
Fate Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Fate Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Raziel_Soulreaver
Updated by: DrakKnight

Press [Left Ctrl] + [Left Shift] + ~to display a question mark icon on the left side of
the screen. Select the question mark icon to open the console window. Then, enter one of
the following codes:

Code                   Effect
Heal                 - Restores all of your health.
Gold                 - Gives you 500,000 pieces of gold.
God                  - Gives you ten experience levels and eight to your pet.
Fame                 - Adds 1000 fame points to your character.
Experience           - Adds 5000 experience points to your character.
Dumpmap              - Creates a text description of the current map to a maze.txt
                       file, which can be found in the game's installation folder.
Descend "#"          - Descend a "#" of levels (input a number and remove quotes).
Ascend "#"           - Ascends a "#" of levels (input a number and remove quotes).
Small                - Chest Shows up but there is nothing in it.
Shrine Of Learning   - Creates a Shrine that when activated generates a random 
                       negative or positive effect on character stats.
Magic Anvil          - Creates an Anvil that when activated grants you a random Negative
                       or positive magical effect on an item.
Fountain of Wellness - Creates a Fountain that when activated replenishes Both Health 
                       & Mana.
Fountain Of Stamina  - Creates a Fountain that when activated replenishes Stamina.
Fountain Of Health   - Creates a Fountain that when activated replenishes Health.
Fate Statue          - Creates a statute that when activated you get either a unique 
                       Monster or 2 Random Gems.
Fountain of Mana     - Creates a Fountain that when activated replenishes mana.
Chest                - Shows up but there is nothing in it.
Large Chest          - Shows up but there is nothing in it.
small chest          - Spawn small chest; cannot be opened
Storage trunk        - Shows up but can't be opened in town 
                       (This might work in dungeons).
Weapon Rack          - Shows up but can't be activated.
Health fountain      - Spawn health fountain.
Levelup              - Level up.
Blood                - Blood will appear red when killing some monsters.
Noblood              - Blood will appear normal.
Discoverall          - Full map.
Town portal spell    - Spawn town portal spell.
superior sapphire    - Spawn superior sapphire.

[item name]   summons specified item (any item); 
example: town portal spell summons the "town portal spell"; 
superior sapphire summons "superior sapphire". 

[Item Name] Summons an item near you. This cheat can summon artifacts, but not flawless,
superior, or exceptional versions of items.

[Creature Name] Summons a creature near you. Any creature you summon this way will exist
as an enemy monster; however, typing "Cat" or "Terrier" will summon a pet Levelup Gives 
you one experience level.

Final Password: 

Submitted  by: ben

Codes like flawless and superior do work,you jost need to add a name behinde it flawless
(name of fish) betwen flawless and fish name enter a space superior (name of gem) betwen
superior and gem name enter a space.
Note: You may wont a pece of paper to wright fish and gem names to remember.

Spawn Free Gear:
Press CTRL, Alt and the tilde (~) key and a question mark will pop up. Select the question
mark and insert the gear names below to spawn that gear. Some of it, such as the Ancestral
Footsteps, can be sold back for massive amounts of money if needed. 

Legendary Gear:
Legendary Amilia's Boots Of Walking (Boots Defense 87) 
Legendary Ancestral Footsteps (Boots Defense 390) 
Legendary Barrow Bite (Sword 68-256 Fast) 
Legendary Blackhearted (Belt) 
Legendary Blackspine (Bow 56-168 Fast) 
Legendary Colossus Boots (Boots Defense 317) 
Legendary Companion Of The Studious (Helmet "Magic" Defense 54) 
Legendary Cunning Lance Of Mim (Spear 68-304 Normal) 
Legendary Deathbite (Bow 112-260 Fast) 
Legendary Dragonplate (Belt Defense 96) 
Legendary Festy's Rope-A-Dope (Belt Defense 68) 
Legendary Frostrind (Shield Defense 346) 
Legendary Furious Knuckles (Gloves Defense 174) 
Legendary Gleaming Rictus (Bow Damage 132-300 Normal) 
Legendary Gul's Mitts (Gloves Defense 239) 
Legendary Hiram's Grip (Gloves Defense 33) 
Legendary Horu's Dexterous Fingers (Gloves Defense) 
Legendary Hunter's Twin (Bow Damage 96-224 Normal) 
Legendary Insidious Carbon (Helmet Defense 257) 
Legendary Ironmight (Shield Defense 126) 
Legendary King's Fisticuffs (Gloves Defense 307) 
Legendary Mage's Bane (Shield Defense 448) 
Legendary Minamoto's Shinobi Blade (Sword) 
Legendary Mindtrap (Axe 40-72 Fast) 
Legendary Moon Of Glory 
Legendary Omega Zephyr (Spear 96-408 Normal) 
Legendary Razorwing 
Legendary Rasten's Vanguard 
Legendary Ribsticker 
Legendary Runic Cap (Helmet Defense 37) 
Legendary Shadowmorning 
Legendary Starfire Girdle (Belt Defense 34) 
Legendary Terminal Calculation 
Legendary The Gorer 
Legendary Vicious Canticle (Hammer 240-344 Slow) 
Legendary Vicious Interlock 
Legendary Zen's Vengeance (Damage 38-76 Fast) 
Legendary Zivian 

