
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 
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 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Cheats

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

PC Console Commands Guide:
Navigate to the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel installation and open the "Config" folder. 
It should be somewhere like this:

C:\ ProgramFiles(x86) \ Steam \ SteamApps \ Common \ BorderlandsPreSequel \ WillowGame \ Config
In the "Config" folder, open the "DefaultInput.ini" with a text editor like Notepad. Search for
the line "[Engine.Console] and copy+paste the following under so it looks like this:

ManualAutoCompleteList=(Command="Stat UNITAVG",Desc="Stat UNITAVG (Shows average hardware 
unit framerate)")
Now when you start the game, press tilde [`] to bring down the console window. 
Restart the Steam client if it doesn't seem to be working.

Console Commands List

Gives full control over FOV adjustments, beyond the range allowed in the regular Video Options 
menu selection. May cause performance or graphical issues. 
Replace [Input Number] with 1 through 180.

Sets a custom resolution outside the options available in the Video Options menu. 
A standard setting would be "setres 1280×960? but any number can be used.

Code                   Effect
ToggleHUD            - Turns the HUD elements on or off. Can be used for taking better screenshots
                       with the console screenshot feature.
Stat FPS             - Makes an FPS counter appear in the corner of the scree. 
                       Good for testing performance.
Gamma [Input NUMBER] - Like "FOV" above, gives full control over Gamma adjustment.
Shot / Screenshot    - Takes a screenshot instantly.
FOV [1 to 180]       - Set field of view 
Exit / Quit          - Instantly exit the game client. Both of these commands do the same thing.

SHiFT codes:
Enter one of the following codes under your SHiFT account at Gearbox Software to unlock 
the corresponding bonus. Note: Some codes will expire over time or number of redemptions.
The Golden Keys are obtained from the SHiFT Code Kiosk in Concordia. You can then use the
Golden Key to open the chest found in the town square near Springs' shop and Moxxi's bar 
to get up to four level appropriate weapons or shields each time it is opened. 

