Dust - An Elysian Tail Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Dust - An Elysian Tail | |
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Dust - An Elysian Tail
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Easy "That's More Like It" achievement:
Eventually, you will find two giants to fight at the same time while playing the
main story campaign. Before fighting them, remove all your equipped gear to avoid
killing them too quickly. There is also a special Talisman found early in that
game that will lower your stats by 10%. If you have it, equip it. Once you start
fighting them, keep performing the Aerial Dust Storm from one to the other until
your combo is over 1,000 and you get the "That's More Like It" achievement.
Go to the Sorrowing Meadow, and visit the southeast mansion. Once you reach the
entrance, enter the next room from above. To your left will be spikes and a bug
nest with giant bugs and zombies below. Run past it, and stop at the ledge,
waiting for all the enemies to gather up as they chase you. Before fighting them,
remove all your equipped gear to avoid killing them too quickly. There is also a
special Talisman found early in that game that will lower your stats by 10%. If
you have it, equip it. Use Fidget's Lightning to build a combo on the approaching
enemies until they are almost all dead. Once they are, drop down from the ledge
to fall into a room full of zombies. Make sure to keep your combo going with
lightning. Once you cannot use lightning any longer, switch to sword slashes until
you can continue shocking the zombies. Keep doing this without taking any damage
or missing an attack to get the "That's More Like It" achievement.
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