Enemy Territory - Quake Wars
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Arindam sarkar
Updated by: N/A
Attention: Change camera - If you don't have a full-size keyboard you will not be able
to change the camera view when in vehicles to 3rd person view.
* Go to Options -> Controls -> Vehicles.
* Home is the default key for full-size keyboards.
* For smaller keyboards select "Change camera" and "Double (left) click to bind a key"
on "Not Bound" then press a key for "Change camera" such as kp home (keypad 7) on the
right of the keyboard.
* Press Ctrl + Alt + ~ during gameplay to display the console window.
* If you don't have a full-size keyboard press Ctrl + Alt + ¬ (¬ is under Esc) to display
the console window.
* Add more bots (no need to enter net_allowcheats 1)
* Do this after all bots have entered the game:
si_maxplayers 32 (you can have less than 32 if you wish, such as 30, 28, 24, 20, etc.)
* Now go on the Limbo Menu -> Admin -> Players and click on Add bots.
* If you click on the Random box, to the left of Add bots, you can choose a team to add
bots to - GDF or Strogg. When you add a bot the number in each team (at the top-left)
goes up.
* You can add up to 32 bots in total. Admin - Players (names are listed in alphabetical
order). After every map loads in you may need to Add the bots manually.
* Game Settings - Simple - HUD - Draw advanced HUD
shows less text on the screen and fewer icons at the sides of the screen when enabled -
doesn't seem to work.
* Game Settings - Simple - HUD - Always draw fireteam list
shows a green circle class icon above all players in your team and a list of players
in your team under the Current Mission (colour coded names for health - green is healthy,
light green is very good, yellow is good, orange is mid health, red is low health or
unconscious and black is dead) when the top mission (primary objective) is selected.
You don't have to join or create a fireteam (press Enter at the far bottom-right) if
this is enabled. If you do join or create a fireteam your Fire Team (Alpha, Beta, Gamma,
Delta, etc.) is shown under the missions no matter what mission is selected, even if the
top mission (primary objective) isn't selected. If 'Always draw fireteam list' isn't
checked you can hold down left Alt to show the players list when the primary objective
is selected.
* Game Settings - Simple - HUD
Show respawn text on screen while unconscious - enable this.
* Game Settings - Simple - Vehicles
Remember vehicle camera settings - enable this.
* Game Settings - Advanced - Tooltip Time Factor
slide to the left to disable if you don't want any tips at the top of the screen. Slide
further to the right if you want the tips to stay onscreen longer.
* Game Settings - Advanced - Vehicles - Advanced Flight Controls
enable this to perform loop the loops (move the mouse up or down) and barrel rolls (move
the mouse left or right).
* Settings - Simple - Video - Quality
changing this alters the settings on Visual Quality/Performance - Advanced. Click Apply.
Or try Auto Detect Settings. Settings - Advanced - Visual Quality/Performance - try Normal
for the first 6 and Medium for Shader Level. Changing this alters the Quality on Settings
- Simple - Video to Custom. Click Apply.
* Controls - Mouse (bottom)
Invert mouse when flying. Unclick this if you want up for up and down for down movement
with the mouse when in an aircraft.
-=Limbo Menu=-
* Admin - Server - Time Limit:
Enter a time then press Enter.
100 minutes maximum or enter 0 for unlimited time.
* Admin - Server - Disable Proficiency:
Turns off the proficiency rewards but doesn't disable ranking up every 20 XP.
* Admin - Server - Configs:
Select 'Match' then click on Exec Config (Execute Configuration) to Disable Proficiency or
select 'Public' then click on Exec Config to Force team balance. Disable Proficiency and
Force team balance can also be clicked without selecting Match or Public.
Type net_allowcheats 1 to enable cheat mode. Then enter one of the following cheats:
Code Result
net_allowcheats 1 - Activate cheat mode. Note: Entering net_allowcheats 0 doesn’t disable
the cheats it just prevents further cheats from being changed.
god (god mode) - Infinite health. You have to type this everytime you respawn. You will
still be killed by Strogg energy shields and the slipgate (on Slipgate
map), unless hacked, if you are GDF on foot (unless you are the Covert
Ops in disguise) but not if you are Strogg. GDF can’t pass through the
slipgate in a vehicle unless it has been hacked. A vehicle is only
invincible if you are in the Driver’s seat. If you are GDF in a vehicle
(except Husky) you can pass through the Strogg energy shields unless you
change seats to gunner or passenger, then the vehicle will be destroyed.
If you are GDF and using the GPMG on a guard tower or mg nest it can
still be destroyed. If Team damage and god mode is on GDF Medics won’t
Team Kill Revive you. Any deployables you place down won’t be invulnerable.
