
Batman - Arkham Origins Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Batman - Arkham Origins Cheats

Batman - Arkham Origins

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Free Flow Fifty Achievement/Trophy Tips:
An easy way to score the x50 combo needed to earn this Achievement/Trophy is to reach 
Round 4 of the "Intensive Training" combat challenge. At this point, abuse the trick 
of attacking enemies, then jumping over them to avoid their hits/counterattacks. Simply
continue this until you reach a x50 combo, without worrying about using combo attacks 
or finishers (indeed, these attacks will finish enemies off quicker, potentially 
throwing off your timing).

It gets even easier if you have unlock the Shock Gloves, which provide a x2 multiplier
on each successful hit when activated.

Easy "One Of Each" achievement:
There are five different gadgets needed to get the "One Of Each" achievement. They are 
all unlocked automatically while playing through the story. The following gadgets have 
to be used in one combo, without ever losing the combo multiplier:

1.Batclaw Slam.
2.Explosive Gel.
3.Concussion Detonator.
4.Glue Grenade.

Unlockables - Costumes:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume. 

New 52 Graphic        - Capture every Most Wanted target.
Dark Knight           - Complete all Dark Knight Challenges.
Noel                  - Find all Enigma Datapacks.
Injustice             - Earn all Medals in Challenge mode.
Blackest Night        - Earn Prestige in Multiplayer mode.
One Million           - Download the free DLC, then register with WBID.
Knightfall Pack       - PlayStation3 exclusive pre-order bonus.
New Millenium Pack    - Must be purchased.
Infinite Earths Pack  - Must be purchased.

Easy "Anyone See That?" and "Silent Knight" achievements:
In the mission where you need to track down the Penguin on his ship (it is one
of the first main missions in the game), after your encounter with Tracey (Penguin's
assistant) and her goons, you will reach the first predator room in the game. Stay 
crouched, sneak up to an isolated enemy, and perform a silent takedown. Do this to 
all six enemies in the room, without being noticed, to get the "Anyone See That?" 
and "Silent Knight" achievements. Note: If you have already passed this point in 
the game, there are still plenty of other opportunities to get these achievements,
but you should definitely do this before completing the story. After completing a 
predator room, the enemies will not respawn

Easy x50 combo hint:
Reach Round 4 of the "Intensive Training" combat challenge and , abuse the trick of 
attacking enemies, then jumping over them to avoid their hits/counterattacks. Repeat 
this until you reach a x50 combo, without worrying about using combo attacks or finishers
It gets even easier if you have unlocked the Shock Gloves, which provide a x2 multiplier 
on each successful hit when activated.

Big Head mode:
While using the cryptographic sequencer, hold L1 and R2 and then rotate the right analog 
clockwise. Do this until Batman's head becomes big.

Additional Skins:
You can gain additional skins by satisfying the corresponding requirements:

Blackest Night      - Prestige in multiplayer.
Dark Knight         - Clear all Dark Knight challenges.
Earth 2 Dark Knight - Link a WBID to the Batman: Arkham Origins game on iOS.
Injustice           - Obtain all Challenge Mode medals.
New 52 Graphic      - Complete all Most Wanted challenges.
One Million         - Link a WBID to your account.
Red Son             - Play the iOS game.

Easy experience:
Do the following to earn 120,000 XP every 15 minutes and be able to purchase all upgrades at 
the start of the game. At Burnley, go to the indicated location on the rooftop and let the 
enemy kill you so you are saved at this location. When you spawn after dying, use the grappling
hook to go back to the rooftop, silent takedown the first three enemies, then silent takedown 
the fourth enemy with a Knockout Smash to get a total of 8,000 XP. After getting the XP and 
the "Saving..." icon disappears at the bottom of the screen, pause the game and select 
"Restart" to start from the last checkpoint. Repeat this process as many times as desired.

Green Arrow reference:
In the interior of the Final Offer, in the same area as the "fight arena", there is a cargo 
container with "Queen Industries" on its side. "Queen Industries" belongs to Oliver Queen, 
a.k.a. the Green Arrow.

Harvey Dent reference:
While in the G.C.P.D., up in the evidence locker you can see a newspaper clipping of Harvey 
Dent's win in the election for Gotham City D.A. 

Rupert Thorne reference:
In the G.C.P.D., look carefully at the bulletin boards in the squadron rooms. On the walls are 
newspaper clippings and mugshots with police reports. One of these reports references Rupert 
Thorne; another one of Gotham's infamous crime lords.

Confronting Anarky:
Finally, you get to confront the villain behind all these bombs. Find him at the Bowery. Go
through the back door of the courthouse to find him. You will be ambushed by many of his 
lackeys. Defeat them and Anarky will join the fight. Try to avoid hits from him, as he uses 
an electric weapon. Jump over him and counter to avoid attacks. You can also attack him from
behind to make him lose the weapon. Defeat Anarky and his men to successfully complete the 
mission and save Gotham.

Console Cheat Codes:
Writen by MrJAG and Samuel De Fanta

Every known console cheat code for Batman Arkham Origins and updating regularly.

-=How to Use=-
Note: You muse have at least one DLC for this to work. Preferably, the Season Pass.
1.Press F10 key on your keyboard once you load in your game.
2.Copy a cheat code (ctrl+C) and paste it into the command console (ctrl+V).
3.Some codes may require you to exit to main menu, then load back in.

