
Freedom Wars Remastered Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Freedom Wars Remastered Cheats

Freedom Wars Remastered

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Achievements by Code:

-=CODE 1=-
Menace to Society: Get your first punishment for violating the People's 
Charter. This can be easily done by taking a few steps in your cell as s
oon as you gain control of your character.

The Walls Have Eyes: Break the People's Charter ten times. You can achieve 
this naturally by moving around your cell without permission.

Butterfingers: Drop a citizen during transportation. This can be done in 
the second tutorial mission ("CG1-2 Re-education Operation II") when you're 
required to transport a citizen to a capsule. Lift the citizen, press the 
run button, and crash into a wall.

First Step to Freedom: Obtain your first right. This is a story-related 
achievement and cannot be missed.

Citizen's Friend: Deliver a citizen during the "CT1-3Dawn: Citizen Reclamation" 
operation. This achievement is also story-related and guaranteed if you complete 
the mission.

-=CODE 2=-
In Search of the Strongest Weapon: Upgrade your weapon for the first time. To 
do this, go to Facility Management, then Weapon Development Facility, and select 
Upgrade Weapons.

Module Maker: Create your first module. This can be done by going to Facility 
Management, then Weapon Development Facility, and selecting Manufacture Modules.

Retail Therapy: Make your first purchase using Entitlement Points. You can do 
this at "Zakka" or "Fueling Station."

Severance Package: Detach a component from a thief. This can be done using a melee 
weapon. In battle, lock onto a target until it turns red, then use your spike to 
pull and press "A," spamming the button until the component is detached.

The Great Divide: Detach five or more components from a thief in a single operation. 
Follow the method described above.

-=CODE 3=-
Scrap Merchant: Collect fifty different types of resources from defeated thieves. 
This is a cumulative achievement that you'll earn as you progress through the game.

-=CODE 4=-
Extractable Abilities: Create your first augmentation. To do this, go to Facility 
Management, then Ability Development Facility, and select Manufacture Augmentations.

Ramosa Disposer: Defeat a Ramosa-class thief in offline mode without falling in 
battle. Choose the operation "CP2-4 Patriot: Liquidation" (CODE 2) and defeat Ramosa 
(the winged tiger). At CODE 4, you should be strong enough to accomplish this. Keep 
your distance and let your teammates do most of the work.

-=CODE 5=-
CODE 5 Clearance: Complete the conditions and pass the exam to access CODE 5. This 
is a story-related achievement.

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