Payday - The Heist Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. | | |
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Payday - The Heist | |
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Payday - The Heist
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K.
Find important people:
If you need to find a bank manager or someone who has important items, wait
a few minutes and the game will display that person in orange through walls.
They should be taken hostage, for they sometimes count as civilians, and can
easily be found.
Special enemies:
There are numerous special enemies that can be quite a pain. You can make
it easier to see them and take them out by using the shout-out command while
aiming at them. Here are some of the enemies and what they do.
Police who wear yellow stripes. You will hear him charge the tazer before
firing at you. If shot, you will be unable to do anything but look around
while your character randomly fires at them. Try to aim at them in this
state. If tazed for too long, you will go down.
Black officers who have riot shields in front of them and try to move up.
They can be flanked easily and taken out from the side and back. Bullets
will not hurt them in the front. They are Very deadly when in a hallway.
Agents wearing green night-vision goggles. They will handcuff you to the
floor if they get too close. It is recommended that you take them out
Big bulky enemies covered in thick armor. They do massive damage if they
get too close and require a lot of bullets to be brought down. All fire
should be focused on them the moment they are identified. Headshot will
Although not a "Special Unit", they are deadly. Two shots will drain your
health. Either avoid them or take them out.
Assault waves:
Throughout the game, occasionally your contact will state "An assault is
coming in X seconds." Listen carefully to what he says. It is a hint of
special units coming in and when the assault is soon to end. Each wave
lasts for a about five minutes, depending on how many officers you take
down. If you need to complete a time consuming objective, such as making
sure the saws in Panic Room are going, camp somewhere near there so you
can hold out easier and get the job done.
Note: Some missions have "escape" objectives, which means the wave will
never end until you either complete the mission or die. You will know
when this happens depending on the mission and what the contact yells.
Noob Herder Achievement Guide:
Written by Dpopbopzoppitydop the shwizdizzi
This is a guide i made where i try my best to explain how you can get the
Noob Herder achievement, this may require friends and/or a group of randoms
who are also looking for the achievement.
-=Step 1. Friends=-
Due to the very, very low amount of new players who play public lobbies in
Payday : The Heist you’ll need atleast 3 friends who own the game, this can
be easily done by simply playing public lobbies without being toxic and trying
your best
-=Step 2. Backup=-
If your friends are willing to reset their data for the achievement, you
should do your part too! even if they’re fine with you not resetting your
data to allow them to get the achievement they should still back their stuff up
You’ll want to go to Users -> (insert name) -> AppData -> Local -> PAYDAY
-> saves.
Once you find the file, back it up somehow.
-=Step 3. Resetting Your Data=-
This can be done by entering the game, going to settings and clicking on the
button, doing it this way keeps all stats but you lose everything, basically
allowing you to use the Noob Lube again
-=Step 4. Heist=-
You must do a heist in Overkill difficulty in order to get said achievement,
this can be hard as 3-4 people have no armor and are equipped mainly with the
B9-S, AMCAR-4 and maybe a deployable if they get a couple levels, these are
unupgraded weapons and will not do well in a difficulty this high (especially
the B9-S), it is recommended to do The Diamond Heist as you can get pretty
far without a fire fight, you can get as far as to the codes before it goes
loud, if you’re very lucky you can enter the vault before even going loud,
however you should either grab the gems fast or start the alarms outside the
vault as you’ll get a ton of units inside the vault
If you didn’t reset your data and a friend didn’t back up their data/someone
is genuinely new to the game you can use Mr Nice Guy to allow them to get more
cash as the perk stacks with Noob Lube, a 40% cash bonus can be somewhat useful
in these cases, if they did back up their data and aren’t new to the game you
can use something like Protector since these people won’t have armor
Only 1 person can be the grace of the team when it comes to getting this
achievement, bring a medic bag exclusively, however if it’s The Diamond Heist
you should bring the sentry gun and a grenade launcher to quickly get the gems
without having to worry about too much units in the vault as your little
scrunkly will kill those commies.
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Cheatbook-Database 2024 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs,
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