APTs and Base Defense Turrets won’t fire at you if you are on foot but
Base Defense Turrets and AVTs will fire at you if you’re in a vehicle but
they won't harm you. You can also get out of the mission area, re enter
or respawn to disable.
give health - Additional health. You must be alive to use this command.
give ammo - Gives ammo, not infinite. You must be alive to use this command.
give all - Gives both health and ammo. You must be alive to use this command.
noclip - Makes you go through walls. You have to type this everytime you respawn.
If you are GDF and parachuting down wait until you land before using
noclip or else your parachute will still be displayed and you won’t be
able to use any weapons/items. You can’t go through the slipgate on
Slipgate map with noclip on (the Antarctica side of the map is about
500m above the slipgate objective) but you can pass through Strogg
energy shields. You can still use weapons and items, place deployables
and do objectives. You can be the Soldier, use noclip and plant a charge
(hold F) on the rear of the vault door on Island, or just collect the
data disc and take it to the console and transmit the data (hold F),
or plant a charge on the last objective on Canyon, Refinery, Slipgate
and Valley.
Covert Ops can hack (hold F) the sewer controls (last objective) on
Sewer after entering noclip.
You can’t use noclip with vehicles. You can even get out of the map with
noclip, re-enter or respawn to disable.
notarget - Enemy bots on foot and enemy bots in vehicles won't shoot at you (unless
they are already firing at you when you activate it) but enemy turrets
(APT, AVT and Base Defence Turrets) will. You still trigger enemy mines.
You must be alive to use this command, re-enter to disable.
killtransports - Make all GDF and Strogg vehicles on the map disappear and respawn,
including the vehicles you and bots are in (even aircraft) no matter
which seat, and vehicle drops (request Husky/Icarus). If you can’t
request a Husky/Icarus after using killtransports change class then
change back again, if you want, then request one. It will also make the
MCP (on MCP missions) disappear. You will have to use the spawn
vehicle_mcp cheat to complete the objective. It even removes vehicles
you have placed down with the spawn vehicle cheat.
killallbots - Make all GDF and Strogg bots respawn.
kill - Make yourself respawn.
If your computer is fast and you're frustrated with the locked 30 FPS, bring down the
console with Ctrl + Alt + ~ (or Ctrl + Alt + ¬ (¬ is under Esc) and type the following:
* com_unlockFPS 1
* com_unlock_timingMethod 2
* com_unlock_maxFPS [any multiple of 30]
Spawning Vehicles:
Press Ctrl + Alt + ~ (or Ctrl + Alt + ¬ (¬ is under Esc) if you don't have a full size
keyboard) then enter the codes below to spawn the desired vehicle.
-=GDF Vehicles=-
spawn vehicle_husky - husky
spawn vehicle_titan - titan
spawn vehicle_anansi - anansi
spawn vehicle_bumblebee - bumblebee
spawn vehicle_mcp - mcp
spawn vehicle_platypus - platypus
spawn vehicle_trojan - trojan
spawn vehicle_badger - badger (original name for armadillo)
-=Strogg Vehicles=-
spawn vehicle_icarus - icarus
spawn vehicle_hog - hog
spawn vehicle_desecrator - desecrator
spawn vehicle_goliath - goliath (original name for cyclops)
spawn vehicle_hornet - hornet (original name for tormentor)
* To look around in the aircraft cockpit (Bumblebee, Anansi, Tormentor) hold Caps Lock
and move the mouse. The minigun in the cockpit of the Bumblebee can be directed while
holding down Caps Lock. You can also look around the aircraft in 3rd person view with
Caps Lock and the mouse and with the Husky, Armadillo, Platypus and Hog when in the
driver’s seat.
* Try spawning the Anansi (spawn vehicle_anansi) on Valley (2nd objective) for the MCP
mission as this MCP objective doesn’t have the Anansi aircraft. Enter god for god mode
in the console window to practice flying. Hold left Ctrl (airbrake) to stay in place
and practice encircling targets. Hold left Shift (boost) to fly forward.
Spawn Deployables:
spawn deployable_antipersonnel_gdf - GDF APT
spawn deployable_antipersonnel_strogg - Strogg APT
spawn deployable_antiarmour_gdf - GDF AVT
spawn deployable_antiarmour_strogg - Strogg AVT
spawn deployable_amt_gdf - GDF AAT
spawn deployable_shield_generator - Strogg AAT
spawn deployable_radar - GDF Radar
spawn deployable_psi - Strogg PSI Radar
spawn deployable_artillery - GDF Artillery Gun
spawn deployable_railhowitzer - Strogg Rail Howitzer
spawn deployable_rockets - GDF Rocket Artillery
spawn deployable_plasmamortar - Strogg Plasma Mortar
spawn deployable_ssm - GDF Hammer Launcher
spawn deployable_ssg - Strogg Dark Matter Cannon
* If you place fire support deployables (last 6) your Field Ops/Oppressor can't use them.
