Celestial Crossing Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Celestial Crossing
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Here is a small guide to help you find the different endings
of Celestial Crossing.
-=Home, Next, Hopefull and Dream=-
So I've completed the game quite a few times, and found out 4 different
endings. Here is the direction to get them.
-=Ending #1 - Home=-
#1 Take spell.
#2 Take groceries
#3 Pull Nerith.
#4 Explain, calmly.
#5 Wanted to walk you home.
#6 Give her puppy eyes.
#7 Show that you have Nerith back.
#8 Make a fist down.
#9 Assure her that she's real.
#10 Comfort her.
#11 Better off without him.question.
#12 Hold her.
#13 You don't want to just fill in.
#14 She's real.
#15 Try and comfort.
-=Ending #2 - Next=-
Every decisions up.
-=Ending #3 - Hopefull=-
Every decisions down.
-=Ending #4 - Dream=-
#1 Take spell.
#2 Small talk.
#3 Call out.
#4 Try to convince.
#5 Got distracted by the clouds.
#6 Let her have a piece of your mind.
#7 Try to calm everyone.
#8 Try to talk him down.
#9 Try to make her jealous
#10 Tell her that she is not real.
#11 Continue.
Note: The game is very well writen, I enjoyed it a lot so I encourage
you to read every ending, it's worth it.
Written by Candy.
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