Elite Gear: 
Elite Argonath 
Elite Bix (Helmet Defense 40) 
Elite Blasted Garb (Body Armor Defense 240) 
Elite Bloodgleam (Belt Defense 78) 
Elite Bonegrasp (Gloves Defense 26) 
Elite Brittlesleeves (Body Armor Defense 56) 
Elite Burslem's Divine Equalizer (Bow 40-74 Damage Fast) 
Elite Dreamdrinker (Bow 24-66 Fast) 
Elite Fisherman's Friend 
Elite Frostsheen 
Elite Glastcleaver 
Elite Gloryclad 
Elite Heartshorn (Bow 46=120 Normal) 
Elite Hidestripe (Body Armor Defense 49) 
Elite King's Fisticuffs (Gloves Defense 148) 
Elite Longshot (Helmet Defense 37) 
Elite Lorel's Curse (Bow 34-100 Fast) 
Elite Mage's Bane (Shield Defense 209) 
Elite Rattlespur 
Elite Terminal Calculation (Spear 56 - 224 Fast) 
Elite Telengard's Girdle (Belt Defense 32) 
Elite Terrifying Visage 
Elite The Vanguard (Sword 56-204 Normal) 
Elite Tovor's Brainbucket (Helmet) 
Elite Usher Of Styx 
Elite Vicious Interlock (Body Armor Defense 120) 

Submitted by: chris

summon townsfolk,put in the name of the townsfolk's name.(you can't buy things 
from summoned shopkeepers.)

Easy money:
Spawn a Legendary Frostrind repeatedly. They need to be identified. Also spawn a 
Book Of Identify. Legendary Frostrinds, if identified, will sell for 5.6 million 
gp each.

Proceed to the sixth level of the dungeon. Somewhere in the dungeon is Pikko the
fisherman, who has some fish.

Easy fights:
Buy or spawn the Summon Shrike spell and learn it. Every time you level up, raise
your Charm magic points. You should soon have at least 50 Charm magic points. Your
summoned Shrikes should now be a very high level and last for a very long time. You
will no longer have to participate in small fights because your Shrikes will take 
care of the monsters for you.

Ultimate weapon:
Get a weapon (for example, Gladius), then get Rikko to socket it. It must have three
sockets. Afterwards, get a Superior Ruby, Superior Turquoise, and Superior Opal. It 
should inflict fire, electricity, and ice damage.

Submitted by: Elxzomin

Spawn "Legendary Ancestral Footsteps" and Identify them. They sell for 11 million each. 
If you spawn 19 and spawn two "Book of Identify" You will net over 200 million once 
identified and sold. Just use your pet as extra inventory and you can raise your fame 
at the minstrel very fast.

Final boss:
One of the easiest ways 2 kill the final boss is to purchase and learn these spells: 
charm monster and a summoner of your choice(a cheat might come in handy here-press 
control-shift-~ and type in the name of the spell(have spell after it!!) and then 
god if you aren't strong enough for it.) first charm about half of the monsters 
minions. they will attack their breathern and create chaos, giving you an opining 
2 slip in to the boss.beforehand i recomend u have summoned some creatures. 
(Note: Do NOT summon the creatures before u charm becuse these monsters are emune 
2 charming after they start 2 fight.)

