Over The Phone Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Over The Phone | |
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Over The Phone
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
100% Full Walkthrough & Achievement Guide:
Written by YouGotHitByGunner
This is an optimized step-by-step walkthrough of the game.
* (Decline) No, don't use my photos.
* (Calm) Yeah, my phone number is 704-555-5253.
* (Joking) It's probably the first time anyone's had this issue,
but my internet is down.
* (Grateful) Thanks for the tip.
* (Assuring) I know.
* (Considerate) You don't have to do that.
-=Choose any TV show=-
* (Doubtful) Nooo, I need your help.
* (Dry) Take your time.
* (Interested) So, your last name is some kind of animal?
* Answer with: griffin
* (Direct) I guess I made a good impression, for you to text me.
* (Facetious) Kinda wish you'd sent a better photo, but...
* (Inquisitive) Before or after we got off the phone?
* (Nonchalant) I see. I see.
* (Proud) Well, I have been doing it a long time.
* Travel
* (Curious) What have you been reading?
* (Ambiguous) Yeah, I will if I have time.
* (Bantering) Aww, were you sad?
* (Goofy) Like a Hoover.
* (Overwhelmed) It's hard to wrap my mind around that to be honest.
* (Skeptical) Seems kinda out there.
* (Understanding) Seems to make sense to you, ha.
* (Indifferent) Just didn't feel like it.
* Go to the beach
* (Supportive) That's awesome! Congrats.
* Save 1
I don't know. I think it's just a coincidence. "Ending 1 unlocks"
* Load Save 1
* Yeah, I do.
* Approve of her decision "Ending 2A unlocks"
* Load Save 1
* Yeah, I do.
* Lie and push her away "Ending 2B unlocks"
Congratulations on your completion!
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