* You don’t have to be the class that places a certain deployable to place it. You can
place APTs, AVTs, AATs and Radars and they will work. Both teams can place the other
team’s vehicles or deployables. You can place them anywhere, even in the enemies’ territory.
It doesn’t have to be placed on a green deployment square. When you place a vehicle or
deployable down they are facing you.
* You can place deployables in the air while in the Bumblebee, Anansi or Tormentor (easier
in cockpit view). Or you can use the noclip cheat and place them. You can also place
deployables on the water. You can’t place vehicles in the air, they fall to the ground.
* If you place vehicles or deployables down with the cheat and change class or team they
will still be there unless destroyed but if you’re defending and you place a deployable
and the area is captured the deployable is removed but you can place one in that area again
if you wish, unless you are attacking and place a deployable in the enemies’ territory then
it is still there if the objective is complete.
* You don't earn XP or Proficiency (rewards) from the deployables you place down and the
deployables don't have a name above them. In the kill text it just says [APT] name or
[AVT]name. You still gain XP and Proficiency (rewards) if you place a vehicle down and get
in it and run an enemy over or shoot an enemy with the vehicle’s weapon, though.
* Placed vehicles will still decay after a while but deployables don’t.
* Placed vehicles show up as grey on the map (if you have a radar) until you get in them.
Their health bar will also be grey. When you get in a spawned vehicle the health bar
changes to green. If an enemy gets in a spawned vehicle the health bar changes to red.
* If you try to spawn GDF vehicles (except Husky and Platypus) on maps where they are not
available they will look psychedelic as they have no colour on these maps.
A message is displayed in the console window "No Skin Set For [vehicle name]".
* If you place an enemy deployable down with the ‘spawn deployable_name’ cheat you can
place your cursor over it, press V for the Context menu, then select the middle order
and the deployable will appear on the Mission select (press M), for Soldier/Aggressor,
Field Ops/Oppressor, Covert Ops/Infiltrator. If you place a deployable down for your
team and select it on the Context menu your Engineer/Constructor can repair it if it's
* If you place an enemy vehicle down you can get in it, but the cockpit is dark (except
Platypus) and the mini guns on Titan, Anansi, Bumblebee and the MCP are also dark. If
you are GDF you can pass through Strogg energy shields in Strogg vehicles (except Icarus)
but not the slipgate on Slipgate map (unless hacked). Strogg can’t pass through energy
shields in GDF vehicles (except in the MCP). If you are in an enemy vehicle enemy base
defense turrets will still fire at you. Bots can also use enemy vehicles you have placed
down and you can ask for a bot to get in the vehicle with the Context menu (press V) – I
need/require a gunner or I need/require covering fire. An enemy may also get in an enemy
vehicle that you have placed down as well if you haven’t got in it yet and the health bar
is still grey. If you have a radar the vehicle will appear as grey on the map as well.
If a team-mate gets in it will change to green on the map. If an enemy gets in and it is
in range of your team’s radar it will change to red on the map. If an enemy gets in the
vehicle before you do you won’t be able to get in it. You can also repair friendly and
enemy vehicles that you have placed down if an enemy hasn’t got in it yet, and the health
bar is still grey. You can’t repair enemy deployables that you have placed down.
* If a GDF player is in a Strogg vehicle the GDF base gates will still open for them. The
base defense turrets won’t fire at them either.
* If you place vehicles, deployables, activate god (mode) or noclip during warmup they are
removed/reset when the game starts.
If you spawn vehicles (except Platypus) and deployables on The Ark and Salvage maps they
will be painted in the arctic paint.
Spawn Mounted Guns:
spawn mountable_weapon_gdf - GDF Mountable Weapon (GPMG – guard tower/mg nest)
spawn deployable_basedefence_gdf - GDF Base Defence Turret
spawn deployable_basedefence_strogg - Strogg Base Defence Turret
spawn deployable_amt_gdf_cc - GDF Base AAT regular paint
spawn deployable_amt_gdf_cc_arctic - GDF Base AAT arctic paint
(used in the base on The Ark and Salvage maps)
Change class without respawning (You must be alive to use this command):
-=For GDF type:=-
give class soldier
give class medic
give class engineer
give class fieldops
give class covertops
-=For Strogg type:=-
give class aggressor
give class technician
give class constructor
give class oppressor
give class infiltrator
* If you have placed a vehicle, deployable or have any other cheats on it won't remove
them when you change class with the give class cheat, but it will remove the deployables,
when you change class, if you placed them down by the relevant class without using the
* If you activated god mode you will still be invulnerable when you use the give class
cheat but not if you respawn.
