
Hurtworld Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Hurtworld 
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 Hurtworld Cheats


Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.

While playing the game, press F1 key to display the console window. 
Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate 
the corresponding cheat function.

Code                               Effect
itemlist [name filter]           - Shows a list of all items with the searched word 
                                   in their name and their Item Code (itemlist bow 
                                   would return a list of all the bows etc). 
                                   E.G. itemlist bow.
itemlist                         - Shows all the game items in the Console and their 
                                   Item Codes.
g [itemcode] [quantity]          - Gives you the item with the specified quanitity. 
                                   Be careful, too high of a quantity and the items will 
                                   spew out of your inventory into the world. 
                                   E.G. g 4 10 (Would give you 4 Steaks)
g [itemname] [quantity]          - Same as g [itemcode] [quantity] except with the name 
                                   of the item instead of the item’s Code.
g all [itemcode/name] [quantity] - Same as g however this will give you all items max 
rcon [command]                   - Run Commands like Kick, quit, quit 300 
                                   (Timed shutdown with server warnings)
spawn [prefabname]               - This will spawn any networked object 2 meters in front 
                                   of you. A full list of prefabs is not yet available.  
                                   Known Options: [ AITokarServer, sandstorm ]
stockvehicles                    - Will fill every vehicle on the server with the maximum 
                                   upgrades and parts, ready to go.
refreshai                        - Delete all the NPC Mobs and Resource Nodes (Trees, 
                                   Logs, Stumpts, Ore Veins etc). 
                                   They will respawn slowly as normal.
serverstatus                     - Displays a list in the Console of all connected 
                                   players, including their names, steam64ID and other 
                                   information. (Useful for kicking!)
rcon adminmessage [text]         - Sends an administrator message to all players.
rcon settime [time]              - Sets the time of day.
rcon freezetime                  - Freeze the time of day.

teleport [teleportthisplayer] [tothisplayer] 
Full names required. Teleports one player to another. E.G. teleport Mekki_ Spencer

Item ID List:
1: Seeds (Succulent)

2: Dappler Red Dot

3: Gloves (Insulated)

4: Quash Silencer

5: Stone Brick

6: MozzyChassisInvisible

7: Horse Mask

8: Fake Airdrop

9: Mozzy SmellsFishy Mask

10: Chaser Roof Scoop

11: Triple Door Right Side

12: Mangler Wheel

13: Tire Glue

14: Spear (Stone)

534: Better Singlet

16: Invisi Case

17: Gear Minor Toxin Protection Fragment

18: Beretta M9 Silencer Quash

19: SunnyHurt MiningBow

20: Beretta M9 Brake Rein

21: Tail Rotor

22: Camping

23: Eureka Scope

24: Maskless

25: Goreng Mask

26: Front Wheel (Paddlin)

27: Clan Creator

28: HURTFUN Military Helmet Case

29: Storage Box

30: Anti-Rad

31: Seeds (Owrong)

246: Steak (Cooked)

33: SuperNitro

34: Chaser Hood

35: Beretta M9 Silencer Shush

36: Kanga Eva Mask

37: Gear Minor MoveSpeed Fragment

38: Vista Red Dot

39: Warehouse Magazine

40: Dappler Red Dot

41: Melee Minor AttackSpeed Fragment

42: Shogun

43: Pickaxe (Iron)

44: Fragment Case +3

45: Incendiary Grenade

46: Jacket Silencer

47: Veil Mask

48: Hoodie

49: Scope Minor Sway Reducer Fragment

50: Sand Bag

51: Ownership Stake

52: Pelt (Strong)

53: Triple Door Left Side

54: Fragment Case +1

55: Voodoo

472: Steak (Frozen, Cooked)

57: Sign

58: Roach 1986 Mask

59: Tactical Helmet

60: Recycler

61: Chemsuit Mask

62: Fragment Dust

63: Snapback

64: Jump Medallion 2

65: Front Wheel (Knobbler)

66: Probos Tip

67: Sharkweek Panel (Left)

68: Shigi Flame

69: Military Boots

70: Fire Block

71: Slug Kit

72: Thornling Tail

73: Vitamins

74: Section 8 Mask

75: Stack Ironsight

76: Roach Graffiti Mask

77: Bow Scatter Shot Fragment

78: Goat Side Stripes Mask

79: Beretta M9

80: Gear Major MoveSpeed Fragment

81: Sharkweek Panel (Rear)

82: Pickaxe (Mondinium)

83: Raider Panel (Rear)

84: Pirahna Panel (Roof)

85: Town Event Win Hardcase

86: AK Serial Magazine

87: Fire Ant Panel (Front)

