Occupy Mars: The Game Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Occupy Mars: The Game | |
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Occupy Mars: The Game
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Board Locations:
For now the situation like that. There are 3 (three) boards in every
base and one is granted to be small. Also, there is at least one tablet
in every base.
If those are not there there are two options – they have fallen in a
place where they are unreachable and cant be seen or they are in right
place but you cant find them becouse we make it too hard. You can also
use Z button to highlight loot (or swich on that option pernamently in
settings). If there are no loot in the building, then its a bug.
-=For example i already found it here=-
* Consoles near airlocks (inside small domes).
* In lockers inside the outpost.
* Laying on floor / desks / large crates.
Getting More Blueprints:
Doing various actions gives you points, like grinding gives you materials,
driling gives you mechanicals, those can be spent in tech tree to get
You need to investigate ruins (nearest one should have a repairable ATV,
but you will want to build new one eventually, it’s faster) and find
‘abandoned tablets’ there. Right click the tablet->Use, it will give you
research requvisites for some of the technologies. Ruins that still have
tablets have a question mark near or over them, but there is always one
tablet per ruin.
Containers specifically are very far in a tech tree and need a big
crusher to build them plus rover’s welder research. You best bet is
‘cabinets’ that can be built in workshop (for some reason they are in a
botanical tech tree (first research) and listed in ‘garage’ section of
* Mechanical = Building or scrapping stuff.
* Material = Mining.
* Electrical = Solarpanels and wiring up.
* Botanical = Growing food, making seeds etc.
When you need the blueprint of an item to get that item, you need to
find it in abandoned bases on a abandoned tablet. If you find one,
pick it up, open your inventory, rightclick on it and select use.
How to Build Water Tank:
Once researched, build as everything else.
Purpose? Water tank is meant to act as water tank. You use it between
producer and consumer to even out production excess and shortage.
For example well which has only direct power from solar panels without
battery. They do not produce at night, but with sufficient daytime
surplus you can store daytime water and use it to cover water needs
during night.
If I try to build it I get red everywhere…
You have to build it attached to the well, you need to disconnect the
well pipe first and it should pop into place so you can build it.
Finding Water Spots:
There’s a scattering of water spots across the landscape, although IIRC
the distribution changes a bit based on your landing site.
-=Two options for finding them=-
* Look around as you travel for large, roughly circular areas of dark red
ground. They’re usually water spots. Confirm with your spectral analyzer.
* Look on the map for grey slanted teardrop icons (kind of similar to the
player map icon – they’re kind of small, so you may need to be somewhat
zoomed in); those usually mark water spots.
Repairing Circuit Board:
Steps for repairing circuit board: (This is done on the workbench)
* Place board inside box on the right by dragging it from your inventory.
* Fip over (press Q)
* Pick up Hotair tool (solder removal tool)
Note: I found if i’m holding this tool and press Q to flip, the board falls
through the bench.
* Align the tip of the Hotair tool with one of the red dots until it turns
Note: Pressing SHIFT can help stabalise your pointer onto the green dot
* To successfully remove the solder joint, you need to press the left mouse
button. Note that when you do a little map will appear for a second or two
showing red circles with a green one in the middle. Your objective is to
release the mouse button while the ring is inside the green circle. If you
get this wrong, one of your three fails will be used up. Failing three times
destroyes your circuit board.
* Repeat this for all red dots.
* Once done, return the tool by pressing the right mouse button, then press
Q to flip the board over
* The component/s that are faulty are now able to be removed. You can just
hold your mouse pointer over it and it will tell you which one it is. Then
click on it to pick it up and take it to the side, click the other mouse
button to drop it and it will be gone.
* Then to replace the component, click on the middle tray and it will open
showing you all the spare components. Just click on the one you need then
drag it over to the replacement spot. You don’t need to align it perfectly
but do it closely and you will get a message saying good job.
* When all components are in, press Q to flip the board over and then pick
up the soldering iron and do what you did in “step 5”. If you get it right
the board will disappear into your inventory completely repaird.
