Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30 | |
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Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Destructo
Before you can use cheat codes in this game, you need to enable them. Use a text
editor to edit the "bia.ini" file in the "system" folder in the game directory
(make a backup first!). Look for the "[Engine.GameInfo]" heading, and enter the
line "bCheatsEnabled=True" below it. Look for the "[Engine.Console]" heading,
and enter the line "ConsoleKey=192" below it. Now save the changes. NOTE: You
can also download the already modified file from above.
Note: You must reset the cheats every time you play (i.e., retype everything
with the exception of the line "bCheatsEnabled=True").You must move it under
"[Engine.Console]" and must re-enter "ConsoleKey=192" in order for the console
and the cheats to work properly in the game.
Press [~] during game play to display the console window, and then enter one of
the following codes to activate the cheat function:
Code Result
god - God mode
fly - Flight mode
ghost - No-clipping mode
walk - Disable flight and no-clipping modes
allweapons - All weapons
allammo - Extra ammunition
loaded - Get all items
unloaded - Remove all items
killall - Kils everything
loadspmap - Select map
oldmovie - Old movie mode
summon - Spawn indicated item (see the list below)
invisible [0 or 1] - Togle invisibility
blindai [0 or 1] - Toggle blind AI
deafai [0 or 1] - Toggle deaf AI
blindenemies [0 or 1] - Toggle blind enemies
deafenemies [0 or 1] - Toggle deaf enemies
supersquad - God mode for squad
lightperiod - Unknown
lightcone - Unknown
getfirstmission - Unknown
pawnanimextra - Unknown
soundocclusion - Unknown
smiteevil - Unknown
avatar - Unknown
Item codes:
Use one of the following entries with the "summon" code:
Cheat mode update:
Submitted by: Mr.Damm
There are some changes to do in the cheats for this game on Cheatbook.
First, "Destructo have said that we must edit the "bia.ini" file in the system
dir in order to enable console and cheats. But everytime you want to play you
need to do this again and again. But if you modify the bia.ini in a folder on
the Documents and Settings this file will be changed permanently.
The path (in Windows XP, 2k, 2k3) is something like this:
C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\Aplication Data\Gearbox Software
\Brothers In Arms\myprofilename\bia.ini (remember to modify the options
in both files, so the changes will remain permanent on both).
Second: There are some cheats marked as 'unknown' efect. But one of these,
supersquad, do this: your squad wont get hurt/killed/run out of bullets.
Third: There's a trick to unlock all levels/extras in the game. Create a new
profile using the name "BAKERSDOZEN" (without quotes) and all levels and extras
will be available.
Well, see ya!
Squad healing:
If your character is killed three consecutive times, you will be given a chance
to heal any injuries to your squad. To quickly get to this point, intentionally
throw grenades at your own feet.
Old Movie Mode:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting.
This mode allows the game to be played in black and white.
Infinite Ammo:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.
This cheat must be enabled again if the player is killed, retires, or starts
a new level.
Infinite Ammo:
To do this easier, successfully complete the game on under the easy difficulty
setting. Under the same profile, replay the intermission sequences under the
normal difficulty setting, beginning with the "Brothers In Arms" scene then
move to complete "Rendezvous With Destiny" to get the first two medals.
Once you receive the medals for those two scenarios, quit, then play the "Victory
In Carentan" intermission sequence under the normal difficulty as well.
When you begin the game again, the "Infinite Ammunition" cheat will be now
be accessible. The cheat must be reactivated after each chapter.
Authentic Mode:
Successfully complete the game under the difficult difficulty setting.
This mode has no checkpoints, saves, icons nor reticules.
Destroying tanks:
When you have missions with tanks, get a bazooka and shoot the tank on the top.
It will not be able to shoot. It will remain there and explode automatically.
Super Squad:
Successfully complete the game in authentic mode.
To do this easier, successfully complete the game under the difficult difficulty
setting. Under the same profile, replay the intermission sequences under the
authentic difficulty setting, beginning with the "Brothers In Arms" scene then
move to complete "Rendezvous With Destiny" to get the first two medals. Once you
receive your medals for these two scenarios, quit, then play the "Victory In
Carentan" intermission sequence under the authentic difficulty setting as well.
When you begin the game again, the Super Squad cheat will now be accessible.
Super Squad increases the amount of hits your team (including tanks) can take
before losing health, but does not affect you. If your squad begins to lose
health, simply deactivate and reactivate the cheat to reset the hits and health.
This works well for assaults on positions.
This cheat must be reactivated after each chapter.
Cheat Profile:
Name a new profile called "BAKERSDOZEN" and this unlocks a majority of the game,
including the integral game cheats.
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