Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 | |
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Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
If you access the computer and select the Bluetooth icon that is located
at the top right corner of the screen a text entry box will appear which
if you enter one of the following codes and press ‘Enter’ will enable
the corresponding effect.
Code Effect
moneyplease - Extra Money
moneybigtimeplease - Gain $200
imtoolazytogrindexp - Gain 50 EXP
flyhigh - Enable Noclip Mode
Unlock at What Level:
Level 1 - Your Basic Garage. 1-lifter, tire changer, wheel balancer
and spring puller, radio and phone
Level 1 - Parking. One level. You can buy more.
Level 1 - Test Track. Use to determine broken steering, gearbox and
suspension parts.
(N.B. test path does not discover bad steering-related parts.)
Level 1 - Bonus Track - Abandoned Airport. For free roam fooling around.
Level 1 - Race Track. For time trials around a loop track.
Level 1 - Car Salon, aka Car Dealer. For buying new and expensive cars.).
Level 4+ - Level II Garage Upgrade. Adds test path and repair bench to your
Level 7 - Barns. Go to purchase cars in mid to poor condition.
Also random used parts.
Level 12+ - Level III Garage Upgrade. Adds 2nd lifter and parts warehouse.
Level 13 - Junkyard. Go here to purchase mid to poor condition cars and
random used parts. Like a very large barn with a great selection.
Level 19 - Auction. Go here to bid on an assortment of cars in good condition
(but not perfect).
Level 30+ - Level IV Garage Upgrade. Adds paint shop, cleaning/detailing
tools, dyno (later?), a third lifter and a welder (to repair
car "body").
Level 35+ - Able to repair car body parts --doors, bumpers, etc. At this
point you should be able to restore any car to 100% condition,
paint it any color and livery you want, and sell it for maximum
profit. Or keep it and admire your growing collection like you're
Jay Leno.
Get the Most Out of Your Crates:
Written by Enno
Everytime you open a crate and get disappointed because you got no tuning parts
or even two barn maps? Then keep reading this guide.
-=The Simple Steps to +Quality Tuning Parts=-
#1: Save your game by clicking the right mouse button -> save game or Esc->save
and go to main menu and load your save again.
#2: Open the crate and see what you got.
#3: If you doesn't get any good parts then press the right mouse button ->
settings -> load game (which loads the last savepoint of Step 1).
#4: After loading you repeat step 1 - step 3.
#5: When you got good parts then press the right mouse button -> Settings ->
save game and open your next crate.
-=Personal Note=-
I recommend to open just one crate even if you have multiple ones in your
inventory. The reason for this is simply that you would waste crates and have
a high risk to got perfect parts in crate #1 but in crate #2 you got 2 barn
maps and a normal part. And believe me, i got multiple times 2 barn maps out
of crates.
Depending on your system power and the number of mods that you're using this
shouldn't take more then 1 minute.
Also look for tuning parts with higher +quality because every +quality step
gives the part 10% more power increase.
For example a +4 quality turbo charger. A normal charger out of the tuning shop
will have +10% of power increase, the +4 Turbo charger comes with +14%.
Cheat Commands:
Choose cheat 1, 2 or 3. Make profil name “cms2018promo” to use cheat 1 etc.
1. cms2018promo – no tutorial, Cash $ max, full exp, unlock skills.
2. cms2018stage1 – level 6, 8000$.
3. cms2018stage2 – level 14, 19000$.
Note: After you can just go to the game files in the appdata and change the
profile name. Then when starting up the game it tells you files are out of
sync with steam library and you just tell it to upload from local.
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