* If you change class while in a vehicle you will exit it. If you change class while
flying you will be ejected from the aircraft.
* You can push players with the G key if they are standing, crouched, unconscious and
in water but not if they are prone or dead.
-=Change the hue of the sky=-
setatmosphere area22_01
setatmosphere ark_clear
setatmosphere canyon_new
setatmosphere island_final
setatmosphere outskirts_revised
setatmosphere quarry_cold
setatmosphere refinery01
setatmosphere salvage_tweak
setatmosphere sewer_bright
setatmosphere slipgate_desert01
setatmosphere slipgate_snow01
setatmosphere slipgate_portal
setatmosphere valley01
setatmosphere volcano
The atmosphere on the Outskirts map is foggy but if you change it to a different sky
some building structures pop up when you get near them.
-=Spawn objects and items=-
spawn mapobjects_flag
spawn info_capturable_spawn_gdf
- (GDF forward spawn - can be captured but you cannot spawn at it)
spawn info_capturable_spawn_strogg
- (Strogg forward spawn - can be captured but you cannot spawn at it)
spawn misc_teleporter
- (Strogg slipgate - cannot be hacked and you cannot pass through it)
- (with neutral/default energy cell)
spawn carryable_item_enercell
- (neutral/default energy cell)
spawn flyer_hive
- (if you spawn it from the top of a hill it will slide down it)
spawn gameplay_canyon_bridge_frame
spawn gameplay_canyon_bridge_platform
spawn gameplay_canyon_bridge_constructed
spawn carryable_item_quarry_1
- (energy cell 1)
spawn item_drop_pod_quarry_1
spawn carryable_item_quarry_2
- (energy cell 2)
spawn item_drop_pod_quarry_2
spawn carryable_item_quarry_3
- (energy cell 3)
spawn item_drop_pod_quarry_3
spawn gameplay_refinery_bridge (assault ramp)
spawn gameplay_valley_bridge_frame
spawn gameplay_valley_bridge_platform
spawn gameplay_valley_bridge_constructed
spawn island_beacon (top part)
spawn env_strogg_test_subject
spawn env_strogg_test_subject_a
spawn constructible_tower_gdf_top
- (cannot climb ladder)
spawn constructible_tower_gdf_base
- (no ladder)
spawn constructible_tower_gdf_all
- (cannot climb ladder)
spawn gameplay/construction/mining_laser
- (cannot be constructed)
spawn gameplay_strogg_shield_generator
- (cannot be hacked)
spawn island_buoy
* You can place these objects/items in the air with the noclip cheat if you want
or when you are spawning down from outside (press L for the Limbo menu or Esc to
pause the game in Single Player). I couldn't find the barricades to spawn or spawn
generators or huts, trees, street lamps, signs, strogg structures, crates, boxes,
etc., with the commands.
* If you enter a command and it isn't accepted the console window enlarges to full
screen and the messages 'Game map shutdown (server has shutdown)' will be displayed
in the console window. If this happens type spawnserver - type the map name (e.g.,
Area22) to load it in or type disconnect and select Play Computer, then select Play.
Sometimes it returns to the Title Screen other times it exits the game completely.
-=Spawn Explosives/Mines/Tactical Shields=-
spawn projectiles/he_charge
- (Both Soldier and Aggressor can arm it but you can't attach them to objectives,
surfaces, vehicles or deployables only the ground. They can't be disarmed).
spawn projectiles/plasma_charge
- (Both Soldier and Aggressor can arm it but you can't attach them to objectives,
surfaces, vehicles or deployables only the ground. They can't be disarmed).
spawn projectile_landmine
- (Proximity mine. Both Engineer and Constructor can arm it but you can't attach
them to objectives, surfaces, vehicles or deployables only the ground. It can
only be set off by explosives not enemies. They can't be disarmed).
spawn projectile_landmine_strogg
- (Proximity mine. Both Engineer and Constructor can arm it but you can't attach
them to objectives, surfaces, vehicles or deployables only the ground. It can
only be set off by explosives not enemies. They can't be disarmed).
spawn projectiles/force_shield
- (Tactical shield - you cannot attach them to objectives, surfaces, vehicles or
deployables only the ground).
spawn projectiles/force_shield_mega
- (Tactical shield - you cannot cannot attach them to objectives, surfaces, vehicles
or deployables only the ground).
spawn projectiles/force_shield_shield
- (Tactical shield - you cannot attach them to objectives, surfaces, vehicles or
deployables only the ground).
spawn projectiles/force_shield_shield_mega
- (Tactical shield - you cannot attach them to objectives, surfaces, vehicles or
deployables only the ground).
Other Console Commands:
If you are not sure of a cheat codes default value enter the cheat's name on its own to
see it. Most of the cheats give you a description when you enter the command name on its
own without a value. You may need to respawn to activate some cheats after entering them
in the console window.