I’d recommend doing a quick save prior to fixing a board in case you mess it
Power Management:
-=Suit Charging=-
At the moment it seems your suit can only be charged from:
* A solar panel during the day
* The power output INSIDE the rover
* The power output in the cantina (possibly also garage, don’t thing I’ve tried)
* Charging from batteries / transformers does not work
Both batteries and transformers can be extended multiple times. Took me way
too long to figure out the “multiple” part.
-=In Most Cases Low Power = No Power=-
If your base requires 100 kW and it only gets 99 kW nothing will work.
Airlocks won’t automatically open, plants will wither and storage / benches
will stop working.
-=24h Power And Reduced Transformer Reconfiguring=-
There are (at least) two ways to add batteries in your grid. On the producer
side (solars) or the consumer side (base). When I started I went for consumer
side batteries connected straight to my base. This required tinkering whenever
I added something. Mid game I grew tired of this and realized I could also put
batteries straight after the solars. So much less hazzle. This is what I ended
up going for (note that my numbers are from a maxed out electrical tech tree)
A battery with all extensions can hold about 1920 kWh. Assuming 12h darkness
this will support 1920 kWh / 20h = 160 kW, so set battery output to 160 kW. To
both charge the batteries and provide the output I need (at least) double that
to 320 kW from solars during the day.
A medium solar provides 42 kW so 8 of those gives me 336 kW. Close enough with
a little extra production capacity for sand storms. I consider this a power
production module. Solars -> Transformer -> Battery -> Distribution
My distribution is 2 tiered. Major and minor. The major receives all power from
the solar modules and splits it up to my main structures as well as a couple of
minor distribution transformers. The reason for the minor ones is that (afaik)
you can’t set fractional percentages in the transformers.
To work around this i provide the minor ones with around 100 kW because then
I can pretend that I configure the minor ones in kW. The well gets 15% (so 15
kW), the big grinder 20% (so 20 kW), the antenna 4% (so 4 kW) and so on. This
makes it easy to reconfigure when adding more power. I just have to keep the
minor distribution transformers at at least 100 kW and they will do the rest.
Previously I tried to remember that yeah, this one requires X kW and this
other Y kW. Nope, always 100
Heavy Rover Reset:
At some point in your Martian career you’re bound to encounter a situation
where you have to push the emergency RESET ROVER button in your landing capsule,
which will return the rover to a fixed location near the capsule.
This is unfortunate if you’ve elected to build something on that spot. The rover
will just plonk itself in the middle of whatever.
To avoid that I push the reset button right after I build the rover – quicksave
first, just in case it goes wrong.
Then I build four Light Poles (power optional) in a square as a boundary around
the rover’s reset location, ensuring I don’t forget to keep structures out of
that location.
* Heavy Rover Reset Pen
Starting Off Tips:
Written by Quark
I died a lot in this game. Here is some insight into early game play.
-=Starting Off=-
Okay so you just hit the dirt on Mars in a pod. The first couple of times I
played I accidentally died because I didn’t know what I was doing. Pay attention
to the suits warnings it can save you.
At night it gets cold and it can hurt you so you want to get back into your
pod pretty soon after it gives the temperature drop warning.
You need to know a few things about the pod:
* There is a printer in there for small objects. You can put ore into there and
then print stuff like pipes and plates. You can get ore by using the jackhammer
tool on the rock formations outside.
* There is also a place for refilling your oxygen bottle. You just click on the
screen then say refill your bottle. After that it shows up on the right and
you can grab it. You may need to switch which bottle you have equipped to get
it functioning correctly.
* You gotta grab all the stuff from the overhead compartments in the pod.
* Also it seems down on the right in the pod a medium chip keeps appearing.
I’d nab it when you see it.
* You can sleep for awhile on the chairs in the pod.
You are going to want to immediately make a well so you can get water. On the
end of the well is a pipe and you can just press the button on it to suck up
some water into your H2O tank. The well is kinda self powering because it has a
solar panel on it.
Then you want to make a workshop so you can get food. You need to put power and
water into your base so the plants have light and food. You can put a plant
incubator and the seed modifier in there and a bed. Then just use your potato
seed gun to fill up the slots in the incubator with potatoes.
Then after they grow switch them to the other grow bed. There is another machine
that processes the food into sealed packages. I’ve been doing half potatoes to
seed and half to rations and I am not running out of either.
Once you are stable and safe its pretty easy.
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