-=Singleplayer Cheat Codes=-
* Save Game Anywhere

* Clayface Mode (No Bones during detective mode)
set bmgame.rpawnvillian ispotentiallyinterrogatable true

* Extended Grapple Height & Distance:
set bmgame.rgrapplegun maxgrappleheight 999999999

* Extra Long Bat Claw:
set bmgame.rlevelvolume overridebatclawrange 999999999

* Terrified Gotham!
set bmgame.rbmpawnspawner bpawnshouldfleecombat true

* Completely Terrified Gotham!
set bmgame.rbmpawnspawner bpawnshouldfleeimmediately true

* Arkham Knight Style Gliding:
set bmgame.rplayercontroller capeglideminspeed 99

* Glide Faster/Further:
set bmgame.rspecialmoveconfig_relativeanimmove overrideglidespeed 999999999
(change the 999999999 to 00 to return to normal)

* Start New Game with ALL UPGRADES/GADGETS:
set bmgame.mwaynetechupgradesystem upgradeall true

* One Hit Kill:
set pawn health 0001
(change the 0001 to whatever you want to make the enemies stronger)

* Infinite Shock Gloves/Heat Gloves:
set bmgame.mshockglovesbase infiniteshockgloves true

* Big Head Mode: (Will need to restart from checkpoint for full effect)
set bmgame.rgameinfo enablebigheadmode true

* Invincibility:
set engine.playercontroller bgodmode true

* Everything Floats:
set engine.worldinfo worldgravityz 99 = this makes everything float,
 change the 99 to 00 to return to normal.

* Wireframe Mode:
set engine.material wireframe true = Once turned on, need to restart level to 
see effects, replace true with false and restart to return to normal.

* Allow Fog(Small Detective Vision Draw Distance):
set engine.material ballowfog

* Change Batarang Size:
set rbatarangprojectile_controllable drawscale 5 = change the “5” to change 
the size of the remote controlled batarang.

* Make Batman Stuck in the one Spot:
set rpawnplayerbm Bstatic True = Change “true” to “false” to release him.

* Change Gargoyles Size:
set rhidepoint drawscale 10 = Change “10” to change the size of the gargoyles.

* Change Game Speed:
set engine.worldinfo gamespeed 0.5 = change the “0.5” to change the speed of the game.

* Change Time Dialation Speed:
set engine.worldinfo timedilation 0.07 = change the “0.07” to change the Time 
Dilation Speed.

* Change Size of Everyone:
set pawn drawscale 0.2 = change the “0.2” to change everyone’s size.

* Deathstroke No Hit Counter:
set BmGame.MCombatMove_DeathStrokeStaffAttack bCollisionDeactivated true
set BmGame.MCombatMove_DeathStrokeSwordAttack bCollisionDeactivated true

* One Hit Counter Attack:
set BmGame.RCombatMove_BatmanCounter bShouldKill true

* Counter Icons ON/OFF in NG+:
Set BmGame.RBMCombatManager bNewGamePlus False

* Everyone is ‘Deceased’ in Detective Mode:
Set BmGame.RBMPawnAI bReallyDead True

* Keep icon of current Gadget displayed:
Set BmGame.RInventoryGadget bForceShowGadget True

* Use gadgets while in Corner Cover:
Set BmGame.RInventoryGadget bUsableFromCornerCover

* Use gadgets while on Gargoyle:
Set BmGame.RInventoryGadget bUsableFromVantagePoints true

* Detective Mode into Investigate Mode:
Set BmGame.RPlayerController bIsInCrimeScene true

* Breakable Walls:
set BmGame.RFractureWallBase IsTakedownWall true

* Unlimited Smoke Pellets:
set BmGame.RInventoryGadget bCanEquipWhileRecharging true

* ‘Super Powered’ Batarangs:
set BmGame.RBMPawnAI bBatarangCanKill true

* ‘Super Powered’ Modifier in Open World:
set BmGame.RPawnPlayerCombat bIncreasedCombatPower true

* Change camera to Combat camera:
set BmGame.RGameRI bBatmanInCombat true

* Every hit is a “Final Blow:”
set BmGame.RPawnCombat bCanControlFinalBlowCam true

* Disable use of gadgets while on Wire:
set BmGame.RInventoryGadget bNotUsableFromWire true

* Protects you from falling off edges:
set BmGame.RPlayerController bStopPlayerFallingOffEdges true

* Thugs don’t get hurt by Batarangs:
set BmGame.RBMPawnAI bDontReactToBatarang true

* Disable Stun stars:
set BmGame.RPersistentDebugData Debug_Combat_DisableStunStars true

* Stay in Super Combo Mode:
set BmGame.RPlayerControllerCombat bInSuperComboMode true

* Toggle The HUD:

* Exit Straight To Desktop:

* Change Characters Mid-Game:
LoadPC Playable_xxxxx = change the xxxx to the character name below:

PS: In order to do change the character you have to do it on a death screen 
otherwise it will crash, so you need to kill yourself and then when it shows
the death screen, so add this line to your "bminput.ini" file:

.Bindings=(Name=”Subtract”, Command=”Suicide”)

So now you press the subtract button on your numpad to kill yourself

* Codes to change to the character or your choice:
BmCash (you may need to have the CCH DLC to do this)
NinjaBruce (may need the Initiation DLC to do this)
NinjaBruce_Vigilante (may need the Initiation DLC to do this)

-=Start On Any Map=-
start xxxxx = replace xxxx with any location listed below:
Openworld = thats free roam
OpenworldDLCF = free roam the CCH DLC (you may need it in order to do this)
Gothcorp (you may need the CCH DLC to do this)

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