Effect                 Code
1 Golden Key          - WKCT3-JTHZ9-BJ3JB-TTBJJ-CSZCZ
1 Golden Key          - K5K3T-5THZ9-JT3BT-JBTJ3-36RZB
1 Golden Key          - 5KWTJ-FB9ZH-TTJTB-BBT3B-F9KWX
1 Golden Key          - KW53T-S39HZ-TJTT3-BJ3B3-B69C3
1 Golden Key          - WK5BJ-3CHHS-TJJ3J-T3T3T-RRC5H
1 Golden Key          - CWK33-5J3B3-33BTJ-3TB3B-C5SFX
1 Golden Key          - KKK3J-T33J3-BTB3T-JBJJ3-JSFBX
1 Golden Key          - 5C5TJ-W699H-BJTBJ-TTTTJ-XX3X6
1 Golden Key          - 5WK33-RF99H-BJBJT-3B33T-ZW6WT
1 Golden Key          - C5CTT-3JJJJ-C3JTJ-J33BJ-SZ9SK
1 Golden Key          - 5WWBJ-HHSZ9-JBT33-B3TJJ-ZW65W
1 Golden Key          - 5W5B3-KSZZ9-333B3-BBBBT-BK5W9 
1 Golden Key          - C5WTB-J9ZHS-BBBTT-TJ33T-RKJXT
1 Golden Key          - KKKJB-HXZHS-JTJJ3-JJBT3-KTJSB
1 Golden Key          - C5CJB-WTT3T-WJJBT-JT3JJ-CKJZ3
1 Golden Key          - C5KTB-RTJ33-C33TT-BBJBB-WZWJX
1 Golden Key          - 5WWBJ-TWBJJ-KT3JB-TJBBB-CJ5KJ
1 Golden Key          - CWCJ3-R9TTT-KTBBJ-TBB33-J6CWS
1 Golden Key          - KKKJ3-HH3JB-5B3BJ-BJBJB-RWK3X
3 Golden Keys         - 5CW3B-K6WBJ-T3B33-BT3BJ-KR3WK
3 Golden Keys         - WWKTJ-JWKJB-BJ3TJ-3BJTB-TSHBW
3 Golden Keys         - WW5BB-RCKTJ-BTJ3J-BTTJB-939Z6
3 Golden Keys         - KW53T-955JJ-3JBJT-3JJTB-BSSBF
3 Golden Keys         - KCCJ3-XHCZ5-J6WBB-TB3J3-6C3WT 
3 Golden Keys         - 5CKBJ-BTFSC-TRCJB-3TBJB-X6J6Z
3 Golden Keys         - C5W3B-B96R3-TTB3T-TJB3B-36KWB
3 Golden Keys         - WC5JJ-HTXSC-TFWJJ-BJBJJ-HXWXB
3 Golden Keys         - CC53J-RKRZC-BR5T3-TJBBT-HBW9S
3 Golden Keys         - W55J3-BTR3J-JBJJJ-JTTJ3-F6CF3
3 Golden Keys         - 5CC3J-6WCJ3-C333J-JBJ3J-J95RK
3 Golden Keys         - KC5BB-3WK63-JJJBJ-JJ333-BZ93H
3 Golden Keys         - WWK3B-SKFTB-3TBJJ-BBJ3T-FRR5X
5 Golden Keys         - WCKT3-5WB63-BJBBJ-JBTJT-JKXHT
5 Golden Keys         - WK533-CZ6JB-T3BB3-3TB33-W9XXR
5 Golden Keys         - 5K53J-J9FJ3-BT3JB-3BTT3-9JF5J 
5 Golden Keys         - W5KBJ-ZZXJJ-TBTBB-B33T3-5FWH3
5 Golden Keys         - 5CWBT-T3S3T-3TJJ3-3JBBB-6X9Z3
5 Golden Keys         - K5CT3-BJBRB-JB3BB-3TTJT-K3XBJ
5 Golden Keys         - 555JT-6TTX3-JBBJT-BTT33-T3F9C
5 Golden Keys         - CKKT3-K3SHK-3RK3B-3JB33-ZHRZJ
5 Golden Keys         - CKCJB-FB9ZK-TF5TJ-J333J-WRWS3
5 Golden Keys         - C55B3-5FTRB-JBJJB-JBJJJ-C9JBR
5 Golden Keys         - W55JB-TFH63-J33BT-BBJB3-THF5H
5 Golden Keys         - WCW3J-KSSZC-BR5JB-JJTTB-XF9FZ
5 Golden Keys         - K5WTB-SS9ZK-BXKTT-BJ3JT-5BJCJ
5 Golden Keys         - WW53B-W9BR3-33BT3-T33B3-JJC6C
5 Golden Keys         - 5CCBT-FXSFT-3BJB3-3JJBJ-RWHTC
5 Golden Keys         - W5K3B-B5ZX3-TTT3J-33JJT-R9F63
5 Golden Keys         - KKWB3-RTTSB-B3TTT-TBTTB-63JZK
5 Golden Keys         - CCWTJ-WWB93-BJBJT-3BTJB-RHJRC
5 Golden Keys         - 5KKJT-SCB9T-33TBJ-BBJJJ-9ZRZ5
5 Golden Keys         - WCCJB-RXBSJ-3B33T-3TBJT-BKRS3
10 Golden Keys        - 5WK33-KRHWJ-TTT33-TJJTJ-5SRTK
20 Golden Keys        - C55BT-S95HK-HTT3J-B3J3J-5H5CR
Jack-o'Cannon         - KW5BB-BZXWB-3TT33-JJT33-C966T
Loverpalooza skins    - KK5JB-93RS3-3B333-33BB3-TK9H3
Spring Fling Cele     - KCCTJ-H5FST-BTBBT-3B33B-BTH5Z

