
Hotline Miami Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Hotline Miami Cheats

Hotline Miami

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

Alternate ending:
Locate every hidden piece and solve the puzzle before completing the game to 
view a different ending.

"Sewer Alligator" achievement:
After completing Chapter 5 "Full House", grab a crowbar and go to the entrance of 
the level. Instead of going in the car, walk around the house until you find a 
manhole located at the southeast corner of the level. Enter the manhole to find 
the mask near a corpse in the sewers.	

Easy methods of Point faming and getting A+:
By LeBouncer

In this guide I wanna give you some advice how to get A+ ratings very easy.

I saw that you can get achievements for getting A+ in every level. So i thought 
I make a guide about how to get A+ very easy.

Masks are very important for you in the game. Some of them make your game easier, 
and some of them makes it harder but you get more points. So I will Tell you about 
the best masks for getting points.

5.Jake (Cobra)
If you take Jake you will have the ability to instankill an enemy. Even thought 
it's sometimes hard to hit an enemy with a throwing weapons it's very usefull because 
it is not only a one-hit kill, it's also quiet. So you can evade big fights with this 

4.Brandon (Panther)
If you like taking risks this mask is perfect for you. You are very fast but you 
don't have any other advantages. The best thing you can do while wearing this mask is 
to grab a good and fast meele weapons (like a machete) and try to get high combos.

3.Zack (Frog)
This one is a little bit easier to handle cause you have more time for combos. You 
should try to get a slienced gun or a fast meele weapons and the run amok. But don't 
forget, you still don't have unlimited time for combos so be fast.

2.Carl (Grasshopper)
This mask is VERY useful for point farming cause it starts with a drill. The drill is 
actually a VERY bad wepaon cause it has a short range, doesn't attack very fast and 
it's not able to kill dogs. BUT if you execute someone with it it gives you tons of 
points. So if you want very many points and still want to be sneaky this is the perfect 
weapons for you.

1.Nigel (Bat) THIS GOT FIXED :(
When I first saw what this guy does I thought he is even more useless then the first 
mask. But there is a very good thing I found out about him. If you use this mask you 
get more points. But this mask is very hard to use right? Ehhhhhhhhhh, nope. You can 
just go to the settings and change the WASD controls into SDWA controls. So you get 
tons of points and still have normal controls . But don't forget that you daon't have 
any advantage so you have to play safely.

-=Methods of point farming=-
Getting points in this game can be a hard task, but I will give you some advice how to
 get many points/ A+.

im sure you already know how useful throwing is. It's quiet, it kills (depending on the 
weapon) and the most useful thing about throwing is that you get TONS of points especially 
if you use throwing weapons. Throwing weapons like bricks or hammers can give you about 
2000 points per kill so you should always try to use them.

-=Being creative=-
This game let you be very creative. you can use everthing as a wepaon, so you shuold 
change youre weapons whenever you can. It's very easy to get a new weapon because 
everyone has one. And even if you have on and want a new weapon but nobody has a meele, 
just throw it at him and use your fists of steel. And im sure that guns has not been made 
for shooting so just throw them.

It doesn't really matter with which weapons you execute someone, it always give tons of 
points. But If there is a weapon around which would give you more points for using it, 
THEN USE IT. I just went into rage mode cause I died while doing an execution :( . 
That's one thing you should never forget. You CAN'T MOVE while doing an execution and 
it takes time too. So you should hope that there is no dog around who always kills you 
at the same god danm spot while doing an execution.

-=Things you should NEVER do=-
There are some useful things for points faming and some that are VERY USELESS

Guns make games easier. AND YOU DON'T WANT AN EASY GAME RIGHT!!? (At least I hope so)
You get nearly NO points if you use a gun. I know, it makes the game easier, but if you
 want a gun then play a game with no samurai swords. There is only ONE exeption. If you 
use Zack (Frog) you can grab a gun and run amok. It's not as good as using a meele weapon 
thought, but if you don't use this method for point farming guns are really useless.

I know, waiting for the perfect moment is very usefull, but if you want to get points 
you gonna have to take risks and be very fast. Being fast not only rewards you with a 
big combo, it also gives you extra points in the end. So be try to be as fast as you can.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this guide and wish you very much luck. I'm REALLY sorry
if I had a bad grammar cause i'm actually german.

Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. 
To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then
"My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement          How to unlock
1989               - Kill 1989 enemies.
60 To Car          - Go to the car 60 times.
Aced It            - Get an A+ on any chapter.
Achievement Whore  - Unlock all achievements.
Always On Top      - Perform every ground kill in the game.
Batman             - Clear chapter ?? using only a bat and the bat mask.
Cat Fight          - Kill the panthers using the panther mask.
Combo Beginner     - Perform a 4x combo.
Combo Intermediate - Perform a 6x combo.
Combo King         - Perform a 12x combo.
Combo Master       - Perform a 10x combo.
Combo Pro          - Perform a 8x combo.
Dog Lover          - Kill 99 dogs.
Domino Effect      - Throw a weapon at an enemy so that his weapon hits another.
Eye For Details    - Collect all the puzzle pieces.
Get A Life         - Get A+ on all the chapters.
Guns For Show      - Kill at least one enemy with each gun.
I Got New Friends  - Unlock all weapons.
Karma              - Die 1000 times.
Knife For Pros     - Kill at least one enemy with each melee weapon.
Let In Some Air    - Destroy 500 glass panels.
Nigel Lowrie       - Use a human shield.
Pitcher            - Hit at least one enemy with each throwing weapon.
Plain Luck         - Kill three or more enemies with the same brick in one throw.
Playing Pool       - Kill an enemy with a brick bounced against a wall.
Sewer Alligator    - Find the crocodile mask.
That's It?         - Beat the epilogue.
The Boss           - Solve the puzzle.
The End?           - Beat the mainstory.
These Are My Guns  - Complete chapter five barehanded.
This Is It         - Beat the epilogue with secret ending.
Zoo Keeper         - Collect all the masks.

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