
Conquer Online Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Conquer Online Cheats

Conquer Online

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Dancing with weapons:
Disarm your weapon and set it on the [F1] to [F10] hotkeys. Then, press [Dance] and
the [F1] to [F10] shortcut with the weapon together. You will get to dance with the

Duplicate items:
If you wish to duplicate an item, get killed then click once on an item so that you
drag it. Click "Revive", then drag the item back. You will have two of the same item.
Note: If you use one of the duplicated items, the other will disappear. 

Look other direction when jumping:
Jump in any direction then hold [Shift] and click in another direction. Your character
will face the way you clicked, but still move in the direction of the jump. This has 
no real use except for entertainment.

Advanced dancing with weapons:
To perform this technique, you will first need to disarm your weapon(s). After doing
so, perform any dance that you know or have learned. While you are dancing, click on
the shadow of your character. An easy way to do this would be to have "Simple Shadows" 
selected under your options. After you click on the circular shadow, or at the character's
feet, it will look as if he or she has stopped dancing, but actually remains dancing on 
all other players' screens. Now you may equip or un-equip any weapon that you can use, 
and will remain dancing while doing so. On another player's screen, you will be dancing 
while equipping and/or unequipping weapons.

Level weapons without needing requirements: 
To do this, you will need to get your character to the level that your weapon will need 
you to be after you have it upgraded. Make sure the item is repaired or this will not work. 
After you do so, talk to the Artisan in the market to level your item and have it done. 
You will now be using the weapon without having the requirement that it asks for. Also 
if you unequip it without doing this, you will not be able to re-equip it again without 
gaining the requirement first.

Logging out:
There are actually two ways to log out from the game. Press [Esc] and a box will 
appear, asking you if you want to exit. The other way is to click the "Setup" option, 
then click "Exit". The same box will appear.

Training grounds Nightdevil trick: 
Use Nightdevil and attack a stake. Let Nightdevil wear off by itself and you will attack 
about three times faster.

Easy items:
When you go to the alien bandits, kill lots of them. Do not pick up what they drop. After 
killing many of them, eventually one will drop lots of money or a rare or unique class 

Easy money:
First, reach level 20. Kill Flying Roosters. They drop many types of swords. When 
your inventory is full, sell the swords to the blacksmith. Do this repeatedly and 
you can get 10,000 easily.

Easy experience:
When you reach level 30 (Trojan), go to Maple Forest and use Accuracy. You will deal 
damage with every hit rather than dealing damage half of the time. You will get 100+ 
experience points with every hit. Note: Bring some healing items with you (Ginseng, 
Panacea, Amrita, etc.) if you plan on fighting the Bandit King, Caterans and Bandit 

Log out:
Although there is no "log out" feature, there are many glitches in the game that will 
allow you to log out rather than closing the entire game and restarting it. Once such 
way for log out (or disconnect) is to jump as far as you can back and forth. Once in 
the air during a jump, quickly move the pointer back to where your character jumped 
from and click while you are still in the air. Keep doing that back and forth movement
and you will eventually disconnect and be sent back to the log in screen. 

Another glitch has the same outcome, but a different way of applying it. First, go the 
"actions" and hotkey at least four of them (for example, [F5] for Wave, [F6] for Lie, 
[F7] for Cool, and [F8] for Sit). Start pressing all four of these hotkeys at the same 
time. Your character looks as if he or she is having a seizure, and you will get 
disconnected. These glitches are useful if you want to log out and relog in with 
another character.

Easy Experience:
Once you get to level 16, and you want some fast and easy experience, 
ere is what you can do ::
1. Go talk to CoachLi in the top left hand corner of Twin City. He is by the Boxer.
2. He will give you a Name Card, and tell you to go talk to General Gai.
3. Go to Genereal Gai, who is by the Love Alter in the Robin Area, and he will tell 
   you he needs a name card and one euxinite ore.
4. Get a pick-axe from the Shopkeeper in Twin City, then go to the mines, which you 
   can get to easily by talking to the Conductress right outside the city.
5. Get an euxinite ore, or two, then go back to General Gai.
6. Talk to him, then you will give him both things, and in return, you will get 
   8000 experience points.

Getting Clubs:
There is only one place where people can get clubs, so if you want to get a weak club I'll
tell you right now. First, go to Pheonix Castle and you should see a spot on the top right
corner of the map. oh, you have to be lvl 15 to get the weakest club. now go to the top 
right corner of the map and watch out for winged dragons. When you go to all the way to 
the corner of that place you should see a fall and a portal, so go though the portal. 
Then go to top left corner of that place, now you should see a black smith, talk to him
and he sells all kinds of clubs you want. When you get though the portal watch out for 
Hawkings. There you go, so if you want a club go there!

Easy money and good items:
Make a female war and get them plvled to lvl 40 at Bird Island. if not, just make a noob.
(female warrior with shield jump ultrafast.) get 500 silvers and put in warehouse.
Go to the conductress and go to desert city (Go in portal then pk guards to die and be 
revived there.). then buy a scroll from the pharmacist and then go to conductor and go 
to mystic castle. hop in the portal and lure tomb bats. collect money but more importantly
items. Items can be +1 and mets and so on so use scroll when you get met or good item. 
Then sell at market and get rich easily, like 1mill in an hour.

Sent to the wrong place:
Reach level 27 with any class by doing the Monster Hunter quest. Then, go to Phoenix City
and talk to the PC Captain. He should say that you are too powerful and should go to Twin
City and help there; a complete reversal that acts as if Phoenix City is the place you 
start in. 
Note: This sometimes will not work.

Waterfall Cave Hawking:
On conquer, if you go to phoenix castle and go to the wingedsnake training spot, there 
is a waterfall cave all the way to the right, in it are level 80 or so hawkings and in 
the next level are lvl 92 bandits. if you want to kill a hawking without getting hit by
it, just lure it to the portal, and it automatically freezes. when it freezes you cannot
get hit by it but you get the exp for killing it. i found this glitch by accident while 
i was trying to get out of the waterfall cave.

Easy EXP and Weapon Level:
The easiest way to get exp AND weapon exp at the same time, is get a high level friend 
to have enemies attack them, but let you kill them, this is called tanking. A way for 
warriors to get easy exp and weapon level is, get a lot of potions that reheal your hp 
COMPLETELY, for example if you have 800 hp, buy pancea because they heal 800 hp, anywho,
goto an enemy that is 1-3 levels above you, e.g. if your level 55 attack thunder apes 
because they are level 57/58, using superman these will all be 1-3 hit kills and your 
exp bar and your weapon xp will go extremely fast.

Easy money:
First, reach level 20. Kill Flying Roosters. They drop many types of swords. When your 
inventory is full, sell the swords to the blacksmith. Do this repeatedly and you can get
10,000 easily. 

There is only one place to get clubs. Note: You must be level 15 to get the weakest club. Go
to Phoenix Castle and you should see a location on the top right corner of the map. Go to 
the top right corner of the map and watch out for Winged Dragons. When you go to all the way
to the corner of that location, you should see a fall and a portal, Go though the portal. 
Then, go to top left corner of that location. You should see a blacksmith. Talk to him. He
sells all kinds of clubs. Note: When you get though the portal, watch out for Hawkings.

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PC Games, PC Game Cheat, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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