Easy XP:
During the "A New Direction" story mission early in the game, you can farm easy XP from
the final Boss "RedBelly" by quickly saving and quitting at the right time. RedBelly has
two phases during the battle; the second phase begins when his helmet comes off. Once 
this happens, make sure not to kill the helmet. Focus only on RedBelly. The easiest way
to kill RedBelly is to get him to chase you back to the venting machines. RedBelly will
not leave his area -- so he will not enter the room. You can then shoot him from a safe
distance. Once Belly is defeated, Jack will say "Who the hell were those weirdos? 
Oh whatever, I'm friggin' over it -- just turn off the signal!" When he finishes saying 
that, pause the game, and select the "Save and Quit" option. Once you are back at the 
main menu, select "Continue", run back to RedBelly, and kill him again. To save some time, 
you can jump over the garage by jumping on the lamppost, then jumping on the garage. 
When you are on the garage, jump on the sign, then leap over the wall, and proceed to 
RedBelly's location. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Use this trick to 
quickly reach Level 14. Note: If you do not select "Save & Quit" at the right time, the
mission will proceed, and you will not be able to farm RedBelly again until later in 
the game.

Godzilla reference:
You can fight a hidden level 30 Kraggon Boss named "Iwajira", that resembles Godzilla,
has a similar radioactive beam attack, and is named closely to her original Japanese 
name, "Gojira". From Janey's Workshop at Serenity's Waste, run forward and use the 
U-turn to your right. Jump to the rocks on the left of the tall building up the hill.
Use them to jump on the edge of the building. Follow the curved ledge to reach a 
narrow platform above some magma. Jet jump from high ledge across the streaming lava
and land on the small platform on the other side. Enter the cave behind the streaming
lava and continue deep inside until you find a hole. Drop into the cavern to enter 
the "Pyroclast Grotto" and encounter Iwajira. 

How to Find the Se7en Easter Egg:
* Teleport to the Titan Industrial Facility entrance and run to the office where 
  the player meets Gladstone.
* Once inside, run over to a computer terminal near the covered windows in the 
  same room. There's a lockbox on the terminal.
* Crack the box open! What's inside? It's Gwen's Head! This time she's got a space 
  helmet on. It is the moon after all.
* Opening the box rewards you with a unique pistol called "Smooth Gwen's Other 
  Head" - it fires two shots at once.

Easy experience:
* Play the "Let's Build a Robot Army" mission and progress to the point where you have to 
  allow Turrets kill Scavs. Make sure you are carrying a lot of ammunition. Kill steal the
  Scavs from the Turrets to gain experience points. The Turrets will get an occasional kill,
  and the mission will end after twelve of them. To prevent this from happening, pause game
  play when the Turrets get about ten kills. Select the "Save And Quit" option, then resume
  from the saved game. The Turret kill count will have reset, allowing you to continue kill
* You can repeatedly farm the RedBelly Boss fight for experience. Start the "A New Direction"
  mission and progress until facing RedBelly. Kite him to the vending machines. He cannot 
  leave this area, allowing you to easily take him out at a distance. This battle has two 
  parts. The second one starts when RedBelly loses his helmet. When this happens, target 
  RedBelly instead of the helmet. After killing him, Jack will ask "Who the hell were those
  weirdos?". Pause game play when he is done with that sentence, then select "Save And Quit".
  After returning to the main menu, resume from the saved game. If you saved the game at the 
  correct moment, you can repeatedly farm RedBelly for experience. 
* Play the "Guardian Hunter" mission bestowed by Sterwin near Vorago Solitude. You are 
  tasked with capturing a living Guardian. Make sure you have a lot of ammunition. The 
  Guardians will keep respawning, allowing you to repeatedly kill them for over 500 
  experience points per kill.

