Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Bookworm Adventures Volume 2 | |
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Bookworm Adventures Volume 2
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Bonek
Unlockable Modes
Adventure Replay - Complete Book 6.
Arena - Complete Book 6.
Mini-Games - Complete Book 5.
Tome of Knowledge - Complete Book 4.
Tome of Knowledge Codes:
You'll need the following codes to fill the Secrets section of the Tome of
Knowledge Click Lex (or an enemy) in Adventure or Arena Mode as directed
below, or enter the following codes at the Main Menu:
CELEBRATE - Lex dons a party hat, fireworks.
GOBBLE - Lex dons a turkey tail, leaves fall.
SEATTLE - Lex gains a coffee mug, rained.
WINTER - Lex gains a scarf, cocoa, snow.
LOVELY - Lex is surrounded by hearts.
MOUSTACHE - Lex wears a moustache.
CONE - Lex wears a road cone on his head.
PANCAKES - Lex wears pancakes on his head.
PIRATE - Lex wears pirate garb and giggles.
ELITE - The tile grid changes to L33T speak.
Click Lex at the main menu 4 times - Lex will giggle
Click Lex at the main menu - Lex will hiccup
Click Lex at the main menu 8 times - Lex will sneeze
Click an enemy in the Tome 6 times - Shows enemy's Death animation
Click an enemy in the Tome - Shows enemy's Hit animation
Click an enemy's attack in the Tome - Shows the attack's animation.
Submitted by: Darkblade
Here are all of the bosses in Bookworm Adventures 2.
Boss Information
Dish and Spoon It is sad if you can't defeat this boss. VERY EASY.
Old MacDonald Still very easy.
Big Bad Wolf Starting to get there, but still pretty easy. The power-up and power-down sucks.
Giant Pretty easy.
Papa Bear Easy-medium.
Witch Easy.
Caterpillar Medium. Just like the hydra in the first one, except the enemies have more health.
Mad Hatter Medium.
Jabberwock Hard. Not very crippling attacks, but the regeneration is aggravating.
Queen of Hearts Hard. No regeneration, but powerful attacks and potion steal.
Elder Tiger Demon VERY HARD. With the bleeding and power-down, he takes a long time to defeat.
Prideful Monk Hard. Definitely not as bad as the last one, though.
Sifu Sek Keen Medium. Not very crippling attacks and no regeneration.
Year of The Dog Hard. Again, beats Elder Tiger Demon.
Tree Demon Pretty hard. Stun, bleed, crushed tiles, and plagued tiles are aggravating attacks.
Dragon King Elder Tiger Demon 2.0(VERY HARD).
The Monkey King Medium. A better king than the Dragon King, that's for sure.
Bull Demon King Medium. Once again, a better king than the Dragon King.
Door Medium. Not hard attacks.
Er-Lang Shen Medium-Hard. Really not bad as far as damage goes, but your tiles will suffer.
Monolithic Obelisk Hard.
Great Radiape TOO HARD! WAY TOO HARD! Petrify AND power-up is extremely hard.
Troglock King Refer to Elder Tiger Demon.
Skeletrox Very hard.
Previous Lex Are you ******* kidding me? EXTREMELY EASY.
The Butterfly Medium. Not very hard, to be honest.
Skeletrox 2 Hard.
Lady Summer-Speak Hard. Gem and potion steal is crippling.
Bigger Brother Medium-Hard.
Phase 1, 2, and 3 EXTREMELY HARD. ALL THREE. YOU WILL DIE A LOT. The last boss of the game.
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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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