
Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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  Hints and Tips for: Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures 
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 Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures Cheats

Lego Indiana Jones - The Original Adventures

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

Ancient City stage:
Collect all artifacts in Temple Of Doom to unlock the Ancient City stage.

Young Indy stage:
Collect all artifacts in Raiders Of The Lost Ark to unlock the Young Indy stage.

Play as Han Solo:
Find C-3PO, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and R2-D2 throughout the 
game to unlock Han Solo in Free Play mode.

Unlock Codes:
You enter codes at Barnett College. It's the 2nd door on the left in the main 
hallway. You still have to buy characters unlocked this way, you just get access 
to them. Cheats that are unlocked this way are ready to go, they can be turned 
on from the pause menu.

Password   Effect
H86LA2  - Treasure Magnet
FJUR31  - Unlock Mola Ram (Gamestop Preorder)
VE029L  - Unlock Belloq (Circuit City Preorder)
0P1TA5  - Super Slap (Target Preorder / Chalkboard scene) starts with a Zero
VIES2R  - Character Treasure (Best Buy Preorder) All Enemys Drop Studs
13NS01  - Unlock Toht (Wal-Mart Preorder)

Gear, Features & More:
To unlock the various features and items below, insert the corresponding code 
at the university’s math classroom.

Artifact Detector  - VIKED7
Beep Beep          - VNF59Q
Character Treasure - VIES2R
Disarm Enemies     - VKRNS9
Disguises          - 4ID1N6
Fast Build         - V83SLO
Fast Dig           - 378RS6
Fast Fix           - FJ59WS
Fertilizer         - B1GW1F
Ice Rink           - 33GM7J
Parcel Detector    - VUT673
Poo Treasure       - WWQ1SA
Regenerate Hearts  - MDLP69
Secret Characters  - 3X44AA
Silhouettes        - 3HE85H
Super Scream       - VN3R7S
Super Slap         - 0P1TA5
Treasure x2        - VM4TS9
Treasure x4        - VLWEN3
Treasure x6        - V84RYS
Treasure x8        - A72E1M
Treasure x10       - VI3PS8
Treasure Magnet    - H86LA2

Red bonus parcels:
A red parcel is hidden in every level. Once it is found, take it to the grey and 
red postbox hidden nearby. Note: Some postboxes must be assembled. Drop the parcel 
in the postbox. When you return to Barnett College, enter the middle door on right 
side of hall to enter the mail room. You can now purchase the extra bonus that was 
unlocked by that parcel. 

Hidden Star Wars characters:
Locate all of the following characters from Star Wars to unlock Han Solo as a 
playable character at the library. 

C3PO - Play the Raiders Of The Lost Ark: The Lost Temple level. Find the room that is 
sealed off by metal Lego pieces. Use a bazooka or grenade in Free Play mode to reach

Luke Skywalker - Play the "Raiders Of The Lost Ark: Into The Mountains level. Search 
inside the cave somewhere in the mountains. Use a bazooka or grenade in Free Play mode 
to enter. 

Chewbacca - Play the Raiders Of The Lost Ark: City Of Danger level. Reach the last area 
of the mission where you change to a guard and get through the checkpoint where the truck
is stored. At the back of that area you will see a hieroglyphic display. Have a Scholar 
character to complete the puzzle. Go inside the newly opened door to find the Mos Eisley 
cantina. Chewbacca is behind a fence, and can be reached with a short character such as 
the Maharaja or Short Round. 

R2-D2 - Play The Last Crusade: Desert Ambush level. When you start, go left and climb 
up the mountain to the gold chest. When you get the chest follow the ledge to the left.
You should see a brown whip point. Use out Indy and use your whip to pull down a tube 
from a Sandcrawler. R2-D2 will appear from it. 

Princess Leia - Play the Temple Of Doom: Free The Slaves level. Go to the second to 
last room Go near the machinery on the far right-hand side of the room then walk toward
the screen to find the way down to her.

Secret levels:
Collect all of the artifacts in a movie to unlock the corresponding secret level. 

Raiders Of The Lost Ark - Young Indy level
Temple Of Doom          - Ancient City
The Last Crusade        - Warehouse level 

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes on the blackboard in the Math classroom at Barnett 
College to unlock the corresponding option at the "Extras" menu. The name of the 
cheat will appear to confirm correct code entry. 