Outlands Spur: Neil Parsec:
Return to Triton Falls after the "No Such Things as a Free Lunch" mission. Move towards 
the Fast Travel point then continue to the Darksiders' tower. Get to the top of the tower,
then go to the balcony located on the south side to find Neil Parsec ready to jump. 

Research & Development: Benjamin Blue:
Enter the research room on the lower left side of Research &Development. Free the creature
named Benjamin Blue from its cage to get a reward. 

Veins of Helios: Spawn special creatures:
Complete the "Don't Get Cocky" mission, then move to the top left corner of the map. Use
the jump pads to reach the small ledge that has a turret and electronic systems. Start 
the mission from the computers, call in a drone, then use the turret to shoot down as 
many of the Dahl fighters, meteors and debris as possible. Scoring very will will spawn
special creatures all over the map.

Duplicate Weapons:
You can essentially duplicate a weapon when playing with a friend. First, save your 
progress. Then when you're ready, give the desired weapons to a friend and exit out of 
the game without saving. Your friend can save and keep the weapons, and your inventory 
won't be hit for the loss because you didn't save after giving away the goodies.

Dark Side of the Moon:
Early in the game, in Triton Flats, you will see several prisms with light shooting out 
of them. You also will face a group known as the Darksiders. This is obviously a reference
to the band Pink Floyd and their album, Dark Side of the Moon.

Ned Kelly:
The boss named Red Belly is inspired by Australian historical outlaw Ned Kelly, who made
a suit of armour identical to the one Red Belly wears (Red Belly is also a venomous 
Australian snake).

Level Multiple Characters Simultaneously:
PC users are able to level up as many as four of their own characters at the same time. 
After launching a game session, hit Alt+Tab to jump back to the desktop, then open the 
game via it's install directory (as opposed to through a service like Steam).

Choose which character you want to host your game (we recommend the character at the 
highest level, as you'll earn more experience and money from their kills and progression),
then set the network connection to LAN and have your secondary characters join that game.
So long as your computer can run 4 instances of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel at the same
time, you can progress each character through as many levels as you like.

Be aware, however, that unless a character is in-game for the acquisition AND redemption 
of a quest, they will not gain the rewards / XP from it, and will still have to play 
through it themselves.

Breaking Bad Reference:
During the mission "Let's Build A Robot Army", while the four eyes are being reconstructed,
Claptrap (if you are playing as him) will say "Yeah! Science BITCH!" once the process is 
complete. This line is a reference to Breaking Bad's own Jesse Pinkman.

Regolith Range: Hidden Nel fight:
Go to the far east side of Regolith Range, and start the "Last Requests" side mission from
the corpse. The normal completion of the mission involves tracking Nel and calling him a 
dick. However, there is a hidden fight with Nel that is started by calling him a dick a 
second time. Go to the Dahl Waystation and search the outer edge that overlooks the lava
pits. Use the steam vent to blast yourself up to the platforms on the side of a nearby 
building. Climb the jutting parts to go up and around the building. Once at the top, take
the big "D" letter. Jump to float to the next tallest building. Climb up that building 
and place the "D" in front of the letters "I" and "C" that are painted on a wall. Follow
the walkway to the left then jump up the protruding sections to reach the top of the 
building. Note: Use a grenade jump on the third platform to keep ascending. Once at the
top, collect the "K" and place it at the end of the previously discovered letters to spell
"DICK". Nel will appear again. Defeat his allies, then fight him. Aafter winning, there
will be a chance that the legendary sniper rifle "Skullmasher" will drop.

Hidden messages:
* The following binary code appears during the credits: 
It translates to "KEEP DIGGING". 

* A QR code can be found above Moxxi's stash. It opens a Google search of "Ghosts From Home".

Level Multiple Characters Simultaneously:
PC users are able to level up as many as four of their own characters at the same time. After
launching a game session, hit Alt+Tab to jump back to the desktop, then open the game via it's
install directory (as opposed to through a service like Steam).

