
Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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 Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights Cheats

Juiced 2 - Hot Import Nights

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Easy money:
Once the World Class League is unlocked, you will be required to make a
profit of $200,000. Go to this event, and spectate Air Trauma. Bet on 
Crystal; the odds are 20:1. At the very beginning of the race, cheer for
Crystal, and she will get a full nitrous bar. Make sure the person in 
front of her loses their nitrous every time they gain it by booing them.
Keep doing this until Crystal has passed everyone including the leader. 
If she wins the race at the end of 16 laps, you will win six million 

Recommended car:
* When starting the game and you must choose which car to buy, select the
  Mazda RX-8 if you want the fastest in stock out of all the other cars.
  Two other good cars to try at the beginning of the game are the Toyota 
  Corolla GTS and Nissan 200SX.

* For League 7 cars, the Infiniti G35, Lexus IS300, and Nissan R32 and R34
  are recommended. The Lexus IS300 is good for the Drift Obliterator, Drift
  King, and Pink Slip races. The Infiniti G35 is good for unlocking 
  performance mods. The Nissan R32 and R34 are good for the circuit and 
  drift racing throughout the game

Ascari KZ1 - Enter "KNOX" as a DNA Lab code to unlock the Last Man Standing
challenge. Win the Last Man Standing challenge to unlock the Ascari KZ1.

Audi TT 1.8 Quattro  - Enter "YTHZ" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special 
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Audi TT 1.8 Quattro.

BMW Z4 Roadster - Enter "GVDL" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special 
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the BMW Z4 Roadster.

Holden Monaro - Enter "RBSG" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special 
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Holden Monaro.

Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6 - Enter "BSLU" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Hyundai Coupe 2.7 V6.

Infinity G35 - Enter "MRHC" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special challenge.
Win that challenge to unlock the Infinity G35.

Infinity G35 (red design) - Enter "MNCH" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a 
special challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Infinity G35 (red design).

Koenigsegg CCX - Enter "KDTR" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special 
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Koenigsegg CCX.

Mitsubishi Prototype X - Enter "DOPX" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Mitsubishi Prototype X.

Nissan 350Z - Enter "PRGN" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special challenge.
Win that challenge to unlock the Nissan 350Z.

Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R - Enter "JWRS" as a DNA Lab code to unlock the Retail
challenge. Win the Retail challenge to unlock the Nissan Skyline R34 GT-R.

Saleen S7 - Enter "WIKF" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special challenge.
Win that challenge to unlock the Saleen S7.

Seat Leon Cupra R - Enter "FAMQ" as a DNA Lab code to unlock a special
challenge. Win that challenge to unlock the Seat Leon Cupra R.

Pink Slip Drift challenge:
Use the Nissan Silvia. Normally by default gear is third gear. When the 
challenge starts, accelerate. When start the cornering part, use the hand 
brake and shift to first gear. Note: To do this move, you must select 
"Manual Gear Transmission". 

Last Man Standing challenge:
At the start, wait a short time after the race begins before going anywhere. 
Go after about three seconds and catch up, but do not pass. Instead, stay 
behind them. Spook them one racer at a time. This will cause them to spin 
out and hit the wall, eliminating them from the race. Note: Some racers 
will take more than one spook to actually hit the wall.

Recommended cars:
When starting at the beginning of the game, the Mazda RX-8 may be the fastest 
out of all for you to use, but it depends on your driving. Also try the Toyota 
Corolla GTS or Nissan 200SX. 
For easy wins, always get cars that have the max class of the class that you 
are in. Prototype mods are always available (if you unlocked them). For example, 
if you are in Class 1, buy a car that has a max class of 1. 
It most likely win the race.

Car Hints:
When starting at the beginning of the game, the Mazda RX-8 may be the fastest 
out of all for you to use, but it depends on your driving. Also try the Toyota 
Corolla GTS or Nissan 200SX. 
For League 7 cars, the Infiniti G35, Lexus IS300 and Nissan R32 and R34 are 
recommended. The Lexus IS300 is good for the Drift Obliterator, Drift King, 
and Pink Slip races. The Infiniti G35 is good for unlocking performance mods. 
The Nissan R32 and R34 are good with the circuit racing and drift racing 
throughout the entire game.

Select "Driver DNA Lab", then choose "Celebrity Face Off". Defeat the indicated
driver in all three of his challenges to unlock the corresponding car. 

Audi 1.8T Quattro          - Caballero
Dodge Viper SRT-10         - Samuel Hubinette
Ford Mustang Fastback      - Djibril Cisse 
Ford Mustang GT '05        - Smudo 
Nissan Silvia S15 Spec-R   - Phil Morrison 
Nissan Skyline R32 GTS-t   - Tarzan Yamada
Toyota Corolla GT-S        - Beau Yates

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. If you have an Xbox 
360 gamertag, you can log in using this same gamertag and the achievements 
will count the same as if you were playing the 360 version.

Unlockable                       How to Unlock
Daredevil! (15)                - Entered 25 pink slip races!	
Dealer! (10)                   - Traded five cars online	
DNA Collector! (10)            - Downloaded somebody's DNA	
Drift Marathon! (100)          - 20,000,000 point drift	
Elite Legend (10)              - Completed all Elite goals	
Feelin' Lucky! (5)             - Entered a pink slip race	
Flawless Drift! (50)           - 5,000,000 point drift	
HIN Champion (50)              - Completed all HIN crew challenges	
Juiced! (50)                   - Maxed out ten cars!	
League 1 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 1 goals	
League 2 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 2 goals	
League 3 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 3 goals	
League 4 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 4 goals	
League 5 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 5 goals	
League 6 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 6 goals	
League 7 Legend (10)           - Completed all League 7 goals	
Loaded! (60)                   - One hundred million dollars!	
Lookin' Smooth! (10)           - Traded five decal presets online	
Millionaire! (40)              - One million dollars!	
Nailed! (100)                  - 100% completion	
Nice Bodywork! (5)             - Traded a decal preset online	
Online Elite Legend (10)       - Completed all online Elite goals	
Online League 1 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 1 goals	
Online League 2 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 2 goals	
Online League 3 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 3 goals	
Online League 4 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 4 goals	
Online League 5 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 5 goals	
Online League 6 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 6 goals	
Online League 7 Legend (10)    - Completed all online League 7 goals	
Online Rookie Legend (10)      - Completed all online Rookie goals	
Online World Class Legend (10) - Completed all online World Class goals	
Prestige (50)                  - Completed all celebrity challenges	
Revved! (30)                   - Maxed out five cars!	
Risk Taker! (10)               - Entered 10 pink slip races	
Rookie Legend (10)             - Completed all Rookie goals	
Style King! (15)               - Traded ten decal presets online!	
Trader! (5)                    - Bought or sold a car online	
Tuned! (20)                    - Maxed out a car!	
Tycoon! (15)                   - Traded ten cars online!	
Unstoppable Drift! (150)       - 50,000,000 point drift!	
World Class Legend (10)        - Completed all World Class goals.

Easy money:
If you need money fast, try spectator betting. You can get amounts of $300 000 to $10
million. To get this money easily, bet on a 20:1 driver on the maps "Gladiators Shadow"
and "Lethal Rush" Make sure that they are not Extreme Nitrous events. When betting, 
place small amounts first until you get the hang of the cheers and boos.

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