Devils'n Dragons Arcade Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Devils'n Dragons Arcade | |
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Devils'n Dragons Arcade
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Game Basics:
Written by Goto 100 Studio
Here are the basics of the game briefly described (Goto 100)
-=Game Basics=-
* The player has to pass through levels by killing ennemies and performing
platform jumps in an arcade style game like in the 80's.
* Player have to achieve a level by killing the boss. the final goal of the
game is to kill the big devil
Player is protected by:
-=armor class levels=-
* 0 (no armor) 1 hitpoint protection
* 1 (metal armor) = 2 hit points protection
* 2 (jade armor) = 3 hit points protection
* 3 (sapphire armor) = 4 hit points protection
* 4 (ruby armor) = 5 hit points protection
* 5 (gold armor) = 6 hit points protection
When player is hit he looses 1 hit point and so his armor class decrease the
same amout (some ennemies may have 2 weapons which deal 2 hit points dammages,
such as some goblins).
-=Armor class is increased by=-
scoring (killing ennemies)
* 5000 points = metal armor
* 10000 points = jade armor
* 20000 points = sapphire armor
* 30000 points = ruby armor
* 50000 points = gold armor and extra life
* the points needed to get next armor class is displayed at top right of the screen
* pick up the armor in a treasure chest
* pick up the armor in a secret place
3 amethiste gems = metal armor
5 emerald gems = jade armor
10 sapphire gems = sapphire armor
15 ruby gems = ruby armor
20 yellow gems = gold armor
- coins :
500 coins = metal armor
1000 coins = jade armor
2000 coins = sapphire armor
3000 coins = ruby armor
5000 coins = gold armor
-=Armor Class level=-
* improve by 1 the dammage your weapon inflict to ennemies
(jade armor = +2 dammages inflicted by your weapon)
* improve the speed of your weapon thrown
* time of your magic shield protection by 1 armor class level
* protection from evil : prevent 1 hitpoint loss when beeing touched by ennemy
* protection from normal missile : prevent 1 dammage received from ennemy's bullet
* protection from fire : prevent 1 dammage done by fire
* protection from magic missile : prevent 1 dammage done by magic bullet
(will be added in the game asap)
* dispell magic : counter a spell targeted toward player
protection last is improved by 1 per armor class level
-=Player weapon=-
* sword, spear, axe (2 dammages), hammer (4 dammages), bomb (10 dammages),
suriken (follow ground), dart (0.5 dammages)
* weapons can be picked up in chest or pot or dropped by an ennemy when killed
* the ammo amount is displayed at top left of the screen
Tombs or some rock items when hit make spawn a ghost, after several hit, a mage
appear and cast a spell who curse the player in a animal shape for a while.
But it may be the solution to access some place (for instance when you are a
duck you can fly)
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