Choose which character you want to host your game (we recommend the character at the highest 
level, as you'll earn more experience and money from their kills and progression), then set 
the network connection to LAN and have your secondary characters join that game. So long as 
your computer can run 4 instances of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel at the same time, you can 
progress each character through as many levels as you like.

Be aware, however, that unless a character is in-game for the acquisition AND redemption of 
a quest, they will not gain the rewards / XP from it, and will still have to play through it 

Duplicate Weapons:
You can essentially duplicate a weapon when playing with a friend. First, save your progress.
Then when you're ready, give the desired weapons to a friend and exit out of the game without
saving. Your friend can save and keep the weapons, and your inventory won't be hit for the 
loss because you didn't save after giving away the goodies.

Infinite legendary weapons and create any legendary weapon:
After completing the "A New Direction" story mission, fast travel to Concordia, and go to 
Janey Springs' business office. She will explain to you that putting Moonstones into the 
Grinder will make better weapons. Fast travel to Serenity's Waste, and use the "Secret 
Iwajira boss" trick to find and farm the secret Iwajira boss for Moonstones, purple weapons,
and the "Kiwk-Smart Thingy" legendary weapon. Obtain a lot of Moonstones and purple weapons,
and at least one "Kiwk-Smart Thingy" legendary weapon. Then, use the "Duplicating weapons 
and items" glitch to duplicate as many purple and "Kiwk-Smart Thingy" legendary weapons as
desired. Have two online players go to Concordia. Have the host player put two "Kiwk-Smart
Thingy" weapons and one purple weapon in the Grinder to create a new legendary weapon. The
type of purple weapon determines what type of legendary weapon you will create. For example,
if you put a purple shotgun into the Grinder, you will get a legendary shotgun. When the 
legendary weapon comes out of the machine, make sure to have the player that is not the host
pick it up. After you have created as many legendary weapons as desired from the Grinder, 
have the online host quit without saving by force closing the game. The other player will
keep the legendary weapons and can give them to the host player when another game is played.
The host player will also not lose any weapons or Moonstones spent to create the legendary 
weapons by exiting the game without saving.

Legendary Excalibastard weapon:
Fast travel to Triton Flats, then follow the left path once you leave the building and are
outside. When the path splits, continue left. Shortly afterwards, you will see a green jump
pad on the right. Use it to reach the area to travel to Stanton's Liver. Once you are in 
Stanton's Liver, go left and jump off the cliff edge. Proceed along the rocky cliff edge 
to the left of the grey bridge. Jump over two large gaps to reach the Excalibastard weapon
that is stuck in a stone. To obtain the Excalibastard weapon, you must have a Badass Rank 
of 2,500. Badass Rank can be obtained by completing challenges. You can view your Badass 
Rank at the menu screen to the far right.

Secret Iwajira boss:
Fast travel to Serenity's Waste. Leave the Janey Spring's building, and continue straight
outside. There will be a small cliff on the right shortly after going outside that you 
can jump up on. Continue to the right towards the large building up the hill. Jump onto
the rocks to the left of the large building, then jump onto the left sloped ledge of the
building. At the end of the ledge, jump down to the narrow rocky ledge below. Go forward
to reach a lava-fall. While on the ledge with the lava-fall below, use your jet to jump 
across the lava-fall to land on the small platform on the opposite side. Enter the lava 
cave, and proceed forward to reach a hole in the cave floor that leads to the "Pyroclast
Grotto" area, with the secret Iwajira boss inside. He is a Level 30 Kraggon that is very
hard to defeat alone unless your character is at least Level 29. Kill him to get a massive
amount of loot, including Moonstones. You can also obtain purple weapons and the "Kiwk-Smart
Thingy" legendary weapons from him. To farm Iwajira, pause the game, and select "Save and 
Quit". Once you are back at the main menu, select "Continue", then return to Iwajira and 
kill him again.

