - UTKMOU: Twice a day
LEVEL 30 - SIKRMS: A devilish plan
LEVEL 31 - ETOQJY: Don\'t lick the screen!
LEVEL 32 - KLXNFK: Miles to slide before...
LEVEL 33 - UEIITQ: Make a wish!
LEVEL 34 - FXOUUE: Boom your way to the key
LEVEL 35 - WYSIGF: Ecologically unsafe
LEVEL 36 - DIOFKQ: Oops... wrong turn...
LEVEL 37 - PTPLMR: North by North East
LEVEL 38 - LOCYGC: Synchronized objects
LEVEL 39 - KTWQBP: Green glasses
LEVEL 40 - TSWSGC: Drop it!
LEVEL 41 - UDWGPN: The four seasons
LEVEL 42 - QEKXZG: Happy trampoline
LEVEL 43 - WSWFNO: Not again?!
LEVEL 44 - BRTLLT: Rubbermania
LEVEL 45 - ESMIGV: Three rooms in a boat
LEVEL 46 - TNHCUR: Popular misconceptions
LEVEL 47 - EMZMQM: Pinball
LEVEL 48 - FVUMOX: Everything for a bomb!
LEVEL 49 - WTAEET: I saw a polar bear!
LEVEL 50 - CXCSLD: London bridge is aahhh...
LEVEL 51 - JDHQNL: Looks too easy...
LEVEL 52 - XWJAPI: It\'s blocking my way!!!
LEVEL 53 - BPYCXZ: Two lifts from Andromeda
LEVEL 55 - WKTYUE: A semi-breakable screen
LEVEL 57 - TWRRPC: Poker face
LEVEL 58 - DBMOYI: Open the door with...
LEVEL 59 - KKVOEE: Catching a cold?
LEVEL 60 - JMMFFS: Mirror Image
LEVEL 61 - PQZHGN: Polka dots
LEVEL 62 - SYQMPV: The snail trail
LEVEL 63 - QUCAXA: Look through the windows
LEVEL 64 - WHGTHK: When Harry met Avish
LEVEL 65 - GVZKNV: It\'s a frogs life for me
LEVEL 66 - COTDLU: Deja Vu
LEVEL 67 - KCQKVL: Mona Lisa (self-portrait)
LEVEL 68 - DOEZRW: At the Dentist
LEVEL 69 - DZYRUH: Call a club a club
LEVEL 70 - QLZQIV: Fill it up
LEVEL 71 - JUUVAG: In stereo where possible
LEVEL 72 - OTZSSR: Boxing against the walls
LEVEL 73 - IWAIVI: Now where is that key...
LEVEL 74 - MEYUCK: Yuck!
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
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