The cheats carry onto the next map and if you restart the game unless you re-enter the
default value. Some cheats only need to be entered once and are permanent, even when you
quit the game. Not all cheats require the net_allowcheats 1 to use them.
Entering net_allowcheats 0 doesn't disable the cheats, it just prevents the values from
being changed.
To list the commands in the console window, enter the first word such as spawn (or spawn
vehicle, spawn deployable), setatmosphere, bot, pm, g, g_ etc., (try different characters)
then press TAB. A list of commands will be displayed in the console window. Or you can
list commands of the same type such as bot_use (press TAB) to list all the bot_use commands.
To scroll up and down the list of commands use the mouse scroll wheel while the console
window is open or you can keep pressing TAB to scroll through the commands (they are
highlighted in red) on the same line.
To repeat the same command(s) without having to re-type it (or if you pressed TAB then
Enter to select one) press the up or down cursor arrows (PgUp/PgDn). Use the left or
right cursor arrows (Home/End) and press Delete to delete a word/section of the command
if you want to change it. Press the Space bar to add a space. Press _ to add an underscore.
BOT_ console commands:
- 0 is default.
1, print out the bots debug info onto the player's HUD. Set to the clientNum of the
bot to debug. 0 = disable. Make sure bot_debug is 1.
- 0 is default.
1, bots don't randomly jump.
- 0 is default.
1, makes all unconscious bots remain on the ground without respawning. You can still kill
them to make them respawn, though.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't use aircraft.
- 7 seconds is default.
How long the bots wait when they first get in a vehicle before driving off.
Bots in aircraft usually take off as soon as they get in them.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't change their class.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't spawn at base (unless they are at the forward spawn nearest their base, and
it is liberated).
- 1 is default - have the bots try to keep someone playing the critical class at all times.
0, keep the class they spawn in as.
- 1 is default, if a player in GDF's team has 20 health or less Medics tk (team kill)
revive them with their pistol.
0, GDF Medics don't tk revive (they don't tk revive if Team damage is off either).
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't use sniper weapons (sniper rifle/railgun).
- 0 is default.
1, bots use shotguns/nailguns.
- 0 is default.
1, debug various bot subsystems. Many bot debugging features are disabled if this is
not set to 1. Used with bot_hud - set to 1.
- 0 is default.
1, ignore all enemies. 2, ignore Strogg, 3, ignore GDF.
- 0 is default,
1, bots only use the knife/spikes.
- 1 is default.
0, bots taunt.
- 0 is default.
1, bots never chat.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't use disguises (Covert Ops/Infiltrator).
- 0 is default.
1, Technicians still create spawn hosts but bots don't use them.
- 0 is default.
1, bots behave silly during warmup.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't use mines.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't drop deployables (bot Medics still drop supply crates).
- 1 is default - bots suicide if they detect that they're stuck on an object
or their vehicle is stuck.
0, bots never suicide when stuck.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't use strafe jump.
- 0 is default.
1, bots never leave vehicles.
- 1 is default.
0, bots don't use vehicles
(except the MCP on MCP objectives unless Bots complete objectives is off).
- 1 is default.
0, bots aren't loaded into the game.
- 0 is default.
1, all bots stop moving, even bots in vehicles (including aircraft).
This doesn't stop base defense turrets, defense turrets, radars, fire support,
vehicles, GPMGs on guard towers/mg nests, etc., from working.
- 0 is default.
1, bots have a fake ping beside their name on the Scoreboard.
PM_ console commands:
- 400 is default. This determines how fast you return to the surface after being
underwater in a non-amphibious vehicle.
If it is double or more you'll fly out of the water.
- 0 is default.
1, enters third person view.
This doesn't affect vehicles in 3rd person view only players.
- 0 is default. Height of camera in 3rd person.
Try 25, 50, 100, etc.
This doesn’t affect vehicles in 3rd person view only players.
- 80 is default. Camera distance from player in 3rd person.
Try 100, 150, 200, etc.
This doesn’t affect vehicles in 3rd person view only players.
- 250 is default.
For when spectating in Free Fly Mode.
- 1024 is default.
For when spectating in Free Fly Mode.
- 450 is default.
For when spectating in Free Fly Mode.
- 256 is default.
- 960 is default.
- 480 is default.
- 176 is default.
- 352 is default.
- 212 is default.
(This also affects the speed you can move in water - it affects any direction in the water).
- 160 is default.
(This also affects the speed you can move in water - it affects any direction in the water).
- 256 is default.
(This also affects the speed you can move in water - it affects any direction in the water).
- 128 is default.
(This also affects the speed you can move in water - it affects any direction in the water).