Press [Ctrl], [Shift], and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen.
Type "Chain of Ancients" (necklace) and then hit enter to spawn the necklace. 

Statues, shrines:
Press Ctrl, Shift, and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen. 
Type the following items and then hit enter to spawn the indicated item. 
(These cheats can also be activated in town:) 

* Fate statue: a statue with a glowing red light on the bottom of the statue should
  appear nearby you. Click on it to activate it and it either will give you a monster
  or a random gem will pop out of the statue. 

* Magic Anvil: an anvil should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the anvil
  and when you put a weapon/armor in it and click enchant you will get a message saying
  you got an enchantment or nothing happened (this is just like the enchanter in town 
  but it is free:) 

* Shrine of Learning: a shrine should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the
  shrine which will either give you a good or bad effect on either your character stats
  or your skill stats most of the time. Sometimes it won't do nothing.Press Ctrl, Shift,
  and ~ then a "?" should appear on the left side of the screen. Type the following 
  items and then hit enter to spawn the indicated item. 
  (These cheats can also be activated in town:) 

* Fate statue: a statue with a glowing red light on the bottom of the statue should
  appear nearby you. Click on it to activate it and it either will give you a monster
  or a random gem will pop out of the statue. 

* Magic Anvil: an anvil should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the anvil
  and when you put a weapon/armor in it and click enchant you will get a message saying
  you got an enchantment or nothing happened (this is just like the enchanter in town 
  but it is free:) 

* Shrine of Learning: a shrine should appear nearby you. Click on it to activate the
  shrine which will either give you a good or bad effect on either your character stats
  or your skill stats most of the time. Sometimes it won't do nothing.

Super income:
Submitted by: knighthawkk91

Open the cheat mode (hit control, shift, ~) and type legendary ancestral footsteps.
Get 10 of them, identify them. Open up cheat mode again, and type in magic anvil. 
Make as many as you need to put 2 sockets on each ancestral footsteps. Open up cheat
mode one more time and type andrew swift's turquoise eye so that you can fill all the
 sockets with them. Once the boots have been identified, and the gems have been added,
they will sell for over 25 million gp. 

Big Ticket Item:
Socket both Gems of Ages into the King's Fistcuffs and it will sell for almost 9
million GP.

Easy Level cheat:
Submitted by: Saix Credo

ever wondered how to level your characterss more then 10 levels at a time?
well here's the answer:

open cheat guide (ctrl+shift+~), then type in experience x ( replace the x with desired number) 
unfortunately fate's original has a maximum level of 99, unlike in all the later fate games 
which i have no idea if they even have a level limit (this might be a glitch [which i'll do 
some research on, and if it is a glitch in the game's programing, i'll post it as a glitch]), 
which i have a level 146,890 cogger with over 150k of all strength, dexterity, vitality, and 
magic, and over 100k of eack of the skill points (the ones you get when you level your fame). 
hope this helps!

Best shield:
To get the "Mage's Bane" shield you simply hold "ctrl" then press and hold "shift" then press 
the tilde(~)key during gameplay then you type "Mage's bane" make sure to include the apostrophe 
(') Have fun with your new shield!

Windows Key:
This works with anything (Magic Anvils, Rikko The Enchanter, Fate Statues, save games etc...), 
if you screw up, get a bad enchantment, gem from a Fate Statue, die, etc. All you have to do is: 

* Press the Windows key (the one with the flag commonly between ctrl and alt).
* Wait for the game to minimize.
* Right click the open Fate game, 
* Click "close window" (or similar).
* Re-open Fate and you will load to before you made your mistake (particularly helpfull with
  Rikko The Enchanter, Fate Statues and Magic Anvils).

Note: Will not work if you ascend or descend to another level.

Easy fights:
Buy or spawn the Summon Shrike spell and learn it. Every time you level up, raise your Charm 
magic points. You should soon have at least 50 Charm magic points. Your summoned Shrikes should
now be a very high level and last for a very long time. You will no longer have to participate 
in small fights because your Shrikes will take care of the monsters for you.

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PC Games, PC Game Cheat, Secrets Easter Eggs, FAQs, Walkthrough Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today.  - Release date january 7, 2024. CheatBook-DataBase 2024

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