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 Enscroll Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

All Elements, Combinations and Usage Text:
Written by Maddest Madman

A list of all elements and their combination requirements. Recommend playing 
the game on your own at least once, but you do you

The most basic elements and spells you can get, using your four inks to create 
spells. F stands for fire ink, W for water, E for earth, A for air. Each spell 
has three power levels which are indicated with numbers. You will not use a great 
majority of these spells, it’s just a comprehensive list.

-=Level 1 Spells=-
Your starting spells only use inks

Fire (F+F) 
- 1.Magic to create flames 2.Magic to create a stream of fire 
  3.Magic to create a fireball

Water (W+W) 
- 1.Magic to create puddles 2.Magic to create lakes 3.Magic to create river

Air (A+A) 
- 1.Magic to compress air 2.Magic to shoot compressed air 3.Magic to create a vaccuum

- 1.Magic to harden the ground 2.Magic to raise earthen walls 3.Magic to create a hill

Steam (W+F) 
- 1.Magic to increase humidity 2.Magic to create hot and humid environments 
  3.Magic to create high-pressure steam

Levitate (A+F) 
- 1.Magic to lighten the body 2.Magic to make bodies levitate 3.Magic to fly freely

Void (E+F) 
- 1.Magic without any effect? 2.Magic without any effect? 3.Magic to nullify magic 
  (grants achievement)

Mist (A+W) 
- 1.Magic to fill the area with mist 2.Magic to create clouds 3.Magic to make rain

Growth (E+W) 
- 1.Magic to make flowers bloom 2.Magic to grow trees 3.Magic to create a forest

Dust (A+E) 
- 1.Magic to make air dusty 2.Magic to create smog 3.Magic to create a dust storm

-=Level 2 Spells=-
All level two spells require at least one previous spell, as you can only combine two 
elements at a time. Required elements will be written in full, and inks will continue 
with the current nomenclature

Wind (Air + A) 
- 1.Magic to create a breeze 2.Magic to create gusts of wind 3.Magic to create a storm

Stone (Earth + E) 
- 1.Magic to create a stone 2.Magic to create a rock. 3.Magic to create a boulder

Breath (Growth + A) 
- 1.Magic to increase cardiovascular fitness 2.Magic to breathe at high altitudes 
  3.Magic to breathe underwater

Stealth (Mist + A) 
- 1.Magic to thin presence 2.Magic to erase presence 3.Magic to become invisible

Heat Haze - (Mist + F) 
- 1.Magic to create optical illusions 2.Magic to induce hallucinations 
  3.Magic to confuse the mind

Heal (Growth + W) 
- 1.Magic to heal minor wounds 2.Magic to heal broken bones 3.Magic to reattach a 
  severed body part

-=Level 3 Spells=-
Now you will start finding spells that require two created elements rather than new inks.

Penetration (Stone + W) 
- 1.Magic to unlock mechanisms 2.Magic to slip through narrow gaps 3.Magic to penetrate walls

Light (Heat Haze + F) 
- 1.Magic to brighten surroundings 2.Magic to create beautiful halos of light 
  3.Magic to create a rainbow

Darkness (Void + Dust) 
- 1.Magic to darken surroundings 2.Magic to enhance dark vision 3.Magic to meld with shadow

Mind (Void + Growth) 
- 1.Magic to enhance concentration 2.Magic to clear distracting thoughts 
  3.Magic to preserve a memory

Transformation (Heat Haze + Growth) 
- 1.Magic to change an object colors 2.Magic to transform object shapes 
  3.Magic to alter an object’s property

Cleanliness (Dust + Wind) 
- 1.Magic to remove stains 2.Magic to eliminate odors 3.Magic to purify pollution

-=Level 4 Spells=-
Now it’s getting complicated
Communication (Mind + Breath) 
- 1.Magic to translate languages 2.Magic to communicate with animals 
  3.Magic to communicate with spirits

Resonance (Wind + Breath) 
- 1.Magic to induce empathy 2.Magic to transfer emotions 3.Magic to share emotions

Movement (Wind + Wind) 
- 1.Magic to increase movement speed 2.Magic to teleport within sight 
  3.Magic to create a portal

Sleep (Mist + Mind) 
- 1.Magic to induce drowsiness 2.Magic to induce deep sleep 
  3.Magic to induce a desired dream

Hypnosis (Heat Haze +Mind) 
- 1.Magic to cast suggestions 2.Magic to control actions 
  3.Magic to manipulate a memory

Time (Light + Darkness) 
- 1.Magic to slow down object’s time 2.Magic to stop object’s time 
  3. Magic to reverse object’s time

Charm (Mind + Penetrate) 
- 1.Magic to attract attention 2.Magic to win favor 3.Magic to fall in love

Fear (Darkness + Mind) 
- 1.Magic to creep out 2.Magic to make tremble in fear 3.Magic to show one’s greatest fear

Replication (Transformation + Heat Haze) 
- 1.Magic to replicate appearance 2.Magic to replicate abilities 3.Magic to Clone

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