
Command & Conquer - Renegade Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Command & Conquer - Renegade 
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 Command & Conquer - Renegade Cheats

Command & Conquer - Renegade

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: bjacobus 

Press ~ during game play to display the console window. 
Then, enter the following codes to activate the cheat function.

Result                                                        Code
Enable extras cheat (multi-player characters)               - extras fnkqrrm
Send admin message to all clients (host only)               - admin_message [message]
Sends chat message to all clients (host only)               - message [message]
Toggle framerate display                                    - fps
View game in progress info in console window                - game_info
End current game (host only)                                - gameover
Kick and ban a user from the game (WOL server only)         - kick
Set max net update think rate (times per second)            - net_update_rate
View player info in console window                          - player_info
End game and quit to Desktop (dedicated server only)        - quit
Shutdown slave server (dedicated master server only)        - quit_slave slavename
Quit to desktop and restart process (dedicated server only) - restart
Toggle half pixel bias in screen text                       - screen_uv_bias
Set total bandwidth budget out                              - set_bw_budget_out [bps value]

Extras cheat:
Enable the extras fnkqrrm code. A "Cheats Enabled" message will confirm 
correct code entry. Go to a PT then hold [Left Alt] and click on "Characters" 
or "Vehicles" and you will see new items.

All Weapons:
Submitted by: Juan Pablo Rodriguez

Start the game with the concole parameter : 
-console cheatcc.
In the game bring console with the º key (the key at 
the left of 1 key), the type:

Code         Result
allguns      All Weapons

Flame Tank Rush: 
Submitted by: Joshua

If the team saves up for 5 or 6 Flame Tanks it is almost 
certain that GDI will lose a building or two. With proper 
support, Flame Tanks can take down entire bases. 

Submitted by: Joshua

The main strategy for GDI varies from map to map but usualy whipping out a bunch of
mamoths is lethal enough to destroy NOD. Now the problem lies in actually letting 
the game go long enough to get to the mammoths. In my opinion, there are two different
types of maps. Ones with defence (obelisk and AGT) and ones without. If it's a map 
without, then just start rushing with 2 engies in a humvee after their power. That's all
you need. If it's one with base defence then whip out a mrls and try to keep it alive as
long as possible. Also a good idea would be to shoot at structures sticking out where 
the obelisk can't hit you. (There are better strategies for certain maps...however I 
have yet to remeber the names to all the maps. As GDI your biggest fear should be NOD
flametanks (and buggies if its withou base defense). (I'll explain those two in the nod
section below. For nod you mostly want to save up for flametanks. The flametank is your
god in Renegade. It is the alpha and the omega. 400 hitpoints 400 armor you can stroll 
into a base shoot and get massive points and possibly destroy buildings too. Be aware 
of many groupings of tanks. 1 on 1 with a mammoth doesnt matter because you can take it
out and then repair whats left of your flame tank. 

Submitted by: Joshua

Get ahold of 4 or 5 MRLSs early in the game. Since they only cost 400, they do a lot
of damage, and have a very long range, GDI can take out a Tib Refinery or an Airstrip
out in the first few minutes of the game. 

Submitted by: Joshua

Beacons have seen increased usage in the last couple weeks. There is always the chance
of an enemy soldier sneaking into the Barracks/Hand Of Nod and placing and end game 
beacon, but this tends to be rare. I'd have to say that Nod's most effective weapon is
a "Ghost" (Stealh Black Hand) with a nuclear Strike Beacon. It is tricky to get in 
sometimes, but if you put a beacon inside (or next to) any building and the enemy does
not disarm it, said building goes Bye Bye. So the Black Hand can set his nuke, disappear,
and guard it from any GDI engineers trying to disarm it. GDI can have a difficult time 
using this tactic because they don't have any stealh soldiers. But a good player can 
sneak into a base and plant a beacon in a good location and take out a building (and 
maybe some of the poor saps that don't realize whats happening).

Nod Buggy Rush: 
Submitted by: Ace

Since the Nod Buggies are only 300 credits, a couple guys can buy some and take a passenger 
with them. The most effictive combinations would be 2 Engineers, A Technician and an Engineer,
2 Technicians, or a Technician and someone to cover them. Since GDI's Advanced Gaurd Tower 
doesn't destroy the Buggies extremely fast they can usually get to a building and drop off 
their passengers to make short work of any building.

Under Hotwire:
Submitted by: Ace

This is a little strategy I call Under Hotwire. It requires being on GDI with a hotwire on
the UNDER map. What you do is get in the entrance to Nods base next to nods power plant. 
when you get there run in, behind the rock, and then start jumping. once your in, go the 
back way into the Hand of Nod and take it out with C4, or if u have a nuke, plant it on 
the pedestal or next to the power plant. Look at the screenshots below for directions. 
This strategy works 99% of the time, but sometimes the obelisk does get you.