88: Gear Major Add Storage Capacity Fragment

89: Tactical Boots

90: Tactical Pants

91: Econolube Fuel Saver

92: Warm Jeans

93: Shockblock Mask

94: Pirahna Panel (Left)

95: Cue Tip

96: Bor

97: Bunkum

98: Animal Tendon

99: Hustler Barrel

100: Fridge

101: TestBackpack

102: Motor Oil

103: Rebel Bandana

104: Skull Bumper

105: Earwig Panel (Front)

106: Gut Beer

147: Owrong

108: Torch

109: Vehicle Engine Mega Fuel Efficiency Fragment

110: Dock Magazine

111: Kanga Rocketto Mask

112: Fire Pit

113: Tokar Poison

114: Smoke Grenade

115: Hiking Boots

116: Rear Wheel (Saw)

117: Judge Panel (Rear)

118: Armor Panel

119: Chassis

120: Fabricator

121: Kanga ZebraTech Mask

122: Vehicle Engine Major Fuel Efficiency Fragment

123: Simple Bomb

124: Empty Can

125: Wrench (Machine)

126: Racer Panel (Rear)

127: Judge Panel (Front)

128: 9mm

129: AR15

130: Code Mask

131: Insulated Snood

132: Armor Paint

133: Owrong Juice

134: Small Jump

135: Gear Mega Reload Speed Fragment

136: Tether Bow

137: Rebel Pants

138: Pickaxe (Stone)

139: BillboardBig

140: Leather Hat

141: Thermal Snood

142: Melee Add Mega ChopPower Fragment

143: Mining Bow

144: Cargo Shorts

145: Gun Minor Reload Speed Fragment

146: Eureka Scope

147: Owrong

148: Heated Bor Stew

149: Wheel (Billycart)

150: Quell Tip

151: Maxi Cash

152: T3 Military Vest

153: Earth Block

154: Vehicle Engine Minor Protection Fragment

155: Medic Kit

156: Gun Mega Reload Speed Fragment

157: Vehicle Engine Major Protection Fragment

158: Insulated Jeans

159: Galvanite Shard

160: Goat Kit

161: Gear Mega MoveSpeed Fragment

162: Tactical Gloves

163: Phoenix Panel (Front)

164: Barra Engine

165: Conflagration Panel (Front)

166: Yeti Wool Brown

167: Chassis

168: Gear Mega Health Regeneration Fragment

169: Beretta M9 Ironsight Seer

170: Amber

557: Skinny Jeans

172: Item Colorer

173: Combat Helmet

174: Cloth Gloves

175: Bow Minor Draw Speed Fragment

176: Eureka Scope

177: Wrench (Vehicle)

178: Leather Boots

179: Front Seat

180: Landcrab Mine

181: Melee Add MinePower Fragment

182: Serial Magazine

183: Gear Mega Radiation Protection Fragment

184: Damaged Boots

185: Beretta M9 Magazine Journal

186: Wheel (Sand Hopper)

187: Shaped Iron

188: Irradiated Owrong Seeds

189: Diamond Rough

190: Vehicle Engine Minor Power Fragment

191: Pills

209: Steak (Frozen, Raw)

193: Pickaxe BigHitter Fragment

194: Vehicle Engine Unstable Upgrade Extender

195: Beanie (Cloth)

196: Gear Minor Storage Capacity Fragment

197: Hornet Raid Rocket

198: HURTFUN Dollar

199: Quash Silencer

200: Bucket

201: Rheum Panel (Right)

202: Front Wheel (Saw)

203: Pointer Tip

204: Cache Stock

205: Jacket

206: Territory C4

207: Workbench (Titranium)

208: Jump Medallion 3

209: Steak (Frozen, Raw)

210: Roach Flat Mask

211: Smoke Grenade

212: Beer

316: Swaggy Jacket

214: Vista Red Dot

215: Black

216: Iron Ore

217: Simple C4

218: Goat Flames Mask

219: Rear Wheel (Paddlin)

220: Shigi

221: Drill (Standard)

222: Gear Mega Toxin Protection Fragment

223: 308 Bullet

224: Sharkweek Panel (Right)

225: Locus Scope

226: Mozzy Flat Mask

227: Supply Signal

228: Workbench

329: Mondinium Ore

230: Vehicle Engine Mega Power Fragment

231: Goat Flat Mask

232: Bed

233: Chassis

234: Heat Pack

235: Fire Ant Panel (Rear)

236: Gear Major Reload Speed Fragment

237: Chassis

238: Tactical Vest

239: Nipple Wheel

240: Scope Mega Sway Reducer Fragment

241: Fatty Bacon

242: Arrow

243: Chemsuit Gloves

244: Gun Major Hipfire Accuracy Fragment

245: Bow (Improvised)

246: Steak (Cooked)

247: Kanga Kit

248: Earwig Panel (Rear)