Infinite XP, Moonstones, and loot:
Proceed through the main missions until you get the "Let's Build A Robot Army" mission
(Level 14). In this mission, you will be tasked with letting turrets kill 12 Scavs. Follow
your waypoint until you get to a closed door, which is where the Scavs come out to be shot
by the turrets. When the door opens, start ground slamming in front of the door to kill 
the enemies before the turrets can kill them. This will cause an infinite number of Scavs
to come out of the door. When the turret kills get too high, pause the game, and select 
"Save and Quit". Once you are back at the main menu, select "Continue", then run back to
the door to start farming again. If the turret gets the 12 kills, the mission will proceed,
and you will not be able to farm this area any longer. This glitch works best with multiple
players so you can have more people killing the Scavs to prevent the turrets from killing 

Quick reloading:
Throw your weapon on the ground, then immediately pick it back up to instantly reload it.

2001: A Space Odyssey Easter Egg:
Fast travel to Triton Flats, then follow the left path once you leave the building and
are outside. When the path splits, continue left. Shortly afterwards, you will see a green
jump pad on the right. Use it to reach the area to travel to Stanton's Liver. Once you are
in Stanton's Liver, go left and jump off the cliff edge. Cross the grey bridge, and continue
straight until you cannot go straight any longer. Then, go right and continue straight until
you cannot go straight any longer. Turn right to see a cave straight ahead. Enter the cave 
to enter an area called "The Ventricles". Follow the path to the left. Towards the end of 
the path, there will be a hidden cave to the left above some large rocks. Enter that cave,
and follow the path to reach "Higgins' Gully". There will be a tall purple monolith straight
ahead. It is shaped like the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Enter the purple monolith 
to teleport through a psychedelic tunnel to a secret area that is similar to the prehistoric
area featured at the start of 2001: A Space Odyssey. There is another tall purple monolith 
in the area below. Enter it to teleport to a small purple room, similar to the end of the 
movie. There is also a hidden chest in the room. When you leave the room, there will be a 
short cutscene that references another scene from the movie. Note: The monolith will no 
longer teleport you after it is used.

Easy "Moxxi's Sampler" achievement or trophy:
Once you have 80 Moonstones, go to Concordia. Save and quit the game. Reload that saved 
game and go into Moxxi's bar. Purchase all eight drinks, one after the other. You do not
have to wait for them to expire. After you have bought all eight drinks and earned "Moxxi's
Sampler", exit the game. Reload the saved game and you will be in Concordia with your 
previous Moonstone amount.

Easy "Air Supremacy" achievement or trophy:
Farm kills in the first and second area. Bring them out and damage enemies so that Wolf 
can kill them quicker. Try to target enemies away from Wolf to prevent accidently getting
the kill shot.

Easy "Ice To Meet You" achievement or trophy:
Consider using frost damage over time grenades, frost area of effect guns, or the Baroness
character. Find enemies that go on melee range, for example, Torks (recommended), Kraggons,
and Stalkers. Torks are the best choice, as they are the first enemy that will really group
on you, and they appear in very small areas.

Easy "Collateral Damage" achievement or trophy:
Go to Tycho's Rib near the end of the game. Cross the "corridor" to enter another room 
containing enemies. On the right is a small house with three Lost Legion Eternal. Damage 
them enough to force them to ascend, but do not kill them. Get a Magus Eternal. If one 
ascends into something else, kill it and try with the next one. If neither turns into a 
Magus, exit to the main menu try again. A Magus Eternal will toss orbs of light at you, 
and damage their allies in the process. Try to lower the health of those enemies and remain
close to them so the orbs can hit them. The same magus must kill three enemies. Be careful
with the nearby explosives barrels and try to keep it alive or the kill count will reset 
to zero.

Easy "Guardian Guardian" achievement or trophy:
At the end of the "Guardian Hunter" mission, you can hand over the captured guardians 
or kill the master hunter. Choose to kill the master hunter.

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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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