Endless time in Skirmish mode: 
Submitted by: Ace

If You are getting tired of getting only 25 minutes of playtime in the skirmish mode (multiplay
practice) Simply open the \"svrcfg_skirmish.ini\" file under \\westwood\\Renegade\\Data directory. 
Not only can you change gametime(0 = endless), but you can also change the amount of money you
start with. 

Aircraft in multiplayer:
Submitted by: Ace

As of right now, in multiplayer, aircraft is impossible to use...much like the Nod Recon
Bike. When moving at top speeds, the frame rate would need to go so fast that the current
Renegade engine can't keep up with multiple players using it. This being said, either a 
major patch would allow this, or you'll just have to wait for the next "Renegade". Possibly
a Mod could add them, but they'd still run into the same framerate and power problem.

Radio Commands:
By AaronAsh
This is a listing of the radio commands that you can issue while playing the game. They can
be very useful when you're in the heat of a battle and don't have time to type messages to 
your teammates.
Renegade's radio commands in a more pleasing-to-the-eye layout.  


1 = Building needs repairs!
2 = Get in the vehicle!
3 = Get out of the vehicle!
4 = Destroy that vehicle!
5 = Watch where you're pointing that!
6 = Don't get in my way!
7 = Affirmative.
8 = Negative.
9 = I'm in position.
0 = Enemy spotted.


1 = I need repairs!
2 = Take the point.
3 = Move out.
4 = Follow me.
5 = Hold position.
6 = Cover me.
7 = Take cover!
8 = Fall back.
9 = Return to base.
0 = Destroy it now!


1 = Attack the base defenses!
2 = Attack the harvester!
3 = Attack that structure!
4 = Attack the refinery!
5 = Attack the power plant!
6 = Defend the base!
7 = Defend the harvester!
8 = Defend that structure!
9 = Defend the refinery!
0 = Defend the power plant!

Note: If you hold CTRL, ALT or both down for about 
three seconds, it puts up the whole list of the 
available radio commands on the screen.

Submitted by: rajesh

Play a game,then make the ammo zero for all guns. Then quick save the game,open it in
a hex editor and search and replace all "00 00 00 00 13 04"with "FF FF FF FF 13 04". 
By this way,you can get infinite ammo for all the guns you currently have to
do this for each level by saving and editing.and to get the infinite ammo,you have to
load the quick saved game again & enjoy.

Submitted by: Samir

The best way to break through the nod defence is to destroy the obelisk. 
Now when you are a GDI unit at the start of the game. Go directly to the 
purchase terminal and select the 1st man that is the GDI Officer. And run 
from the tunnel to the front side very fast. Try racing with the GDI 
Soldier who goes through tunnel.
After that kill the 3 nod soldiers that appear and be carefull. Don't 
loose you health.
After that go through the NOD tunnel and get near the wall facing 
yourself to the obelisk. Don't get outside the tunnel otherwise the 
obelisk will get you. Aim towards the obelisk and you will find nod 
soldiers getting generated and comming towards you. Start hitting them 
and kill as many as you can. I tried and i was able to kill max 10 Nod 
Soldiers. Then run to the GDI Purchase terminal in a safe way. And then 
buy and APC. Wait for a Period say " Till The time reaches 20." When the 
time will reach 20 you will have a boost in your credits. Get a Hot Wire 
now. And get inside the APC. After this Drive the APC to the main Entrance 
of NOD rushing ur APC towards the obelisk. You won't die. Get inside the 
Obelisk and place the C4 explosives to the master control. Try placing all 
the explosives. This is the start for NOD Destruction. Obelisk is destroyed 
in few Seconds. Now rush through the tunnel and buy a HmmVee,beccon and 
recharge yourself. now rush in the NOD map. Now the goal is in your court.

Other way to gain more credits is to collect the Yellow lifeboost. 
Located on the Centre of the mountain between the two Sniper Points 
among sides. It will add 100 credits directly.

Sniping with a Rail Gun:
Host a multi-player game, and make a Rail Gun mod so that you will start with 
it. Go to the fortress (near the battlegrounds) and get a Sniper Rifle. Shoot 
the rifle until it is empty. Rapidly switch and right click between the Rail 
Gun and Sniper Rifle. Suddenly, you will get Rail Gun with a sniper.

Hourglass Obelisk:
Play the C&C_Hourglass map as the GDI. Use the following trick to get past 
the Obelisk. To distract the Obelisk, first get two Infantry on top of the 
hill (one on the left and one on the right). The Obelisk should start 
charging up, shooting each of them but nothing will happen. Then, rush with 
a Humvee if desired. Note: Do not be in groups or you will all die.