249: Leather

250: Leaf Block

251: Keg Barrel

252: Luminescent Panel (Right)

253: HURTFUN Military Gloves Case

254: Chaser Panel (Rear)

255: Frost Block

256: Owrong (Mouldy)

257: Concrete

258: Gold Block

259: Shaped Titranium

260: Pickled Owrongs

261: Military Pants

262: Rheum Panel (Rear)

263: Ultranium Ore

264: Conflagration Panel (Rear)

265: Snow Jacket

266: Pantsless

267: Goat Twin Stripes Mask

268: ATM

269: Poison Trap

270: Annoying Top Hat

271: Snapback

272: Kevlar Fabric

273: Bow Major Draw Speed Fragment

274: Pickaxe (Smelt)

275: Tree Bark

276: Powerful Engine

277: Cloth Hat

278: Scope Major Sway Reducer Fragment

279: Heavy Rack

280: Item Namer

281: Scrap

282: Hatchet (Flint)

283: AK12 Regular Stock

284: Sharkweek Roof Scoop

285: Mozzy Magnum Mask

286: Poison Sac

287: Vehicle Engine Mega Protection Fragment

288: 1986 Sunglasses

289: Luminescent Panel (Tail)

290: Rheum Panel (Left)

291: Tether Arrow

292: Claw

293: Bounty Tip

294: Chemsuit Top

295: Bow Mega Draw Speed Fragment

296: Aussie Hat

297: Kanga Angelica Mask

298: Pickaxe (Galvanite)

299: AK12

300: HURTFUN Military Boots Case

301: Loc Stock

302: Judy Panel (Front)

303: Melee Add ChopPower Fragment

304: Sand Block

305: Yeti Wool Snow

306: Gear Mega Add Storage Capacity Fragment

307: Fake Sleeper

308: Racer Panel (Front)

309: PUBG SunnyHurt Helmet

310: Gavku

311: HURTFUN T2 Military Kevlar Case

312: Vehicle Attachments Case

313: Gasoline

314: Goat Skull Mask

315: Gun Major Recoil Reduction Fragment

316: Swaggy Jacket

317: HURTFUN Workbench

318: Sharkweek Bumper

319: Axe (Iron)

320: Gearbox (Offroad)

321: Leather Pants

322: Chip

323: Gun Mega Hipfire Accuracy Fragment

324: Gear Mega Cold Protection Fragment

325: Jump Medallion 4

326: Basic Tshirt

327: Vehicle Engine Major Power Fragment

328: Vehicle Engine Minor Fuel Efficiency Fragment

329: Mondinium Ore

330: Tokar

331: Gear Minor Reload Speed Fragment

332: Engine (Standard)

333: NitroFuel GTX

334: Raid Drill

335: Roach DigiCamo Mask

336: FR18

337: Roach Swirler Mask

338: Shoes of Dev Speed

339: Shotgun

340: Gear Mega Storage Capacity Fragment

341: Blast Furnace

342: Diamond Dust

343: Melee Major AttackSpeed Fragment

344: Mozzy Kit

345: Stasher Panel (Front)

346: Energy

347: Ash

348: Roach Kit

349: Raid Drill Drillbit

416: Steak (Raw)

351: AWM

352: Leather Gloves

353: Barrol Roll Jump

354: Military Helmet

355: Animal Fat

356: Judy Panel (Rear)

357: Kanga Flat Mask

358: Gear Major Storage Capacity Fragment

359: Luminescent Panel (Roof)

360: 5.56mm Bullet

361: Supply Signal

362: Phoenix Panel (Rear)

363: Axe (Smelt)

364: Hornet Mining Rocket

365: Wood Log

366: Beretta M9 Magazine Pulp

367: Mining Bow Add ChopPower Fragment

368: Vista Red Dot

369: Supply Stock

370: Chassis

371: Chassis

372: Gazette Magazine

373: 44 Gallon Armor

374: Raider Panel (Front)

375: Bounty Tip

376: Sunscreen

377: Shush Silencer

378: Rheum Bumper

379: Blue

380: Paint Mask

381: Routine Stock

382: Witness Ironsight

383: Fireplace

384: Kanga Grade80 Mask

385: Simple Shorts

386: Bomber Jacket

387: Mining Bow Add MinePower Fragment

388: Cloth Shorts

526: Shaped Mondinium

390: Amber Case

391: Rebel Hat

392: Yeti

393: Gear Major Cold Protection Fragment

394: Divergent Stock

395: ShotgunShell

396: Crow Panel (Rear)

397: admin bow

398: Crow Panel (Front)

399: Gear Major Health Regeneration Fragment

400: Supply AirDrop

401: Sharkweek Hood

402: Tokar Flame

403: Cowboy Hat

404: Nova Wrench

405: Carapace

406: Stasher Panel (Rear)

