Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure | |
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Oddsparks: An Automation Adventure
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
How to Not Get Them to Die when the Collector is Full:
I’ve just been setting up a long, long, loooonng line of bins that I
come and empty every now and then (keeping some, but generally just
dumping contents on the ground). It’d be nice to have a proper “dump”
type container for this particular building.
Before long you’ll be able to use the miasma (if you don’t have it
already), but the building that uses it doesn’t use enough of it. Then
the building that uses the output of THAT moves slowly too, and I can’t
use up the output of that either.
Basically no matter what you do, something along the chain won’t use
its input fast enough and the chain will back up all the way back to
the miasma vials, which you just have to dump on the ground.
What’s the Benefit of Spark Activator and Spark Itemizer?:
There are many conceptual uses for them. For example, having sparks
walk themselves back to a central location when the mechanism they are
feeding is saturated (so that after a quest completes automatically
disables the production line). And then setup something to reactivate
them when it empties out.
Personally I had the spark activator so that sparks walk themselves
back to a central location after creation, an archive where I held all
of my token sparks. They’d be created, activate, walk a path only once
without having to wait for someone to ferry them and deactivate on my
filtered spark storage.
For hauling sparks it lets you use a single one that travels throughout
mountain elevations with its cargo while a single stumpy on each base
station aids with that, instead of needing multiple hauling sparkies
for each segment.
How to deactivate production line once itemizer is full?:
When itemizer is full sparks don’t convert so they pass it by, you can
use that to start triggering other parts of a supply line to deactivate
by having the path not travelled otherwise start a chain reaction.
Probably using a token of some sort, haven’t really tried doing that
myself, but it should be possible somehow (on what size of a footprint
is another matter entirely).
Best Seed Codes:
* Seed: 79736
I have completed the game on this seed and found quite a few nice advantages
on it:
* Under the middle teleport are 6 Ancient Bases which I used for spark creation
(3 stumpy, 1 sparky, 1 choppy and 1 carry), on the right to it are 3 Giant
trees and on the left side another 2 for short access to the wood products
needed to create the sparks.
* North of the middle teleport are 3 Beelephant spawns and 2 Spunny Burrows for
easy early game Aetheric Pellet/Clump farming.
* Because the 2 Mantis camps are on the edge of the Woodlands, the issue of
running into them by mistake is very small.
* The rocky spark shrine is directly at the entrance of the mountains in the
middle of the map with a giant Rock right next to it on the same plattform,
perfect to kickstart rocky spark production.
* Quite a few giant rocks are close to the woodlands and giant trees for short
routes to produce combined wood/stone products (like Dowsing stones, Explosives,
Stone Spikes and the 2 types of vials).
* Only thing im not so happy about is the distance between the middle ancient
Bases and some Giant rocks, I still have to find the right place for automating
the rock sparks, I think the right side north of the Hauling Spark will be the
place to go for this. There was teleporter close by but is missing now, after
I completed all the quests.
* Seed: 98786
I like that there is only two spark locations farther away than the other 3 RN and
there are two different Mantis Spawns.
* Seed: 69420
* Seed: 81347
* Seed: 52214
* Seed: 53698
Seed: 60302
* Rocky spark station directly above closest mountain waypoint and scounty shrine
directly above it.
* Slashy spark station directly next to middle left waypoint.
* Lot’s a trees near shrines and most are close (bottom left is loamy).
* Bit of a treck between the north east and west plain areas given how far the
aypoints are.
* Not lot of ancient bases near the edge of the mountain biome.
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