Metro 2033 Redux Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Metro 2033 Redux
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Armor and Stealth suits:
Before entering the train car at Armory Station, you can purchase a Stealth Suit
for 100 military cartridges from the vendor across from the Ammo Exchange. There
is a vendor next to that one that sells an Armor Suit that decreases damage. Both
suits an be worn simultaneously. A similar Armor Suit is also sold by a vendor
next to the Ammo Exchange in Polis.
Nightvision goggles:
In addition to buying the Sneaking Suit at the Armory Station, you can get a pair
of nightvision goggles at Front Lines. While in control of Artyom, turn around,
and follow the train tracks. The nightvision goggles will be in a red breaker box
guarded by two soldiers.
Extending filter:
Avoid jumping and sprinting to extend the use of your filter.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series references:
1.While in the Library, the two rangers will say the titles of several books.
One of them is "Roadside Picnic" (1977) by the Strugatsky brothers, which is
the book that Andrei Tarkovsky's 1979 movie "STALKER" was based on, which t
hen was the inspiration behind S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl.
2.The first person you can talk to resembles a "loner" Stalker and says
"Take it easy bro!".
3.The scene with the campfire with the guitar.
4.The winter mask that are on dead people.
Easy "DJ Artyom" achievement:
There is an objective in "Outpost" regarding an S.O.S. message from "Defense".
Go to the first Nazi controlled building, where a Demon snatches a fleeing Nazi,
and fight through the area until reaching the upper level of that building. Find
a hallway with three tripwire mines and two Demons. Get past the mines, then
check the right room at the end of the corridor to find a ramp that provides
access to the rooftop. You will find a corpse with a Kalashnikov on the rooftop.
The communications apparatus for the achievement can be found in the corner of
the rooftop.
Disable Startup Movies, Disable Auto Aim, Increase FoV:
Written by AdApt
How to Disable Startup Movies, Disable Auto Aim and Increase Field of View.
-=Disable Startup Movies=-
* You MUST have file extensions visible (eg - .txt) or this will not work
* If you don't know how to make Windows show file extensions, Google it
* This can cause the game to crash on start for some players
* Make sure to back up the original legal.ogv so you can replace it if the game crashes
* Browse to (Steam installation path)\Steamapps\common\Metro 2033 Redux\2033
* Back up the legal.ogv file. Delete the original from this folder
* Create a blank text document in the folder.
Name it legal.ogv <- Make sure to remove the .txt extension
* Run game
-=Disable Auto Aim and Increase Field of View=-
* Run game once, change some settings and exit the game completely
* This is to create the needed file
* Browse to:
* x:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\4A Games\Metro 2033\11000010459b0d4
* Open "user.cfg" with Notepad
* Find the following line (Ctrl+F) and change the value to 0.
<-- There must be a period at the end
* Find the Find the following line (Ctrl+F) and change the first two numbers
to what you want:
* Changing it to 55 or 60 was fine for me
* don't change the .625 value for the FoV otherwise the will game crash on launch.
* Save and exit the file
* Some guides tell you to do this, but if you set it to Read-only, your Diary
entries won't save
Tips for Ranger Hardcore Mode:
* Mash “E” like crazy during QTE’s.
* Death is not permanent in Ranger Hardcore. From other tips I would say:
* Always carry a shotgun.
* Look around a lot, all resources you will find will be in much reduced amounts
(pay attention to keys for safes).
* On surface be calm – you will find enough filters around to go thru those levels
so it is worth to scavenge around for resources rather than rush thru them in
fear of suffocation. Don’t be too slow tho.
* Do not spend bullets on weapons/attachments too much – if you look around you
will find nicely configured guns.
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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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all genres and focuses on recent releases. All Cheats inside from the first CHEATBOOK January 1998 until today. - Release date january 7, 2024.
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