Heroes 3 - In the Wake of Gods Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Heroes 3 - In the Wake of Gods | |
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Heroes 3 - In the Wake of Gods
Submitted by: cacatiensinh
Enabling the Built-in Cheat Menu:
Heroes III comes with a built-in cheat menu that can be enabled by adding a code
word to the shortcut that starts the game. In RoE, AB and SoD, the code word used
was "/nwcgrail".In WoG, this code word has been changed to "/zvssveta".
The code word should be added after the full path and file name in the shortcut.
For example, if you have WoG installed on the F drive in a folder named
"Wake of Gods", your shortcut will look something like this:
"F:\Wake of Gods\h3wog.exe"
Simply add "/zvssveta" to the end of it, so now it will look like this:
"F:\Wake of Gods\h3wog.exe" /zvssveta
If you're playing WoG in window mode, the cheat menu will be in the upper-left
corner of the screen as soon as you start the game.
If you're playing WoG in full screen mode, press the F4 key on your keyboard to
temporarily switch to window mode. The cheat menu will appear in the upper-left
corner of the screen. Press F4 again to return to full screen mode.
The built-in cheat menu may be used on the adventure screen or the combat screen and
functions a bit differently for each.
Note: if the "Disable Cheat Codes and Menus" option is enabled, the Built-in Cheat
Menu will be disabled. The menu will still appear, but clicking any of the menu options
does nothing.
Using the Built-in Cheat Codes:
Heroes III comes with a list of built-in cheat codes that can be accessed by pressing
the TAB key, typing the code and pressing Enter.
The original codes (for RoE, AB and SoD) were all preceded by "nwc". In WoG 3.58, this
prefix has been changed "wog".
The codes for RoE are based on lines from the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".
AB codes are based on the "Star Wars" (Episode 1) movie and SoD codes are based on the
original "Matrix" movie.
The codes for WoG are also based on a popular movie, The Lord of the Rings.
These are the codes for the following adventure map cheats:
- build all buildings in your castle......................WOGMINASTIRITH
- hero gets 5 archangels in each free troop slot..........WOGGALADRIEL
- hero gets all war machines..............................WOGOLIPHAUNT
- hero gains a level......................................WOGGANDALFWHITE
- hero receives unlimited movement........................WOGSHADOWFAX
- reveals puzzle map......................................WOGPALANTIR
- reveals entire world map................................WOGEYEOFSAURON
- player receives 100,000 gold plus 100 of each resource..WOGISENGARD
- hero gets all spells plus 999 spell points..............WOGSARUMAN
- hero gains up to 50 death knights.......................WOGPATHOFTHEDEAD
- player automatically loses scenario.....................WOGDARKLORD
- player automatically wins scenario......................WOGONERING
- hero gains maximum luck.................................WOGBILBO
- replaces the shroud over the entire map.................WOGMORDOR
- hero gains maximum morale...............................WOGFELLOWSHIP
- increases colour saturation.............................WOGSARUMANOFMANYCOLORS
In addition, there are three cheat codes that may be used in the combat screen:
- automatically win the combat............................WOGFRODO
- automatically lose the combat...........................WOGDENETHOR
- hero gets all spells plus 999 spell points..............WOGGANDALF
Note: if the "Disable Cheat Codes and Menus" option is enabled, entering the
cheat codesdoes nothing.
Enabling the WoG "Cheat" Menu, for Map and Script Testing:
A scripted "Cheat" menu has been added to WoGify.
To enable this menu in a map, follow these simple instructions:
a) Create a timed event in your map (you can name it anything).
b) Set the event so it won't trigger for any players and set the event day to 600.
c) In the event body, put the following:
d) Click OK to save the event.
e) Save your map.
Or you could instead put this into an unused WoGify script (e.g., script99.erm) if
you want the menu always active for all maps.
To use the WoG Cheat Menu, hold down the ALT key and click the mouse on any of the
following objects:
a) A hero on the map (yours or another player's);
b) A hero in your hero list;
c) A town on the map (yours or another player's);
d) A town in your town list.
A menu will appear and you may choose from the options given.
In addition, you can hold down the ALT key and click in the Hero screen. Doing so
will bring up a context-sensitive cheat option or menu. For example, if you want to
change a hero's attack skill, hold down ALT and click the mouse on the Attack skill.
Or if you want to give the hero an artifact, hold down ALT and click on one of the
artifact slots.
Note: if the "Disable Cheat Codes and Menus" option is enabled, the WoG Cheat Menu
will also be disabled.
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