- 80 is default.
- 60 is default.
- 16 is default. Maximum height the player can step up without jumping.
Try 250 to step over fences and onto buildings.
You can't step onto a building if the roof overhangs.
- 68 is default. Try: Area 22 - 10000, Canyon - 7000, Island - 38000, Outskirts -
7000, Quarry - 12000, Refinery - 7000, Salvage - 11000, Sewer - 13500, Slipgate -
6000, The Ark - 10000, Valley - 17500, Volcano - 14000. These figures are for sea
level. If you jump off a mountain you'll hit the ceiling and die unless you reduce
the height number. Don't jump indoors! Can be used with g_gravity.
- 4 is default. Friction applied to player on the ground.
If you enter 0 you'll keep sliding for a while after releasing the movement keys.
G_ console commands:
- 32 is default.
- 16 is default.
- 0.7 is default (brightness).
- 0.5 is default (brightness).
- 10 is default.
- 20 is default.
- 1 is default. Enables player icons.
0, disables player icons.
- 0 is default.
1, cannot spectate on bots.
- 1 is default.
Should bots count towards the number of players required to start the game (online)?
- 1 is default.
Length of time in minutes auto ready will wait before starting the countdown.
- 50 is default.
Percentage of a full server that must be in a game for auto ready to start.
- 30 is default.
Time over which the maximum number of voice chat limit is applied.
- 4 is default.
Maximum number of voice chats a player may do in a period of time (for when using the
Context Menu - press V or Quick Chat - press the mouse scroll wheel).
- set at 0 (2.5 is default).
The time before you are allowed to vote again.
Use it with si_disablevoting 1 is default.
0, allows voting on the Limbo Menu - Vote (online and Single Player) or press K on
the keyboard.
- 0 is default (unlimited).
Maximum length of time a player may spectate for.
2 = 2 minutes, 5 = 5 minutes, 10 = 10 minutes, etc. Cycle through the bots with the
left mouse button. Press the right mouse button for Free Fly Mode.
If you use pm_thirdperson 1 you can spectate on players from behind.
pm_thirdpersonheight adjusts the camera height from above and pm_thirdpersonrange
adjusts the camera range from behind.
You can’t spectate a player in 3rd person, with pm_thirdperson 1, when they are in a
vehicle, only 1st person.
- 2 is default.
Length of time a kicked player will be banned for.
- 1 is default.
0, doesn't save a player's XP if they quit the game and re-join.
g_warmup (time)
- default is 0.5 (30 secs), 0.35 (20 secs), 0.26 (15 secs), 0.18 (10 secs), 0.1 (5 secs),
0 (0 secs), 1 (60 secs) - press F3 to begin the game. This is saved permanently even
after quitting the game (net_allowcheats 1 not required).
- set at 1 (0 is default).
1, send all spectator global chat to team chat.
- 1 is default.
0, cannot harm team-mates during warmup.
This is saved permanently even after quitting the game (net_allowcheats 1 not required).
- default is 5 (5 seconds), 10 (10 seconds, etc.).
Enter 0 for no delay. This is saved permanently even after quitting the game
(net_allowcheats 1 not required).
- 4 is default.
Total unique complaints at which a player will be kicked.
- 6 is default – from team kills.
This is saved permanently even after quitting the game (net_allowcheats 1 not required).
If a player receives the no. of complaints for team kills they are ejected from the game
but they can join in again.
- 1 is default.
- 1 is default.
- 0 is default.
- 1 is default.
- 0 is default.
Maximum warnings before a player is kicked.
- 0 is default.
Disable global VOIP communication.
- 1 is default.
0, no shadow.
- 1 is default.
Show decals such as bullet holes.
- 1 is default.
Keep vote on the HUD after having voted.
- set at 75 (51 is default).
Percentage of yes votes required for a vote pass.
- 1 1 1 1 is default.
Color of fireteam units.
- 0.9 0.1 0.1 1 is default.
Color of enemy units.
- 0.75 0.75 0.75 is default.
Color of neutral units.
- .5 .83 0 1 is default.
Color of friendly units.
- 5 is default.
Number of seconds that each chat line stays in the history.
- 0.8 0.8 0.8 1 is default.
RGBA value for fireteam chat prints.
- 1 1 0 1 is default.
RGBA value for team chat prints.
- 1 1 1 1 is default.
RGBA value for normal chat prints.
- 1 is default.
0, messages near the middle of the screen, Player has… constructed/hacked/destroyed
the objective, grabbed/dropped the data disc/brain, transmitted the data, captured
the energy cell, captured/liberated the forward spawn, captured the outpost, SSM
Launched, Hammer Launched, Dark Matter Cannon Fired, etc., are not displayed.
- 0 is default.
