Dungeon Siege 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Dungeon Siege 2
Cheat Codes:
Update by: p4l4d1n_234
Update by: Belánszky Noel
Submitted by: conner54
While playing a game, press [Enter] and type [Plus] followed by one of the
following codes to activate the cheat function.
Note: To disable a code, type [Minus] followed by the code.
Code Result
+bushsux-oluaowr - teleport
+iraqsux-eszaryz - silver ring
+luvtana-aeviyaa - silver ring + weapon + garment
+krisrox-lzjlcoj - less chunky
+superchunky - more chunky
+quwhba - instant kill
+drlife - All party tag is one "god"
-drlife - vulnerability
+movie - record a movie
-movie - stop recording
+version - display version
+quwhba - Insant kill
+opnauticus - Ring of knowledge
+twilightzone - Activate teleporters
+imalittalteapot - Silver Ring, weapon, garment
+thechecksinthemail - Money (*)
+extracreamy - Less chunky
+superchunky - More chunky
(*) Disable this code after activating it to prevent the game from crashing.
Dungeon Siege II GlitchesTwo-handed weapon exploit:
Submitted by: p4l4d1n_234@yahoo.com
Conflict between two-handed weapon and offhand equipment is ignored when you
are in spell-casting mode instead of melee attack mode. Therefore two-handed
weapons can be equiped together with either a shield or a single-hand weapon
(at least until it is patched).
Equip a two-handed weapon together with a shield:
1. Equip a shield, leave your main hand empty
2. Select a spell instead of melee attack as your action
3. Equip a two-handed weapon onto your main hand
Equip a two-handed weapon together with a single-hand weapon:
Submitted by: p4l4d1n_234@yahoo.com
1. Equip two single-hand weapon onto both hands
2. Select a spell instead of melee attack as your action
3. Remove the single-hand weapon from your main hand, then equip a
two-handed weapon onto the main hand
If you wield a two-handed weapon together with a single-hand weapon,
you will still be able to initiate Dual-Wield powers such as Wave of
Force and Elemental Rage, and at the same time you still benefit from
the two-handed weapon skills, such as the chance to stun bonus.
Submitted by: --= Eagle =--
Sometimes there are a strange thing: a people is present in chat room but when
someone creates the host for playing you don't see him... There are only one
working solution - go to Windows Control Panel, open Network Connections and
disable all connections except your LAN connection.
Now you can start game and all will be ok.
Act I: Secondary Quests - A Family Heirloom puzzle
Use the following trick if you are having trouble figuring out the riddle to the
statue that Master Thestrin sends you to in the Azunite Desert. When the options
of the spirits appear, click on the third one. It will then disappear, leaving
three more options. This is the correct order: third, first, second.
After that, the door behind the statue will open up and you have to fight a very
tough mage Boss; make sure you are prepared for the battle.
Veteran mode:
Successfully complete the game on the merchant difficulty setting to unlock
the veteran difficulty setting.
Elite mode:
Successfully complete the game on the veteran difficulty setting to unlock
the elite difficulty setting.
Act III: Secondary Quests: The Lost Jewels of Seranith:
This secondary quest sends you on a mission to find the two rings of Seranith;
Gold, and Silver. It is initiated by talking to Kavarre the Explorer in the
Tavern of Kalrathia. After you open the North Gate and keep heading that way,
you will reach a teleporter. Go east the only way you can until you find the
ruins. Once in there, you will reach the first of the two light puzzles. You
must first choose a Pillar and it will allow every other pillar connected to
it via the paths on the floor to be used. The trick is making sure that each
time you choose a pillar you are going to have another one to select until
all the lights are on. The first is easy, but the second is more difficult.
The solution is as follows:
P 6th P 1st
P 2nd
P 4th 12th
P 3rd P
13th P = Pillar
R = Reset Statue
# = Order
P 8th P 10th P 11th
After this is completed, go to the new doorway and get your second ring. Then,
return to Kavarre back at the Tavern to get your Amulet. It turns out to be
Soranith's Amulet. Required Chr. Lvl 32: +15 Intelligence +15% Mana Regeneration
+15% Death Resistance.
Submitted by: james king
If you type in + cretrent your characters will all reach level 150 and all your
stsats for combat magic,natural magic, melee and range.
City of Darthrul:
This is an easy way to pass it without having to go through all those doors you
must have a combat mage in your party and the spell grave beam because grave beam
shoots through walls so just go to the thing of the lance and Kill the guy with
the orange ring around him.
Beating It:
A known glitch of the game is when during Act 1 you meet the Azunite Scholar and
he clears you a path to proceed to the Kithraya Caverns. Sometime when you speak
to him he will simply repeat his dialogue over and over and not clear the path
for you. To counter this just make sure you have cleared the area of enemies and
if he still doesnt do what he is supposed to just head off and do some side quests
and things and come back. He should then proceed as normal.
Pets are one of the most interesting and useful additions in Dungeon Siege 2. To
get the best from your pets you must feed them items and have them grow to maturity.
Pets gain different bonuses depending on what you feed them:
Ranged weapons - big dex bonus
Ranged armor - big def bonus + small dex bonus
Melee weapons - big str bonus
Melee armor - big def bouns + small str bonus
Mage weapons & spells - big int bonus
Mage armor - big def monu + small int bonus
Ensure that what you feed your pet corresponds to the type of fighter they are.
Also remember that Unique, Legendary and Purple Items give higher bonuses and will
grow your pet faster.
Submitted by: juan
Says +superstatus and you characte will all been 150 all and damage too.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2025 |
Cheatbook-Database 2025 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 28.200 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 11 2025.
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