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 Backpack Battles Cheats

Backpack Battles

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Tips to Made Rainbow Goobert Omegaooze Prime Slime:
I did it in unranked and it was pretty insane.

The best way to do it, I think, is to be reaper since getting 
those fly amarics on ranger seems tougher than getting the hero 
sword on reaper.

Then you want to just, not combine poison or vampire until you 
really need the space, or you’re about to go primeslime.

Having several base gooberts healing you is better. Still, you’re 
going to be pretty weak so doing it in ranked seems a bit difficult.

I got an early steel goobert which I used on a bag of stones 
which let me stabilize for a while, but still wasn’t able to 
complete it until about round 15, but once it was in, people had 
a hard time knocking me below max health and my scaling was insane.

They went fully blind very quickly, so I was only susceptible to 
reapers but their scaling was way slower than mine if they had no 
weapons. Seems like exodia tbh.

Useful Tips and Tricks:
-=Useful Information=-
* Cards activation speed is effected by things that increase speed
* Fanny Pack, heat, Gloves, Jynx bird,
* Lovers and Ace both have additional effects depending on their placement
* Blue Eyes Dragon gives you armor and opponent slow
* Lovers and Charizard both “deal” DMG and as such can crit
* Dark lotus gives mana and for each mana over 10 it removes a buff
* 4th slot in deck gives 12 mana = 2 buffs removed

-=General Tips=-
* Lovers is decent early game but falls off around round 8~10, vs any 
  poison potion build you dont want to heal
* Cards still activate and deal DMG even if you are stunned so vs Hammer 
* Coffin sells for 10 gold and gives slots = 2 ruckpacks which is 8 gold 
  or 4 if both on sale
* Spike shields early game help
* Customer card early is IMPORTANT, allowing you to grab early charizards
* Earliest charizard i’ve found is round 5
* Save gold till epics and legendaries have higher shop % as you want blue 
  eyes and charizards mostly

-=Set Up Tips=-
* Like any reaper run, start with pan and food saving packs on sale and 
  any fanny packs
* Ace gives spikes so stacking a couple early in deck can help vs quick 
  attacking builds
* Blue Eyes Draon; Despite the armor increasing per card activated before, 
  it is better to stack them early in deck so you stack slow and give 
  starting armor
* Do NOT run any weapons once you have 2~3 charizards, as the weapon atk 
  will steal the Ace card’s crit where we want the charizard to get that 
* Try to run 1~3 dark lotus for buff removal and also to activate books 
  of light, as such try to run 1~3 book of lights

-=So Whats The DMG Like?=-
* End game comps ive average the end of card chains doing ~120-160 
  every 1.4s

-=Most Optimal Layout For All Cards=-
Stacking cards so that early deck you go something like:

SD = Starting deck, 
BE = Blue eyes, 
A = Ace, 
CZ = Charizard, 
DL = Dark Lotus


You will end with;

* 6 spike, 6 luck
* 93 armor
* 10 mana
* Remove 11 buffs from opponent

Pair this with book of light so you use the 10 mana and get invul

Beyond this you could stack more books and more DL or you can start doing 
dmg with CZ, you need to pay attention to what the max hp is for your 
round and how much dmg you will do.

-=Figuring out DMG=-
* Always have an ace activate before a CZ, this doesnt have to be the card
  right before but no lovers in  between A and CZ
* Use the layout i provided to compare dmg

Slot # = Dmg Dealt
* 2 = 10 (no ace)
* 3 = 28
* 4 = 36
* 5 = 44
* 6 = 52
* 7 = 60
* 8 = 68
* 9 = 76
* 10 = 84
* 11 = 92
* 12 = 100
* 13 = 108
* 14 = 116
* 15 = 124
* 16 = 132
* 17 = 140
* 18 = 148
* 19 = 156
* 20 = 164
* 21 = 172
* 22 = 180
* 23 = 188
* 24 = 196
* 25 = 204
* 26 = 212
* 27 = 220

Remember you need an A between but they also deal said dmg back to back.

Expanding example above adding dmg:
* SD – BE A BE A BE A DL BE CZ(84) A CZ(100) A CZ(116)

Total: 300 dmg in 4.75s

That is only 2 procs of regen if they have any left after DL, also this 
isnt melee atks so no shield armor is procing

Potions: How It Works:
If you click on the potion you will see a star on top, if you put another potion 
there the star potion gets triggered without being used when the potion below 
is used.

* So you generally want to stack potions on top of each other with the wors one 
  at the bottom.
* Better yet put it in the potion belt for a chance of multitriggers.
* Single potions are usually not overly powerful but with belts and stacks they 
  can be very powerful, also depends on which potion, some builds need poison 
  some need stamina, etc.

Tips to Deal with Pyromancer:
* Use strong damage attacks to defeat them quickly, like crit or fast poison builds.
* Blind them with at least 20+ stacks to prevent their attacks.
* Steal their buffs using items or gems.
* Focus on critical hits or burst damage instead of defense.
* Equip amethysts in your armor or shield.
* Consider using multi-phoenix for more damage.
* Aim for consistent critical hits or stealing buffs.
* Look for items like Cap of Discomfort or Heart of Darkness to hinder their healing.
* Zerkers with healing reduction can be effective, stack amethyst gems and use the 
  Cap of Discomfort.
* Important note: You won’t be able to use all the tips at the same time.

Rainbow Guide:
* For rainbow goobert, you need 4 things: Goobert, bag space, goobert recipe items, 
  and cheap repeatable activations that don’t ruin your stamina (usually food, daggers 
  and shields).
* You will be very starved for gold, so avoid picking up expensive accessories like 
  Holy Book until you have your rainbow mostly finished.
* You want a fairly fast hero sword both for survival and because you need a pile of 
  commons to get it. Frying Pan or Hammer will likely be your main weapon between 
  getting steel goobert and finishing rainbow goobert.
* After round 4 or 5, rares maintain a pretty consistent pull rate, so you should be 
  trying to reroll once or twice per round to dig for the needed gooberts.
* You will usually find blood gem and lightsaber while rolling for them. Customer 
  Card will reduce the chances of seeing goobert once commons drop below 50% because
  rares are the second tier.
* Note: Oh yeah, 2 stones + bag of stones is a very cheap way to take good advantage
  of steel goobert, which is important for rainbow strats.

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