Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Hints and Tips for:
Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault | |
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Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: Falcon - Falcore@webmail.co.za
Start the game with the following parameter "+set developer 1" for example:
"c:\medal of honor pacific assualt\mohpa.exe" +set developer 1
Start the game with the modified shortcut, then press ~ while playing the game to
bring up the console and type the codes there.
Code Result
dog - God mode
wuss - All Weapons
fullhealh - Full health
notarget - Enemies ignore you
noclip - no clipping mode
fps 1 - show Fps
maplist - Load any level (double click on map name)
map [mapname] - load map [map name] (use names from maplist)
Cheat mode Demoversion:
Submitted by:conner54
Before you can enter these codes, you have to enable the console. To do so,
add "+set ui_console 1" to the shortcut icon.
"C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Demo\
mohpa_demo.exe" +set ui_console 1
Press [~] (tilde) to bring up the console then type:
spawn weapons/JPN_44.hag
spawn weapons/landmine_allied.hag
spawn weapons/US45.hag
spawn weapons/JPN_Model96LMG.hag
spawn weapons/type100_smg.hag
spawn weapons/US_Colt45.hag
spawn items /binoculars.hag
Submitted by: Murdoc
Medal of Honor Pacific Assault (Expansion Pack)
Run the game with (exe. "set+developer 1 +set sv_cheats + set Diehuman 0 During
the game press "~" or "`" to appear the console on the screen then type the following
cheat Codes.
god Imortality
Fullhealed Full health
Submitted by: TerminatorSkyNET
weapons/us_thompson_30.hag Thompson with 30 round magazine
weapons/springfield_m1903_sniper.hag Springfield sniper rifle
weapons/usthompson.hag Thompson with 50 round drum
weapons/us_demolitionpack.hag 3 Satchel charges
weapons/us_springfield.hag M1903 Springfield rifle
weapons/us_riot.hag Shotgun
weapons/us_garand.hag M1 Garand
weapons/us_colt45.hag M1911 Colt
weapons/us_bar.hag BAR squad automatic weapon
weapons/us_axe.hag Axe
weapons/us45.hag M1917 Revolver
weapons/type100_smg.hag Type 100
weapons/sword.hag Katana sword
weapons/satchel_charge.hag Block of C4
weapons/Reising.hag M55 Reising SMG
weapons/psyman.hag Unknown
weapons/nambu_pistol.hag Nambu pistol
weapons/model97_sniper.hag M97 Sniper rifle
weapons/m2frag_grenade.hag 1 M2 grenade
weapons/m1_carbine.hag M1 Carbine
weapons/jpn_model96lmg.hag M96 Lgm
weapons/jpn_44.hag M44 Carbine
weapons/jpnfrag_grenade.hag Japanese grenade
weapons/Johnson.hag Johnson LMG
Binding console commands:
You can bind console commands to keyboard keys using the bind command in the console.
For example, if you want to press V to spawn a sniper rifle (giving you ten bullets
for each repeated press of that key),
type bind v spawn weapons/springfield_m1903_sniper.hag at the console window.
Guadalcanal: Star Wars reference:
When you are fighting through Henderson Airfield, there is a hut with a radio listening
in on Allied planes in the air. Remain there, and you will hear a conservation between
two pilots that is taken from Star Wars: A New Hope (Luke talking with Wedge just before
the trench flight).
Submitted by: ADITYA
wuss - All Weapons
fullhealh - Full healthus_thompson_30.hag Thompson with 30 round magazine
notarget - Enemies ignore youspawn weapons/JPN_44.hag
spawn weapons/landmine_allied.hag
spawn weapons/US45.hag
spawn weapons/JPN_Model96LMG.hag
spawn weapons/type100_smg.hag
spawn weapons/US_Colt45.hag
spawn items /binoculars.hag
noclip - no clipping mode
fps 1 - show Fps
maplist - Load any level (double click on map name)
map [mapname] - load map [map name] (use names from maplist)
weapons/springfield_m1903_sniper.hag Springfield sniper rifle
weapons/usthompson.hag Thompson with 50 round drum
weapons/us_demolitionpack.hag 3 Satchel charges
weapons/us_springfield.hag M1903 Springfield rifle
weapons/us_riot.hag Shotgun
weapons/us_garand.hag M1 Garand
weapons/us_colt45.hag M1911 Colt
weapons/us_bar.hag BAR squad automatic weapon
weapons/us_axe.hag Axe
weapons/us45.hag M1917 Revolver
weapons/type100_smg.hag Type 100
weapons/sword.hag Katana sword
weapons/satchel_charge.hag Block of C4
weapons/Reising.hag M55 Reising SMG
weapons/psyman.hag Unknown
weapons/nambu_pistol.hag Nambu pistol
weapons/model97_sniper.hag M97 Sniper rifle
weapons/m2frag_grenade.hag 1 M2 grenade
weapons/m1_carbine.hag M1 Carbine
weapons/jpn_model96lmg.hag M96 Lgm
weapons/jpn_44.hag M44 Carbine
weapons/jpnfrag_grenade.hag Japanese grenade
weapons/Johnson.hag Johnson LMG
Shoot suppositer:
Submitted by: ratul
In the console type "_2134_Suppose.Eater(suppositer)" to shoot suppositer from automated
Hero Moments:
You can witness the hero moments indicated below by satisfying the corresponding
requirements in the appropriate stage.
Cap from Boot Camp - Hit all of the targets at the shooting range (Bootcamp B - Starting).
Burnt XO Cap - Save the West Virginia's XO (Pearl Harbor - W. Virginia Deck 2).
Hood Emblem - Destroy the transport truck using an AA gun before its crew unloads.
Pilot Goggles - Rescue the pilot (Mandown - Pilot Rescue)
Altimeter from Zero - Protect all allied rafts from enemy aircraft.
Cactus Air Force Patch - Assist friendly fighters so they can get airborne.
Letter of Commendation - Successfully defend the ammo runner (Bloody Ridge C - Starting),
Japanese Canteen - While acquiring the portable MG, avoid being noticed by the munitions squad.
Busted Padlock - Save the POWs (Kokumbona Village B - Starting).
Life Jacket Dye Marker - Rescue Frank from Japanese Zero (Flyboys - Autosave05).
Large Meatball Flag - Defeat the AA gun crew before it can destroy the Allied plane.
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Spotlight - New Version CheatBook-DataBase 2024 |
Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U,
DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from one central location. If you´re an avid
gamer and want a few extra weapons or lives to survive until the next level, this freeware cheat database can come to the rescue. Covering more than 27.700 Games, this database represents
all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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