Extra units in multi-player mode :
Submitted by: Marwan Al-Marwani

In multi-player practice or non-laddered mode
you can get extra units for characters and vehicles by pressing [F8] and 
typing "extras fnkqrrm" or "extras quantifigon" (in the unpatched version)
If you entered the code correctly, the message "Extras enabled" will appear
Go to the Purchase Terminal and hold [Alt] the entire time that you are looking 
for something to buy
There should be four new characters and two new vehicles for each side
For GDI, the new characters are General Locke, Elana Petrova, Logan, and Lieutenant 
Maus and vehicles are a sedan and pickup truck
For NOD, the new characters are mutants, a chef, Mutated Petrova, and Kane. 
Note: You will only see the new units. Release [Alt] to see the normal units
This will not work in a laddered game.

Soda machines:
In some levels, you can find see soda machines with a can with a Templar head on it 
floating in rocks and Tiberium. Shoot it with your flamethrower. After a few seconds 
the lighted image on the front will turn dark and a can will come out spraying soda, 
and will eventually go into the wall. 

Recommended strategy:
Get people in a group. Two are infantry, two are engineers, and one is a sniper. The 
sniper will take care of long range threats; the infantry at close range; and the 2 
engineers will take care of the other three, health-wise. This attack will not work 
well against tanks, but should do fine against enemy units.

If you want to quickly get to a building that is being attack and need to repair it fast, 
use this trick. Change to a normal engineer and place both of the bombs underneath you. 
Explode them when ready. If you are luckym you will end up in the building that byou need 
to reach. Note: You may need to repeat this until it happens correctly.

Hidden room:
In the mansion level, there is a hidden room full of weapons, armor, and health. To get 
to the room you must first find the library part of the mansion. Kill the two black hand 
Elites and look at the two middle bookcases. You should see a health gauge but no name; 
shoot it and the bookcases will fold up, opening a resupply room. Look out for the two 
ceiling guns in the corners. Once you have taking out the guns, the treasure is all yours.

Obelisk on multi-player city flying level:
Get on one of the towers next to the NOD Obelisk. The Obelisk will charge up 
to fire at you. When it does, strafe left to avoid being hit by the laser. 
After it has fired, strafe right to avoid being hit by the laser the second 
time that it fires. Repeat this and you will be glitching the Obelisk. Make 
sure not to fall off the tower. You can use this technique to open a window 
for your team to get in the enemy base or until you can be airlifted.

Different practice map:
You can play a practice game on different maps. You do not need to be online when you
do this. Go into the game menu with the "Single Player", "Multiplayer Internet", etc.
options. Click on "Multiplayer LAN" (even if you do not have a LAN), then click on 
"Host Game". Enter your game name, set your "Players Limit" to "1" and continue with 
the remaining settings. Make sure you have a different map than "CNC_Under.mix", then
click "Start Game" You will be able to blow up bases and do everything that you could
normally do in a regular multi player game.

Easy win:
Go in and place one C4 charge at a time on the MCT. Blow it up before you place the next
one. Go back to base and get the Flame Tank. Use it to destroy most of the buildings at 
the enemy's base. Go back to base and buy the Nuclear Device and Mendoza. Go into the 
base one last time and kill Sydney, then place the beacon on the pedestal. Quickly retreat
and watch the fireworks.

Extra characters in multiplayer practice:
Submitted by: Ayush

First press ~ and type extras quantifigon or extras fnqkrrm then press alt and go to 
the purchase terminal. press E and go to the characters and you will see new characters
such as templar,initiate, acopolyte and two more. some can also heal themselves by hitting
the tibarium on thierselves.

Renegade eva - how to win easily with nod:
Submitted by: KEVIN AOUN

When your nod, buy a flame tank. When you get in,go and destroy the gaurd tower. IF your
flame tank is destroyed and you die buy another and then go buy the most expensive infantry
because the more expensive the more stronger you and your weapon get. Then with the flame 
tank and strong ifantry go to the GDI base and destroy it. IF you lose your flame tank 
again let the GDI kill you then buy another oen and youll shurly WIN!!!i tried 10 times 

Sam site funny cheat need patched version to work:
Submitted by: kynatanky

on the first misson of command and conquer renegade there are 2 sam sites at the end of 
the misson when you get the tank press f8 and type edit vehicle and press enter a box with 
the vehcle options should come up go to suspension spring constant to 10000 then do the same 
to suspension damping constant then change the suspension spring lengh to 20 the go right 
to the end and the sams shoot you.

Quick save When Health is Full:
Submitted by: murtaza

The main and the easiest way to complete this game is to quick save [F6] it. But the 
main thing is not to save it quick but the also thevtiming and condition should me kept 
in mind. Always save it when Your HEALTH is full. It will Help you in the complicated 
and in worst condition..coz if u save it when ur health is just half and when u again 
start playing at that point..that health will not be enough to fight at that contion. 
So always quick save when you are having full health.


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