1, no icon. Force drawing of player class icon above players in the fireteam, even if
‘Always draw fireteam list’ isn’t checked on Game Settings – Simple – HUD.
- 0 is default.
If this number of players has voted then the vote will be considered valid even if
the required % of yes/no has not been met.
- 0 is default.
1, automatically takes a screenshot of the scoreboard at the end of the game.
- 0 1 1 1 is default.
Color of buddies.
- 1 1 0 1 is default.
g_debugspecatorlist (no t after c)
- 0 is default.
1, fills the spectator list with fake players.
- 0 is default.
1, no footstep sounds.
- 200 is default (push players with 'G' when next to them).
Try 400, 500, 1000, 10000, etc. You can't push players who are prone or dead.
- 0 is default.
1, it is used when the game is paused with pausegame/unpausegame to fly around the map
when paused. While the game is paused all enemies, vehicles, deployables, base defenses,
the hammer, DMC, MCP's SSM, artillery projectiles, aircraft, etc., are paused so you can
track them. Can be used with g_pausenoclipspeed to adjust the speed you can fly around the
If you are in the vehicle cockpit view of the Titan driver, Trojan gunner, Anansi driver/
gunner, Hog gunner, Desecrator driver/gunner, Cyclops driver, Tormentor driver/gunner,
using the Covert Op’s camera, aiming scoped weapons, using the flyer drone, binoculars/
trinoculars, targeting tool or any hand weapon you will see the cross hair on the screen
after you enter g_pausenoclip 1. Switch to 3rd person view in vehicles first and don’t
scope your weapon before entering the command.
- 0 is default.
The damage from weapons is shown above a player’s head when they are hit.
- 0 is default.
1, shows the names of the spawn points on the map.
- 0 is default.
1, vehicles have no spawn invulnerability at bases (no blue shield above them).
- 0 is default.
1, means you can drive a vehicle anywhere and leave it and it won't decay. If the
vehicle is destroyed it respawns at its original spawn point. This works with the
spawn vehicle_(name) cheat as well although if the vehicle is destroyed you have
to spawn another. Deployables don't decay.
- 0 is default.
1, the MCP isn't destroyed when driven outside the mask (off course).
- 0 is default.
1, gives you and all bots (GDF and Strogg) all the unlock rewards (proficiencies)
– Elite status and promotes you and all bots to the last rank – Supreme Commander
after respawning.
Entering g_maxproficiency 0 during warmup disables it when the game starts in Objective
and Stopwatch modes but not Campaign mode. Only after the Campaign restarts can you
disable the proficiency during warmup. You can restart the map on Objective/Stopwatch
and enter g_maxproficiency 0 during warmup to disable the rewards and then start the
match (F3). If Disable Proficiency is checked on Admin - Server it won't work, only
the Supreme Commander rank will be shown. If so, uncheck Disable Proficiency, then
- 5 is default.
If a construct/hack objective is not attempted again within 60 seconds of constructing/
hacking the objective bar goes down. To make the bar go down slower after 60 seconds
change 5 to 50 – 1 minute, 30 seconds. 100 – 2 minutes, 25 seconds, etc.
- 0 is default.
Time out in minutes for players who are AFK (Away From Keyboard) to go into spectator
mode (0 = disabled). 3 = 3 minutes, 5 = 5 minutes, etc.
- 1 is default.
Shows information about the entity under your crosshair (players don’t show health bars
or triangle markers).
g_fov (field of view)
- 90 is default.
- 1 is default (all arrows for both teams).
0 is off, 2 is friendly only.
- 1 is default.
- 0 is default.
1, disables vehicles spawning from construction pads (vehicle spawn points).
- 0 is default.
1, fills up lists with fake players.
- 1066 is default.
Try 100 for low gravity. Respawn to use it. Look to the ground and hold W (or hold
left Shift and W) to glide down. It also affects aircraft ascending/descending. It
doesn't seem to affect any other vehicles. Can be used in conjunction with pm_jumpheight.
- 0 is default.
Prompt to join a fire team when switching to a new team. If set to 1 the message
'Vote: f1 - 0 Yes / f2 0 - no - Would you like to create a fireteam?' is shown at
the top-left of the screen when you join in from the limbo menu and when you change
teams. Or just press Enter at the bottom-right of the keyboard.
- 100 is default.
Can be used with g_pausenoclip when the game is paused with pausegame/unpausegame to
alter the speed you can fly around the map.
- 1 is default - this cheat doesn't seem to work.
SI_ console commands:
- set to 1.
0 is default.
Wait for players to ready up before going to the next map.
- 0 is default.
1, disable global text communication.
- 1 is default.
Enable/disable players joining a match in progress.
- set to 0. 6 is default.
Minimum players before a game can be started.
- 51 is default.
