
Awaria Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Awaria 
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 Awaria Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

How to Unlock 100% Gallery with Cheat Code:
This guide provides a step-by-step method to unlock the entire 
gallery in the game Awaria.

This cheat code is a game-changer, discovered by a fellow player 
and shared within the community. To unlock the entire gallery, 
follow these directions during the credits screen:

* Down
* Up
* Right
* Up
* Left
* Down
* Down
* Left
* Up
* Down
* Right
* Up

Upon successfully entering this sequence, a message will appear on the 
screen saying "Beezlebub approves," indicating that you have unlocked 
the gallery. Congratulations, you’ve saved yourself from further torment 
and can now enjoy the game’s art at your leisure.

How to Beat Level 9, 12, and 13 on Hard Mode:
Written by Sir Axe-a-lot

-=Level 9=-
The beginning of the level is quite calm so take your time, start by 
collecting both the Tier 1 Coolant and Batteries and repaired the first 
broken generator, and to restock and resupply if it’s a Tier 2 of the items
Once you repair the 1st generator, ZMORA will spawn and the chase begin. 
Despite her rapid movement and teleporting, she is quite predictable and her 
move-set goes as follows:
1st: She will lunge at your general direction in which case try to bait/
sidestep her attack.

2nd: Once you dodge her lunge, she will immediately teleport to your current 
location and strike down on you spawning a cross-pattern lightning attack in 
which case walk Diagonally up or down depending on your position, she will 
rapidly do this 3 times in a row and on the 3rd time start running.

3rd: Cause she gonna start chasing you and once she caught up to you or you 
run away too far for her to catch we will then angrily beat her wrench on the 
ground and spawn the same cross-pattern attack we saw at her previous move but 
this time she will also spawn 8 - 11 random lightning strike across the map so 
keep your eye peel and move with caution and this attack will repeat 2 times.
At which time she will start chasing you and revert back to her first move-set 
to begin the cycle of pain again

My general strategy on this level was to let her do her 2 attacks first then 
start running for repair on her 3rd teleport and not to stay in one place as 
much as possible especially anywhere near Zmora but also to avoid her 8-11 
lightning strikes and electric trap( i just walk right through them because 
they’re so quick to activate but slow to wind up).

Took me about 30-45 min and many Death to complete her level.

-=Level 12=-
*Sidenote: if any of these levels are getting to your nerves then PLS quit 
the game and go do something else for the day and return at a later date.
Generally for both of these level is to move in a U-shaped pattern and to not 
stay in one place for too long.
STICK/MOVE TO THE BOTTOM as much as you can to lure the Dog?Stag?Hybrid thing? 
to lunge at you and hit the bottom of the screen.

-=Level 12=-
- Dash toward the Tier 1 Coolant and Tier 1 Batteries and take them for an easier 
  first 2 repair.

- U-shaped pattern movement and stick to the bottom
*Note: sometimes the Robots rush wave will have one that spawns on the bottom so 
pay attention and dash through them.

- The Robot rush: The Robot will spawn on either side of the map and start charging 
toward the opposite side of where they’re spawning and will stop once they hit a 
wall. Just dash right through them but it could be quite tricky with all the other 
elements floating around on the level so keep a keen eye and focus.

- The Floating Skull: They explode into a ring of flying bolts when their timer or 
you’re near them so: Try to time their explosion and dash inward or Try to run to 
the top of the left or right corner of either the Tier 1 items or Try to be at the 
bottom and near and not so near them to get hit, because their bolt will hit the 
bottom and disappear faster.

- The Rhino/Stag Hybrid will have a short lunge and quite a fareaching and fast 
Dash(so like Zmora but on Steroid). The Hitbox on this is quite finicky so try 
to bait/sidestep it and don’t try to dash inward toward the beast to avoid its 
lunge/dash it won’t work.

It took me about 1 hour to beat and many many Deaths to complete it so be Patient 
and if it’s too hard quit the game and go do breathing exercises and do something 
else for the day. return at a later date or the evening/night.

-=Level 13=-
*Sidenote: if any of these levels are getting to your nerves then PLS quit the 
game and go do something else for the day and return at a later date.
Generally for both of these levels is to move in a U-shaped pattern and to not stay 
in one place for too long.
STICK/MOVE TO THE BOTTOM as much as you can to lure the Dog?Stag?Hybrid thing? to 
lunge at you and hit the bottom of the screen.

-=Level 13=-
- Remember that HitBoxed I talked about with the “RhinoStag Hybrid” Apparently that 
also applies to us now when we dash our Hitbox becomes a little bigger just enough 
not to miss a few Robots.


- Dash toward the Tier 1 Coolant and Tier 1 Batteries and take them for an easier 
  first 2 repair.

- U-shaped pattern movement and stick to the bottom.
*Note: Now the Robots rush wave will always have one(The right side one) that spawns 
on the bottom so pay attention and dash through them.

- The DogStag Hybrid: They will always spawn 4 at a time and will always spawn at the 
4 corners of the map so be vigilant and careful when going for repair or picking up 
items, they can also hit you mid-spawning if you are on their spawn point and will 
sometime lunge at you if you are near them during their mid-spawning too.

- The Robot rush: The Robot will spawn on both sides of the map and start charging 
toward each other and will stop when they hit a wall. Just dash right through them 
but it could be quite tricky with all the other elements floating around on the level 
so keep a keen eye and focus.
*The left-side robot will be above the bottom of the map leaving you room to run/dash 
through with impunity.
*The right-side robot will be the opposite and will be positioned lower down the left 
side position by 1 bot so the bottom side on the right will have a Bot run through it, 
so dash through him or sometimes you can’t in which case back up a little and then dash.

- The Floating Skull: You still have a small window to kill them even if their timer 
reaches 0 but just to be safe kill them fast before they become a nuisance and they’ll 
stick quite close to the bottom/follow you so when you’re dashing through the bottom 
you might inadvertently kill them along with the “DogStag Hybrid”.

- The Rhino/Stag Hybrid: will have a short lunge and quite a fareaching and fast Dash
(so like Zmora but on Steroid). The Hitbox on this is quite finicky so try to bait/
sidestep it and you can now try to dash inward toward the beast to kill it.

- Artillery Barrage: “The icon of Sin wannabe” will fire 3 times directly on you and 
once the shot lands it will explode into a ring of flying bolts just like the floating 
skull but more annoying. So try to guide/stack the shot onto one of the top sides of 
the map i recommend the corner.
*If you’re too slow to get out of the way or the shot blocks you in try to dash 
diagonally away/toward the shot depending on your predicament i find that always 
saves my hide.

- ASMR Hydraulic Press: “The Demon Tricky wannabe” will start to slam it Face/Chin 
on the requisite giant square danger zone for 2 times and fire a blast of flying bolts 
so hug the top side of either left or right of the Tier 1 items.

It took me about 7 HOURS to beat and MANY MANY Deaths with rage fill scream and face-
palming my forehead multiple times to complete it so be patient and if it’s too hard 
quit the game and go do breathing exercises and do something else for the day. return 
at a later date or the evening/night.

*Ultimately it just took me to log off the game and go do something else and came back 
the next day in the evening to try and beat it and only took me 6 Deaths to complete 
and get the achievement. 

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