Effect                 Code
Invincibility        - B83EA1
Secret Characters(1) - 3X44AA
Fertilizer           - B1GW1F
Disguises            - 4ID1N6
Silhouettes          - 3HE85H
Beep Beep            - VNF59Q
Ice Rink             - 33GM7J
Fast Fix             - FJ59WS
Super Slap           - 0P1TA5
Treasure x(2)        - VM4TS9
Fast Dig             - 378RS6
Fast Build           - V83SLO
Artifact Detector    - VIKED7
Treasure x           - 4VLWEN3
Poo Treasure2        - WWQ1SA
Super Scream         - VN3R7S
Character Treasure(3)- VIES2R
Treasure x6          - V84RYS
Regenerate Hearts    - MDLP69
Parcel Detector      - VUT673
Disarm Enemies       - VKRNS9
Treasure x8          - A72E1M
Treasure Magnet      - H86LA2
Treasure x10         - VI3PS8
(1) This code unlocks Santa and a dancing girl as characters in two 
    levels in Free Play mode.
(2) Animals will defecate studs.
(3) Killed enemies will drop studs

Red bonus parcels:
A red parcel is hidden in every level. Once it is found, take it to the grey and red 
postbox hidden nearby. Note: Some postboxes must be assembled. Drop the parcel in the 
postbox. When you return to Barnett College, enter the middle door on right side of 
hall to enter the mail room. You can now purchase the extra bonus that was unlocked 
by that parcel.

Finding Han 1:
Go to the level "The Lost Temple" in free play take a person with a rocket launcher. 
Play through the level until you get to the idol. On the far right of the screen there 
is a cave blocked by silver bricks. Take out the rocket launcher and get the bricks 
into your sights. Go into the cave and you will see a box with C-3PO's head on the 
top. There will be a little movie and after the movie you will see :1/5. If you find 
all 5 Star-Wars people then you can unlock and buy Han Solo at the library for 

Finding Han 2:
Go to "Into The Mountains" level as free play. Choose any one that has a rocket 
launcher. Beat the area where you are in the bar, when you get out-side keep going 
until you see the bridges of ice. On the third bridge fall all the way to the bottom 
of the cliff, you will see a big opening like a door made of ice. Find the person that 
has the rocket launcher and get the opening into your sites. Shoot and walk into the 
cave... Luke Skywalker will be hanging from the top of the cave and then there is a 
little show and it will say :1/5. Find all five star wars characters and you can 
unlock Han Solo the last person to buy.

Massive Stud Values:
If you activate the 2x Treasure, 4x Treasure, 6x Treasure, 8x Treasure, and 10x 
Treasure cheats, studs will be worth 3,840x their normal value. 
(2 * 4 * 6 * 8 * 10 = 3,840)

Ewok In The First Level:
In the first level, when you are on the raft, go into the waterfall and there will 
be a box or leaf, hit it then build the scholar panel. If you have a scholar you 
can get in and on the islands there will be an Ewok, he will wave at you then 

How To Get The Candy Cane Weapon:
Once your in the last area of the level get all of blue blocks and put them on the blue
platform. Then build both platforms to get on the mountain edge. Follow the path and 
you will see a house. Find a way up there and you'll see presents and LEGO blocks that 
make a slay. Go in the chimney and then brake the boxes and there will be a candy cane 
that you could use for a weapon and you'll also see Santa Claus.

Cheat code reference:
Watch the cinematic sequence in part 1 when Indy returns to Barnett College. When all
the college students are watching Indy, notice his chalkboard on the upper right. It 
has "0p1ta5" on it. This is the code for the "Super Slap" cheat.

Santa Claus:
If you choose the "Secret Characters" extra while playing in Free Play mode on the 
"Into The Mountains" mission you can get Santa Claus.

Secret entry way:
Submitted by: super duper 100

go to the artifact room at the right of the stairwell. once you step in there will be a 
big hole. go the railing with any charcter and jump over the railing. you should arrive 
at the courtyard. a quick and fast way to get to the library.

Raining Treasure:
Attain 100% completion and it will rain money. Of course, you've already attained
100% completion so.

Santa Claus:
Once you are in the last area of the level, get all of blue blocks and put them on 
the blue platform. Then, build both platforms to get on the mountain edge. Follow the
path and you will find a house. Find a way up there to see presents and Lego blocks 
that will make a sleigh. Go in the chimney then break the boxes. There will be a candy
cane that you can use for a weapon as well as Santa Claus.

Star Wars references:
* In The Temple Of Doom: Shangai Showdown, when you go out from the club, look to the 
  left. There is a sign that reads "Obi Wan Club".
* In Raiders Of The Lost Ark: The Lost Temple, when Belloq wants you give the treasure, 
  Indiana Jones pulls out head of C-3PO to fool him.

* In the first level when you are on the raft, go into the waterfall. There will be a 
  box or leaf. Hit it, then build the scholar panel. If you have a scholar you can get in. 
  There will be an Ewok on the islands. He will wave at you, then leave.

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