Percentage of players that need to ready up to start a match.
- 1 is default.
0, allows voting on the Limbo Menu – Vote (online and Single Player) or press K on
the keyboard.
Use it with g_votewait – set the time before you are allowed to vote again.
- 1 is default.
Allow spectators or require all clients to play.
- 0 is default.
Max number of private players allowed on the server.
- set to 16. 24 is default.
Max number of players allowed on the server.
UI_ console commands:
- 1 is default.
Shows your weapon on the screen.
0, doesn’t show the weapon.
- 1 is default.
Receive complaint popups for team kills.
- 1 is default.
Receive voip chat sent to the fireteam channel.
- 1 is default
Receive voip chat sent to the team channel.
- 1 is default.
Receive voip chat sent to the global team channel.
GUI_ console commands:
- 1 is default.
0, hides the vehicle icon and health/decoy bars on the left when in a vehicle.
- 1 is default.
0, hides the vote on screen.
- 1 is default.
0, hides the obituary text on screen.
- 1 is default.
0, hides the objective bar.
- 1 is default.
0, hides the Mission select (top-left).
- 1 is default.
0, hides the command map and mini-map.
- 0 is default.
Other Console Commands (non-cheats):
- 0 is default.
1, shows the frames per second in the top-right corner.
- 0 is default.
1, open console with only ~ or ¬ (¬ is under Esc).
com_allowconsole 0 returns opening the console to normal using 3 keys.
- (normal half screen) 0 is default.
1, open 3 line console at top of screen with Shift and ~ or Shift and ` (under Esc)
if com_allowconsole 1 is activated, otherwise use Ctrl and Alt and Shift and ~ or
Ctrl and Alt and ` (under Esc) to open a 3 line console.
- Gives information about the server.
- Connects to a server.
- Disconnects from a game - online and Single Player.
- Reconnect to the last server you tried to connect to - online.
quit or exit
- Exits the game completely.
- Lists key bindings.
- Lists cvars.
- Lists game commands.
- Lists commands.
- Lists system commands.
- Pauses the game online (and Single Player). Can be used with g_pausenoclipspeed
To pause in Single Player press L for the Limbo Menu or Esc.
- Unpauses the game online (and Single Player). Can be used with g_pausenoclipspeed
- (enter text, e.g., say hi)
- (enter text, e.g., sayfireteam hello)
- (enter text, e.g., sayteam bye)
- Restart the current game.
spawnserver [map name]
- Loads in the [map name] you entered, e.g., Island, Sewer, Valley, etc.
- List the votes available.
- Select a vote from the listvotes list, e.g., callvote maprestart
(si_disablevoting must be set to 0).
- Respond to another player’s vote. Type: vote yes or vote no
- Shows the win/lose screen while in game.
- Shows the win/lose screen while in game.
- Returns to your current view.
- Takes a screenshot.
- Clears all text in the console window.
Achievements List:
Total number of Single Player Achievements: 29
Total number of Multiplayer Achievements: 21
Total Points: 1000
North America (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Easy Difficulty.
North America (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Medium Difficulty.
North America (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Hard Difficulty.
Northern Europe (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Easy Difficulty.
Northern Europe (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Medium Difficulty.
Northern Europe (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Hard Difficulty.
Africa (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Easy Difficulty.
Africa (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Medium Difficulty.
Africa (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Hard Difficulty.
Pacific (Easy)
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Easy Difficulty.
Pacific (Medium)
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Medium Difficulty.
Pacific (Hard)
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Hard Difficulty.
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Complete Every Campaign.
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Easy.
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Medium.
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Hard.
Go Getter
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Earn 25 stars in a Campaign.
Man of Action
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Earn 50 stars in a Campaign.
Hot Shot
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Earn 100 stars in Campaign Mode.
Take Charge
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Win One Level with the Bots Not Finishing Tasks.
Born Leader
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win All Levels with the Bots Not Finishing Tasks.
Beat the Clock
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Win One Stopwatch Match.
Stick to the Plan
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Win One Objective Match.
Tempus Fugit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win All Levels in Stopwatch Mode.
Mission Accomplished
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Win All Levels in Objective Mode.
Paved the Way
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Win All Levels as Strogg.
Sent Them Packing
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Win All Levels as GDF.
Top Dog
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Instant Action Complete.
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Training Complete.
Commando: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor.
Commando: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor.
Commando: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor.
Corpsman: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Medic or Technician.
Corpsman: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Medic or Technician.
Corpsman: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Medic or Technician.
Emissary: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator.
Emissary: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator.
Emissary: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator.
Munitions: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor.
Munitions: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor.
Munitions: Expert
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor.
Fortifier: Recruit
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Engineer or Constructor.
Fortifier: Veteran
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Engineer or Constructor.