407: Titranium Ore

408: Gear Minor Add Storage Capacity Fragment

409: Avgas

410: Dynamite

411: Bow (Fibreflass)

412: HURTFUN Military Pants Case

413: Shush Silencer

414: Pirahna Panel (Right)

415: Wood Plank

416: Steak (Raw)

417: Construction Hammer

418: Hippie Seeds

419: Hexel Mask

420: Shaped Galvanite

421: Pirahna Panel (Front)

422: Engine Indestructable

423: Gear Minor Heat Protection Fragment

424: Stone

425: Shirtless

426: Pointer Tip

427: Bow Mega Redraw Speed Fragment

428: MultiCrafter 4000

429: Gearbox (Offroad)

430: Gearbox (Offroad)

431: Shack

432: Extreme 4×4

433: Initial Stock

434: Hornet Combat Rocket

435: Flint

436: Jump Medallion 5

437: Mozzy OhNoes Mask

438: Wheel (Toretto)

439: MAC10

440: Shoeless

441: Aviator Sunglasses

442: Rear Wheel (Knobbler)

443: Bor Lava

444: Drill (Cold)

445: Pickaxe (Titranium)

446: Diamond Cut

447: Melee Add Mega MinePower Fragment

448: Gear Mega Heat Protection Fragment

449: Bandrill Hand

450: Limestone

451: Gun Minor Recoil Reduction Fragment

452: Helmet

453: Pink

454: T2 Military Vest

455: Engine (Standard)

456: Detonator Cap

457: Engine (Standard)

458: Pickaxe (Ultranium)

459: Luminescent Panel (Left)

460: Jump Medallion 1

461: Roach Eyes Mask

462: Tooth

463: Luminescent Panel (Front)

464: Gun Mega Recoil Reduction Fragment

465: Hiking

466: Zero Silencer

467: Pirahna Panel (Tail)

468: Clay

469: Wool Jumper

470: Gavku Lava

471: Shaped Ultranium

472: Steak (Frozen, Cooked)

473: Gun Minor Hipfire Accuracy Fragment

474: Invisible Hat

475: Spear (Iron Tipped)

476: Campfire

477: AK12 Factory Tip

478: Camouflage Mask

479: Roof Lights

480: Coal

481: Gear Minor Health Regeneration Fragment

482: C4

483: Mozzy Paralellocam Mask

484: Yellow

485: Leather Vest

486: Gear Minor Radiation Protection Fragment

487: Chaser Bumper

488: Wrench (Vehicle Repair)

489: Fragment Case +2

490: Hatless

491: Steak (Rancid)

492: Drill (Heat)

493: Pelt (Arctic)

494: Seeds (Medusa)

495: Bow Minor Redraw Speed Fragment

496: Red

497: Storage Chest

498: Heated Bone Soup

499: Chemsuit Pants

500: Bow (Mining)

501: Gear Major Heat Protection Fragment

502: Melee Mega AttackSpeed Fragment

503: Military Gloves

504: Gearbox (Offroad)

505: Clan Totem

506: Bow (Recurve)

507: Singlet

508: Rack Magazine

509: Kantye Glasses

510: Rheum Hood

511: Bow Major Redraw Speed Fragment

512: VIP Hat

513: Medium Jump

514: Dappler Red Dot

515: Filus Dropek

516: Wheel (Drifting Sand Hopper)

517: Backpackless

518: Gear Minor Cold Protection Fragment

519: Gear Major Radiation Protection Fragment

520: Bandage

521: Beretta M9 Red Dot Phase

522: Engine (Standard)

523: Engine

524: Beretta M9 Ironsight Ken

525: Bor Stew

526: Shaped Mondinium

527: Rheum Roof Scoop

528: Discern Ironsight

529: Gunpowder

530: Med Kit

531: Hornet Rocket Pods

532: Gloveless

533: Goat Maze Mask

534: Better Singlet

535: Bone Soup

536: Chaser Panel (Left)

537: Helmet Penetrator Tip

538: Goat Camo Mask

539: HURTFUN T3 Military Kevlar Case

540: Gun Attachments Case

541: Sneakers

542: Cloth Boots

543: T1 Military Vest

544: Sombrero

545: Explosive Device

546: Axe (Titranium)

547: Chaser Panel (Right)

548: Horn

549: Cloth Vest

550: Main Rotor

551: Ushanka

552: Gear Major Toxin Protection Fragment

553: Anonymizer

554: Starter Town Event Win Hardcase

555: Gun Major Reload Speed Fragment

556: Storage Locker

557: Skinny Jeans

558: Space Gladiator

559: Wheel (Slug)

560: Beretta M9 Ironsight Glance

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