Empire of Sin Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Empire of Sin | |
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Empire of Sin
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Cheats (How to Enable the Dev Menu):
Written by Lady Maria
This guide will teach you how to enable and use the developer menu.
This particular guide is focused around the dev menu and commands I've found.
Enabling the Dev menu is relatively easy. I strongly recommend using Notepad++.
-=Open the following file in Notepad++=-
In this file you will find a setting called "developerMode".
Set it to "true" DO NOT CAPITALIZE!
You should see "[Dev] QA Perf Test" on start menu if it worked.
You can use (`) to open the console.
You can also press ALT + 1 to open a GUI menu.
You can also access the GUI menu via the pause screen.
-=General Cheats=-
-=Money Cheats=-
-=Alcohol Cheats=-
-=Inventory Cheats=-
Dev.addItemToBoss(itemId, count)
Dev.addItemToTarget(itemId, target, count)
Dev.addItem(itemId, count)
-=Game Speed Cheats=-
-=Commands For Debuggers, Modders, Tinkerers, And All Other Interested Parties=-
How to Make Easy Money:
Written by Swolo_Baggins
-=Trading Swill at Whisky Prices=-
This can be done Regardless of which boss you choose.
Once you have finished the tutorial (or skipped it) start exploring the map.
Depending on your game settings The neighbourhood you start in should have 2 major
factions, and one minor faction.
You want to meet all the factions locally, then spread further out as you need
more alcohol so it gives time for them to build up their reserves again.
Once you have met some, and gone for a sit down (don't get into combat with the
factions) then your ready. Once you have at least one faction, and one minor
faction you can begin. The reason why we need a minor faction is they have unlimited
money so they will always buy!
Start by buying all the swill off the faction. The barrels are worth roughly $2.00 each.
Don't be afraid to give them a little extra cash on top as it will help the trade score.
Once you have bought all the swill you can simply open up the trade screen again select
the minor faction and as you select the swill to sell it, change the packaging to whisky.
The AI will offer you whisky prices for swill. Accept the trade
And done. You've bought the cheapest booze you can, and sold it to a smaller faction
for inflated prices.
Your capped early in the game at around 150 barrels, so once the snowball starts and
your trading your limit it should generate you roughly 7 thousand dollars each trade
(not bad for a cost of 300 dollars).
As you explore more of the map, and meet new factions they will boost your trading by
letting you rinse wash and repeat with fresh swill while you wait for others to grow
there reserves again.
The game will continue while your trading and eventually if you fall behind factions
will come looking for a fight, so don't forget to use the money to upgrade your buildings
and visit the black market.
Of course once you get your brewery's up and running, you can just sell your own swill
as whisky without buying it.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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